Content Posted in 2024
100,000th passenger on Arlington's Handitran service
10,000 Join in Bird Count, Jessie Maye Smith
1000 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1000 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1000 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1001 East Hubbard Street, Jay C. Henry
1001 East Hubbard Street, Jay C. Henry
1008 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
100 block of South Center Street, Arlington, Texas, Andrew J. Mahanay
100 block West Main Street, Arlington, Texas
100 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
100 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
100 South Center Street, Arlington, Texas
1012 North Main Street, W. D. Smith
1012 North Main Street, W. D. Smith
1012 North Main Street, W. D. Smith
101 North Wright, Jay C. Henry
1020 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1020 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1020 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1020 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
102 East Live Oak Street, Jay C. Henry
102 East Live Oak Street, Jay C. Henry
102 East Live Oak Street, Jay C. Henry
102 East Live Oak Street, Jay C. Henry
102 East Live Oak Street, Jay C. Henry
106 Big Spring Street (demolished), Jay C. Henry
106 Species Recorded in Bird Count, Jessie Maye Smith
10 Species of Colorful Woodpeckers Are Seen Here, Jessie Maye Smith
10 Years of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Cecil Thomson Studios
1108 Upson Drive, Jay C. Henry
1108 Upson Drive, Jay C. Henry
112 W. 5th Street, Jay C. Henry
112 W. 5th Street, Jay C. Henry
113 E. Franklin Street, Jay C. Henry
113 W. 5th Street, Jay C. Henry
114 S. Chadbourne Street, Jay C. Henry
114 S. Rogers Street, Jay C. Henry
115 S. Railroad Street, Jay C. Henry
116 E. 10th Street, Jay C. Henry
117 E. Concho Avenue, Jay C. Henry
117 E. Concho Avenue, Jay C. Henry
117 E. Concho Avenue, Jay C. Henry
11 Years of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Cecil Thomson Studios
1,200 Gather On Coast to Watch Birds, Jessie Maye Smith
120 Bird Species Recorded in County, Jessie Maye Smith
126 Bushnell Avenue, Jay C. Henry
126 Bushnell Avenue, Jay C. Henry
127 Bird Species Seen at Rockport, Jessie Maye Smith
128 points From Mason County by A Texas party at Breckenridge, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1303 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1306 Summit Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas named the Harding home
132nd Field Artillery boys arrive at Camp Bowie
132nd Field Artillery boys arrive at Camp Bowie
132nd field Artillery troops arriving at Camp Bowie at end of World War I
134 Commerce Street, Jay C. Henry
134 Commerce Street, Jay C. Henry
134 Commerce Street, Jay C. Henry
134 Commerce Street, Jay C. Henry
135,618 Birds of 103 Species Spoted in Holiday Count Here, Jessie Maye Smith
13 Week Training Program And the Senior Fitt Test, Jocelyn Jose
1400 Block, South Taylor Bungalow, Jay C. Henry
1416 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1420 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1420 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
146 Species Observed in Audubon Society s Bird Census, Jessie Maye Smith
1500 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1500 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
1509 Pennsylvania Avenue, known as Thistle Hill, Fort Worth, Texas
150 : final report, Texas 1986 Sesquicentennial Commission
"15 Facts You Should Know About Abortion" leaflet
15th Battalion Texas Defense Guard, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
15th Battalion Texas Defense Guard, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
15th Btn Hdqts. Texas State Guard, Breckenridge, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
15th Btn Hdqts. Texas State Guard, Breckenridge, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
160 Ornithological Society Members Achieve Club Goal, Jessie Maye Smith
163 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
16th and South Polk Building, Jay C. Henry
1712 South Polk House, Jay C. Henry
1721 South Tyler House, Jay C. Henry
17th District Convention, American Legion, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1800 block Washington, Jay C. Henry
1800 block Washington, Jay C. Henry
1804 35th Street, Jay C. Henry
1804 35th Street, Jay C. Henry
1806 South Tyler House, Jay C. Henry
1821 German cow pox vaccination certificate
1907 Maxwell Car, W. D. Smith
1907 Maxwell Car, W. D. Smith
1915(c) Medicaid Waivers for Children With Severe Emotional Disturbance: Participant Characteristics, Enrollment, and Out-of-Home Service Use, Genevieve Graaf, Emily Whitfield, and Lonnie Snowden
1922 Johnson Station county basketball champs
1926 Breckenridge High School Buckarettes Girls Basketball Team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1927 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1927 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1927 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1928 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1928 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1928 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1928 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1929 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1929 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1931 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1931 graduating class at Caddo High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1932 graduating class at Breckenridge Junior High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1933 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1934-1935 Breckenridge High School football team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1934 Breckenridge High School football team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1935-1936 Buckaroo Band - B.H.S. - Breckenridge, Texas - Prof[esor] J. C. Burkett, Director, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1935 graduating class at Breckenridge High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1935 graduating class at Breckenridge Junior High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1935 graduating class at Parks High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1935 hunting trip - 17 deer - 128 points from Mason County, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1936 graduating class at Breckenridge Junior High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1936 volleyball BHS - Brekenridge, Tex., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1937 Buckaroo Queen, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1937 Buckaroo Queen, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1937 Davis Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1937 graduating class at Breckenridge High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1938 Breckenridge, Texas High School graduating class, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1938 Davis Family Reunion, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1939 Breckenridge, Texas High School graduating class, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1939 Breckenridge, Texas High School graduating class, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1940 Breckenridge, Texas High School graduating class, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1940 graduating class with faculty committee at Breckenridge Junior High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1941 Breckenridge, Texas High School graduating class, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1941 golf tournament, W. D. Smith
1942 Breckenridge, Texas High School graduating class, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1945 graduating class for Breckenridge Junior High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1946 Gandy Christmas Tree, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1946 graduating class for Breckenridge Junior High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1947 graduating class for Breckenridge Junior High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
1950 aerial of downtown Arlington, Texas
1950 Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show program
1951 Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show program
1953 Houston Fat Stock Show, Bill Wood Photo Company
1956 Fall Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
1957 Plymouth automobile, W. D. Smith
1957 Plymouth Taxi, W. D. Smith
1958 Chevy Impala, Joshua Cupps
1958 Five Year service pin awards, W. D. Smith
1958 Saw Interesting Bird Visits, Too, Jessie Maye Smith
1960 a Memorable Year of Birds Here, Jessie Maye Smith
1963 strike by I. L. G. W. U., Local 180
"1968 Electoral College Breakdown"
1974 Christmas card of Tom Vandergriff and family in their yard
1980-2011 - Martin + Nature + Students: an Overview, Martin Price
1980.2 - Student Housing UTA, Martin Price and Robert Meckfessel
1980 Texas outdoor recreation plan : 1981-1983 action program, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Comprehensive Planning Branch
1982.2 - Housing Arlington, Martin Price, Randol Byrd, and Kevin Crumpler
1983.2 - Student Centre UTA, Martin Price, Jay Hoffman, and Darrel Fields
1984 in 1894: Harben's Land of the Changing Sun, Kenneth M. Roemer
1985 Texas outdoor recreation plan : 1986-1987 action program, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
1985 Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan : local government project review procedures : land & water conservation fund and Texas local parks, recreation and open space fund programs in Texas : an addendum to the state summary, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Comprehensive Planning Branch
1986.2 - Community Centre Hwy 30 Arlington, Martin Price, Robin D. Hudson, and Joseph Scott Briant
1987.1 - Resonating with the Highway, Arlington, Martin Price
1988-1989 action program : 1985 Texas outdoor recreation plan, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
1988.1 - Viking Ship Museum at Chicago Lakefront, Martin Price and Cliff Welch
1990.1 - Boatel at Joe Pool Lake, Arlington, Martin Price
1990.2 - Ecology Museum Alliance Airport, Martin Price and Kathleen Korba
1990 coop program, Texas Department of Commerce and Texas Tourism Division
1990 TORP--assessment and policy plan, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Consumer Planning Section, Maria I. Araujo, and James A. DeLoney
1991.2 - La Jolla Offices and Hotel, Martin Price and Melissa Bernard
1992.1 - Theatre 3 at the Meyerson, Dallas, Martin Price
1993.2 - Texas History Museum Arlington, Martin Price
1994.1 - Housing Warsaw Poland, Martin Price
1994.2 - Nature Centre River Legacy Park, Arlington, Martin Price
1995.2 - Concert Hall Fort Worth, Martin Price and Per Johan Dahl
1995 TORP : open project selection process : an addendum to the assessment and policy plan, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Consumer Research, Roxane Eley, James A. DeLoney, and Kelly Dziekan
1997.2 - Opera House Dallas, Martin Price and Patrick Cox
1998.2 - Aquarium Bilbao, Martin Price, Chy-tseh Che, and Dani Alsina-Tora
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Alison Barker
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Alison Barker
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Alison Barker
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Alison Barker
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Alison Barker
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Alison Barker
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Alison Barker
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1998 Miss Gay South USofA at Large Pageant, Ellie Markovitch
1999.1 - Nasher Sculptural Centre Dallas, Martin Price
1999.2 - Abandoibarra Composite Bilbao, Martin Price and John Martin Oury
19th Street Train Yards, W. D. Smith
1/f Noise In Hafnium Based High-k Gate Dielectric MOSFETS And A Review Of Modeling, Siva Prasad Devireddy
1st National Bank building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
1st National Bank building, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
1st National Bank building, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
1st National Bank building, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
1st National Bank building, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
2000.1 - Casino with Indoor Skiing, Las Vegas, Martin Price and Katherine Galpin
2000.2 - Music Centre Hwy 30 Arlington, Martin Price
2000 state of Texas consolidated plan : one-year action plan, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and Texas Housing Resource Center
2001.1 - Movie Theatres Metroplex, Martin Price and Heath MacDonald
2001.2 - Natural History Museum Dallas, Martin Price
2002.2 - Andorra Parliament, Martin Price, D'Jelma Perkison, Jason Thomas Hanson, Michael Jared Steltzlen, and Amanda G. Fisher
2002 state of Texas consolidated plan : one-year action plan : draft for public comment, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
2003.1 - Grand Prix Racetrack, Martin Price and Jan Damiecki
2003.2 - Community Centre at DART, Martin Price, David Birt, and Komsorn Khamthians
2004.1 - Folding into Grand Avenue Los Angeles, Martin Price, Adele Signey Cuartelon, Trung Dinh Ngo, Tasuku Nishiura, Taisuke Tsuji, Sarah Ann Frank, Robert Lee Miller, Yuh-Feng Chou, Marcin Stanislaw Sztyk, Christina Mar Grierson, Richard Charles Jones, Ross Elliott McCaskill, Yevgeniya Teplitskaya, Douglas Aldrich, and Andrzej Pinno
2004.2 - South Campus Cosa, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, Martin Price and Jenda Michl
2005.1 - Replace Santa Monica Place with a Shopping Entertainment Cultural Residential Complex, Martin Price, Bryce Nichols, Christopher Sias, Miguel Perez, Douglas Aldridge, and Heath MacDonald
2005.2 - Joining Edgemar Santa Monica, Martin Price, Paul Baca, Douglas Aldridge, and Mario Segovia
2006.1 - Folding into Civic Centre Santa Monica, Martin Price and Matthew West
2006.2 - Folding Santa Monica Museum of Art into the Pier, Martin Price
2006 Crowd at a game, University Photographer
2007.1 - Groundscrapers on Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, Martin Price and Michael Kosbab
2007.2 - The Design High School, Los Angeles, Martin Price, Sean Farrel, Douglas Aldridge, and Diogo Burnay
2008.1 - A Dance Facility for Los Angeles, Martin Price, Stephanie Cline, Craig Tomlin, Serge Aleksejevs, Ryan Thomason, Douglas Aldridge, and Heath MacDonald
2008.2 - Experimental Media Lab, Martin Price, Marcelo Barron, Randy McBrayer, Julie Morris, Isabel Rodriguez, Vincent Thibault, Lyly Diec, Nicholas Oliver, and Wes Thomas
2008 Southland Conference Trophy, University Photographer
2009.1 - Reno Ecology Centre, Nevada, Martin Price, Lluis Ruf, and Steven Scoggins
2009.2 - Performance Art Center Santa Monica, Martin Price, Brad Minton, Albert Hanna, Kate Yang, Sayako, Ravin Reddy, Ryan Quiggins, Douglas Aldridge, David Jones, Heath MacDonald, and Dalton Maroney
200 block of West 8th Street, Jay C. Henry
200 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
200 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
200 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
2010.1 - Media Arts Centre at Light Rail Station, South Pasadena, Martin Price, Timothy McCutcheon, Douglas Aldridge, and Paul Baca
2010.2 - A Voice Within: an Arena Theatre in South Pasadena, Martin Price, Adam Stanford, Matthew Jacobson, and Nicholas Rogers
2011.1 - A Light Rail Destination: Fourth Street Santa Monica, Martin Price, Jeremy Hoang, Pooja Desai, and Jacob Patton
2015 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Conference Schedule, UTA Graduate School and Berry Lisa
2015 Texas STEM Librarian's Conference Program, Texas STEM Librarians Conference 2015 Committee
2016 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Flyer, UTA Graduate School
2016 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Glossary of Terms Relevant to Research Collaborations, UTA Graduate School
2016 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Plenary Presentation: Responsible Research Collaboration, UTA Graduate School and Francis L. Macrina
2016 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Program, UTA Graduate School
2016 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Structure of Collaborations: an Example, UTA Graduate School and Jim Grover
2016 Annual Research Integrity Symposium University and Regulatory Considerations: ORGANIZING REGULATED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES, UTA Graduate School, Jeremy Forsberg, and Kirstin Morningstar
2017 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Program, UTA Graduate School
2018 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Keynote Speaker - Simine Vazire, Ph.D., UTA Graduate School
2018 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Program, UTA Graduate School
2019 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Keynote Speaker - Xinning Shirley Liu, UTA Graduate School
2019 Annual Research Integrity Symposium Program, UTA Graduate School
201 NE 8th Street, Jay C. Henry
2021 Publishing Your First Article, Yumi Ohira and Katherine Willeford
2055 Ward Parkway, Donald M. Cohen
208 Bushnell Avenue, Jay C. Henry
209 E. Purisima Street, Jay C. Henry
209 E. Purisima Street, Jay C. Henry
209 E. Purisima Street, Jay C. Henry
209 Species Seen Tour of Honduras Rich in Birdlife, Jessie Maye Smith
210 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
210 North Oak Street, Jay C. Henry
210 North Oak Street, Jay C. Henry
21 Bird Species Seen on Society Outing, Jessie Maye Smith
21st annual convention of the Texas State Federation of Labor at the "Alamo," San Antonio, Texas
21st annual convention of the Texas State Federation of Labor at the "Alamo," San Antonio, Texas, C. L. Steinle
22nd annual convention of the Texas State Federation of Labor in Beaumont, Texas, Vinock
234 Beauregard Avenue, Jay C. Henry
24th annual convention of the Texas State Federation of Labor in Galveston, Texas, Joseph Michael Maurer
251 Brahan Street, Jay C. Henry
255 Brahan Street, Jay C. Henry
25th and North Main Streets, W. D. Smith
25th and North Main Streets, W. D. Smith
25th and North Main Streets, W. D. Smith
25th anniversary party at River Crest Country Club, W. D. Smith
25th anniversary party at River Crest Country Club, W. D. Smith
25th anniversary party at River Crest Country Club, W. D. Smith
25th anniversary party at River Crest Country Club, W. D. Smith
25th anniversary party at River Crest Country Club, W. D. Smith
25th anniversary party at River Crest Country Club, W. D. Smith
25th Anniversary Program, organization unknown, W. D. Smith
25-year employees, W. D. Smith
25-year employees, W. D. Smith
25-Year Pin Presentation to Clarence Taylor (American Airlines), W. D. Smith
2600 Stonewall Street, Jay C. Henry
27 Species of Birds Seen on Dismal Day, Jessie Maye Smith
28th Annual Convention of the Texas State Federation of Labor in Amarillo, Texas
2945 Lubbock Avenue, Donald M. Cohen
2 Exotic Land Species Now Found in Florida, Jessie Maye Smith
2 Kinglet Types Tiny but Sturdy, Jessie Maye Smith
2M Refrigeration Plant, W. D. Smith
2 Sides View Eagle Issue, Jessie Maye Smith
2 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
2 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
2 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
2 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
2 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
300 15th Street, Jay C. Henry
300 2nd Street, Jay C. Henry
300 Key African American Literary Texts., Kenton Rambsy and Howard Rambsy
302 Raguet Street, Jay C. Henry
302 Raguet Street, Jay C. Henry
302 Raguet Street, Jay C. Henry
306 Prairie Avenue, Jay C. Henry
306 Prairie Avenue, Jay C. Henry
307 Eighth Street, Jay C. Henry
316 Prairie Avenue, Jay C. Henry
#317 Texas Electric Railway car
319 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
31st annual convention of the Texas State Federation of Labor in San Antonio, Texas, H. L. Summerville
3241 Waits Avenue, Donald M. Cohen
3404 Washington, Jay C. Henry
3404 Washington, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
342 Wilkins Avenue, Jay C. Henry
3505 O Street, Jay C. Henry
3505 O Street, Jay C. Henry
3505 Turtle Creek, Dallas, ca. 1962, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
3524 Lee Street, Jay C. Henry
3524 Lee Street, Jay C. Henry
3525 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
3525 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
3525 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
3525 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
3525 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
3525 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
3525 Turtle Creek, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
3,5-Bis(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)pyrazolyl complexes of Coinage Metals, Jaspreet Singh Lakhi
360 Degree Posture Detection In Mobile And Desktop Version Of Aasan, Dhruva Malik
36th Division Memorial Stone dedicated during 25th reunion of Camp Bowie during World War I
38th annual convention of the Texas State Federation of Labor in Waco, Texas, Fred Gildersleeve
3932 Mattison Avenue Apartments, W. D. Smith
3932 Mattison Avenue Apartments, W. D. Smith
3932 Mattison Avenue Apartments, W. D. Smith
3-D Fracture Study Of The BEoL Cu/Low-k Stack To Assess And Mitigate The CPI Risk During The Reflow Process, Zaeem Baig
3-dimensional Scanning And Reconstruction Using A Modified HRT-RCM Corneal Confocal Microscope, Saurabh Vaidya
3D Interconnects For Die And Wafer Stacks, Rachita Dewan
3D Printing Processes Applied to the Creation of Glass Art, Morgan Chivers
3 Enjoy Utopianism Near Johnson Home, Jessie Maye Smith
3 people on a mule near waterfall
3rd and Reynolds Street Building, Jay C. Henry
3rd and Throckmorton Streets, W. D. Smith
3rd Stage Yeast Fermenting Separator Tank, Carling Brewery
400 S. Denton Street, Jay C. Henry
400 S. Denton Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Lamar Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Lamar Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Lamar Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Lamar Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Lamar Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Lamar Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Lamar Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Louisiana Street, Jay C. Henry
401 West Louisiana Street, Jay C. Henry
404 W. Hidalgo Avenue (demolished), Jay C. Henry
404 W. Hidalgo Avenue (demolished), Jay C. Henry
407 Columbus Avenue, Jay C. Henry
40 Oaks Shopping Center, W. D. Smith
40 Oaks Shopping Center, W. D. Smith
40th Anniversary Spring Ceremonial Group, W. D. Smith
414 Thaner Lane, Jay C. Henry
414 Thaner Lane, Jay C. Henry
414 Thaner Lane, Jay C. Henry
414 Thaner Lane, Jay C. Henry
414 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
415 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
422-24 15th Street, Jay C. Henry
440 W. Beauregard Avenue (Spanish Courts), Jay C. Henry
440 W. Beauregard Avenue (Spanish Courts), Jay C. Henry
48 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
48 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
48 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
48 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
48 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
48 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
4H Club, Breckenridge, Texas, 1927, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
4 H Club suckers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
4th Annual Research Integrity Symposium, UTA Libraries
4th of July, de La Fosse Lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
4th of July, Eastland, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
4th of July parade on Elm Street, Dallas, Texas
4th of July picnic, Arlington, Texas
500,000th visitor to Six Flags Over Texas
500 Center Avenue, Jay C. Henry
500 Center Avenue, Jay C. Henry
500 Center street, Jay C. Henry
500 Main Street, Jay C. Henry
5017 Swiss Avenue, Jay C. Henry
503 South Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
503 South Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
503 South Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
503 South Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
505 15th Street, Jay C. Henry
50-man Trinity River Authority (T.R.A.) delegation to Washington, D. C.
50th wedding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Grayson near Nocona, Texas
50th wedding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Gandy, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
517 North Kentuky (demolished), Jay C. Henry
517 North Kentuky (demolished), Jay C. Henry
517 North Kentuky (demolished), Jay C. Henry
52 Varieties of Birds Counted On Audbon Society Field Trip, Jessie Maye Smith
53 Species Make Endangered List, Jessie Maye Smith
5405, Jay C. Henry
5507-5515 San Jacinto, Jay C. Henry
5507-5515 San Jacinto, Jay C. Henry
555 Griffin Square building, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
55 Species of Birds Seen by Observers, Jessie Maye Smith
55 Whoopers Arrive on Coast; Hope Held Out for Missing 8, Jessie Maye Smith
5600 San Jacinto, Jay C. Henry
5600 San Jacinto, Jay C. Henry
5600 San Jacinto, Jay C. Henry
5 cm Gap Injury Repair: Growth Factor Support And Functional Analysis In A Rabbit Common Peroneal Nerve Model, Princy K. Prasad
5 Species of Warbler Counted Here Recently, Jessie Maye Smith
5th Annual Shrine Circus, W. D. Smith
5th Annual Shrine Circus, W. D. Smith
5th Annual Shrine Circus, W. D. Smith
5th Annual Shrine Circus, W. D. Smith
5th IC4N Book of Abstracts, Efstathios Meletis, Nikolaos Kanellopoulos, Constantin Politis, and Wolfram Schommers
60 Bird Species In Scene of Beauty, Jessie Maye Smith
612 East College Street, Jay C. Henry
612 East College Street, Jay C. Henry
6421 Camp Bowie, Jay C. Henry
6421 Camp Bowie, Jay C. Henry
6421 Camp Bowie, Jay C. Henry
6421 Camp Bowie, Jay C. Henry
6421 Camp Bowie, Jay C. Henry
6421 Camp Bowie, Jay C. Henry
'65 Saw Feathered Chums Nested, Protected, Inspected, Jessie Maye Smith
6th and Ash Street, Jay C. Henry
6th and Broadway Street, Jay C. Henry
6th and Broadway Street, Jay C. Henry
6th IC4N Book of Abstracts, Efstathios Meletis, Constantin Politis, Wolfram Schommers, and Nikolaos Kanellopoulos
6th Street, Jay C. Henry
701 Mansion Street, Marshall, Michigan
705 North College Street, Jay C. Henry
711 North Crockett Street, Jay C. Henry
714 East College Street, Jay C. Henry
714 East College Street, Jay C. Henry
715 North Patrick Street, Jay C. Henry
715 North Patrick Street, Jay C. Henry
720 South Travis Street, Jay C. Henry
720 South Travis Street, Jay C. Henry
76 Species Of Birds Noted Here, Jessie Maye Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council Session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, 1950, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council Session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, 1950, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council Session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, 1950, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council Session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, 1950, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council Session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, 1950, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council Session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, 1950, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council Session in Los Angeles (Al-Malaikah), June 19-23, 1950, W. D. Smith
76th Imperial Council Session in Los Angeles (Al Malaika), June 19-23, W. D. Smith
78 Species Counted in Greer Island Bird Census, Jessie Maye Smith
7 Species of American Birds Adorn Cards for Christmas, Jessie Maye Smith
7th and Taylor Street, downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
7th Annual Shrine Circus at the Will Rogers Coliseum, W. D. Smith
7th Annual Shrine Circus at the Will Rogers Coliseum, W. D. Smith
7th Annual Shrine Circus at the Will Rogers Coliseum, W. D. Smith
7th Annual Shrine Circus at the Will Rogers Coliseum, W. D. Smith
7th grader, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
7th Street and Avenue D, Jay C. Henry
7th Street and Avenue E, Jay C. Henry
7th Street and Taylor, Jay C. Henry
7th Street looking East, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
7th Street looking East, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
8000 Bales of Cotton at Compress
8000 Bales of Cotton at Compress
800 Houston Building (demolished 1997), Jay C. Henry
805 N. Estrella Street (Roma-Los Saenz Historic District, Jay C. Henry
815 North 4th Avenue, Jay C. Henry
817 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
824th Food Service Squadron barracks at Carswell Air Force Base
847 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
88 Species Seen in Annual Bird Count, Jessie Maye Smith
8th and S. Polk Street, Jay C. Henry
8th Street, Jay C. Henry
8th Street and Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
8thStreet and Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
8th Street from Railroad, Jay C. Henry
8 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
8 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
8 Tiel Way, Jay C. Henry
900 block of Main Street, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
902 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
902 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
907 North Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
907 North Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
907 North Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
9/11 Memorial Observation at UTA
9/11 Memorial Observation at UTA
9/11 Memorial Observation at UTA
9/11 Memorial Observation at UTA
9/11 Memorial Observation at UTA
912 W. Main Street, Jay C. Henry
915 North 4th Avenue, Jay C. Henry
915 North 4th Avenue, Jay C. Henry
915 North 4th Avenue, Jay C. Henry
931 North Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
931 North Austin Street, Jay C. Henry
9th and Houston Street, downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
9th and Houston streets, Fort Worth; on far right is the Renfro building with Rexal Drugs
A 10-wheeler grain truck parked in the sunlight, W. D. Smith
A 25 cent admission ticket to the Thurber Opera House, Thurber, Texas
A4 Yeast Separator and A3 3rd Stage Fermenting Tank, Carling Brewery
A 520-Year Conversation, Darryl Lauster
A 9,000-year-old caribou hunting structure beneath Lake Huron, Ashley Lemke, Elizabeth P. Sonnenburg, Robert G. Reynolds, Brian D. Abbott, and John M. O’Shea
AAA Southwest Motor Club Inc. building, W. D. Smith
AAA Southwest Motor Club Inc. interior, W. D. Smith
AAA Southwest Motor Club Inc. interior, W. D. Smith
AAA Southwest Motor Club Inc. interior, W. D. Smith
AAA Southwest Motor Club Inc. interior, W. D. Smith
AAA Southwest Motor Club Inc. interior, W. D. Smith
AAA Southwest Motor Club Inc. interior, W. D. Smith
AAFSA Newsletter, Araina Ore
AAFSA Newsletter, Princey Varghese
AAFSA Newsletter: Christmas edition, Araina Ore
A. A. Johnson pulling one out of Lake Kemp, May 1, 1928, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A&A Liquors, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
A&A Liquors- exterior, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
A&A Liquors - interior, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
A&A Liquors - interior, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
A-Argus Kodachrome Prints, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aaron Copland with Grace Ward Lankford
A baby girl lying in her crib and holding a toy, W. D. Smith
A baby girl sitting on a bed and laughing, W. D. Smith
A baby in a small crib, W. D. Smith
A baby propped up on a pillow in a crib, W. D. Smith
A balance sheet in old Waples-Platter Company ledger
A band in an Oil Belt fair parade, Baird, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A band performance at a football game, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A band playing at a football game, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A band plays in a convention hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
A banquet room with a wooden dance floor surrounded by carpet, W. D. Smith
A baptism being held in a river near Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A baptism being held in a river near Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A barbed wire fence, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Abbott Coin Counter Company exhibit in a convention hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Abbott Coin Counter Company exhibit in a convention hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Abbott Coin Counter Company exhibit in a convention hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Abbott Hoecker, W. D. Smith
Abdou Building, Jay C. Henry
Abdou Building, Jay C. Henry
Abdou Building, Jay C. Henry
Abdou Building (115 N. Mesa Street), Jay C. Henry
Abdou Building (115 N. Mesa Street), Jay C. Henry
Abdou Building (115 N. Mesa Street), Jay C. Henry
Abe Cimijotti on his horse, Count, Robbins Brothers Circus, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bedroom (approximately 1940s), W. D. Smith
A bedroom in a modern home, W. D. Smith
A Behavioral Study of Supply Chain Inventory Management, Yan Lang
A Biochemical Approach To Determine The Target Site Recognition Mechanism Of The R2 Retrotransposable Elements, Blaine K. Thompson
A biplane used by American troops during Mexican Revolution along the border
A bird, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bird's eye view of a picnic, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bird's eye view of a picnic, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bird's eye view of a picnic, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A Bisection Method for the Banded Hyperbolic Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem, Ahmed T. Ali
A black bear held captive in a cage, W. D. Smith
A boat on a lake, W. D. Smith
A boat on a lake, W. D. Smith
A boat on a lake, W. D. Smith
A boat speeding across a lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bond note from Hurbert King against Charles Crawford
A Border Crossing Station, Brownsville, Texas, Steven Quevedo, Todd Hamilton, John Maruszczak, and Bill Boswell
A Border Crossing Station, Brownsville, Texas, Steven Quevedo
A Boswell Dairies milk truck, W. D. Smith
A bouquet of flowers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
About Jessie Maye Smith, Brenda McClurkin
About the Jessie Maye Smith Birds and Watchers Columns Collection, Brenda McClurkin
A box of assorted Stripling's chocolate candies, W. D. Smith
A box of assorted Stripling's chocolate candies, W. D. Smith
A box of assorted Stripling's chocolate candies, W. D. Smith
A boy holding a chicken, W. D. Smith
A. B. Poe Residence (1508 North Mesa), Jay C. Henry
Abrading the enigma of the wound healing process: Modeling the inflammation, proliferation, and maturation stage, Amanda Patrick
Abraham Lincoln and Lady Liberty, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Abram and Center streets, Arlington, Texas
A Breckenridge, Texas fire truck, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bride with bridesmaids and flower girls, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bridge for automobile traffic crosses a river, possibly the Brazos River, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A Brief Study Of Cognition, Alfred Brown
A bright future for rural communities : a guide to economic development, Texas Department of Agriculture
A bright future for rural communities : a guide to economic development, Texas Department of Agriculture
Absenteeism and beyond: instructional time loss and consequences, Helen Abadzi
Absent Father Timing, Criminal Behavior, and Arrest Across the Life Course, Krysta N. Knox
Absolute Minimization by Supercomputer Computation, Donald Greenspan
Abstract Owl Lacks Both Beak and Talons, Jessie Maye Smith
Abstract pencil drawing of an abstract head
Abstract watercolor by Bror Utter, W. D. Smith and Bror Utter
A building at Texas Christian University (T. C. U.), W. D. Smith
A building on the campus of Our Lady of Victory Academy, W. D. Smith
A building on the campus of Our Lady of Victory Academy, W. D. Smith
A building on the campus of Our Lady of Victory Academy, W. D. Smith
A building with a flat roof, W. D. Smith
A building with door and windows open, W. D. Smith
A bull standing in a pasture, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bull stands in a corral at possibly a rodeo or fair, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A bungalow-style house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Abuse, Trauma, And Social Bonding In The Etiology Of Female Delinquency, Louis Dwayne Laster
A bushel of wildflowers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A business machines store, W. D. Smith
A butcher weighing an animal carcass on a scale, W. D. Smith
Abu Yilla during Freewheelers game, Mark Johnson
Abu Yilla during Freewheelers game
Abu Yilla, Monique Jannette, and Terry Jessup
A cabinet manufactured by Mr. Pier, W. D. Smith
Academic Achievement Among Psychology Undergraduates Enrolled In WebCT-assisted Research Design And Statistics Courses, Susan Annette Autrey
Academic achievement in relation to improved physical activity, Cassie Duff
Academic Experiences Of Former AVID Hispanic Students In Higher Education, Erin Fogleman
Academic Factors That Contribute To Pre-licensure Nursing Student Persistence, Cecilia Flores
Academic Optimism And Academic Success: An Explanatory Case Study, Jeffrey Neil Mishoe
Academic Stress and Extracurriculars: An Examination of In-Group Identification, Participation Motivation, and Stress in College, Rebecca Roten
Academic Trajectories Of Community College Students: A Comparative Study Of GED Recipients And Traditional High School Graduates, Karen Leigh Blue
A Calibration Chamber for Thermo-hydro-mechanical Studies of Soil Behavior via Resonant Column Testing, Daniel R. C. Green
A cannon sits outside the Stephens County Courthouse, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A canopy of trees, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A can quart pasteurizer of Carling Brewery
A car can be seen parked by the Lorraine electrical substation., W. D. Smith
A car covered with flowers, decorated by West Texas Decorating Co., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A car driving on a street in Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A caricature of Hooker Vandergriff
A car in a parking lot, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A car in the water, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A carnival and circus, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A car/truck with a polished wooden cargo bed from Mutual Motor Company, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A Case of Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth or Many Hands Make Light Work? A Departmental OER Case Study, Kimberly Breuer and Stephanie Cole
A Case Study Of North Texas Area Community Health Centers, Inc. And The Implementation Of Integrated Health Care, Brittany H. Eghaneyan
A Causal Analysis Of Developmental Assets, Behaviors And Delinquency Among Hispanic Youth In Texas, Jackson Nascimento De Carvalho
Accelerated Performance Degradation of Single-Phase Cold Plates for Direct-to-chip Liquid Cooled Data Centers, Lochan Sai Reddy Chinthaparthy
Accelerated Simulation Of Supercapacitors Using Order Reduction Techniques And Waveform Relaxation Methods, Fatih Cingoz
Accelerated Thermal Cycling of Printed Circuit Board for Single Phase Immersion Cooling systems, Surya Duraisamy Asokan
Accelerating Human-Agent Collaborative Reinforcement Learning, Fotios Lygerakis, Maria Dagioglou, and Vangelis Karkaletsis
Acceptability of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Free-Living Healthy Individuals: Implications for the Use of Wearable Biosensors in Diet and Physical Activity Research, Yue Liao and Susan Schembre
Acceptance Of Systems Development Methodologies: Testing A Theoretically Integrated Model, Nancy A. Bonner
Access for Whom? OER and Disability Services, Michelle Reed and Joshua Mitchell
Accessibility Statement, Michelle Reed
Accessing Opportunities Through Active Transportation in Arlington, Texas, Kevin Shane Pace and Ivonne Audirac
Access To Mental Health Care: Clients Perception Of Services Provided By Agape Clinic And Community Care, Erika Ruiz
Accident at 10th & Summit, W. D. Smith
Accident at 1300 New Orleans Oldsmobile, License Plate DJ9993, W. D. Smith
Accident at 200 Bailey, W. D. Smith
Accident at 200 Bailey, W. D. Smith
Accident at 5th and Penn Streets, W. D. Smith
Accident at Crowley, W. D. Smith
Accident at Crowley, W. D. Smith
Accident at Crowley, W. D. Smith
Accident at Rosedale & Hemphill, W. D. Smith
Accident at Rosedale & Hemphill, W. D. Smith
Accident at Rosedale & Hemphill, W. D. Smith
Accident at Santa Fe Underpass, W. D. Smith
Accident in Decatur, W. D. Smith
Accident in Decatur, W. D. Smith
Accident involving a train & '55 Pontiac, W. D. Smith
Accident scene at Old Shirly Farm, W. D. Smith
Accident scene on Old Shirly Farm, W. D. Smith
Accident scene on South Freeway, W. D. Smith
Accident scene on South Freeway, W. D. Smith
Accident scene on South Freeway, W. D. Smith
Accident scene on South Freeway, W. D. Smith
Accident scene on South Freeway, W. D. Smith
Accident,Truck & Chevrolet, 6000 East Lancaster, W. D. Smith
Accomplished Surfers Select Prosaic Spot for Passing Time Off Beaten Trail, Jessie Maye Smith
Accountability In Texas: Predicting District Ratings Based On Indicators, Sarah Fitzhugh
Accounting for Temperature Effects on the Performance of Soil Moisture Sensors in Sandy Soils, Michelle Schwartz, Zhen Li, Toshihiro Sakaki, Ali Moradi, and Kathleen Smits
Account of documents received by Collin McKinney
Acculturation, Ethnic Identity, Resilience, Self-esteem And General Well-being: A Psychosocial Study Of Colombians In The United States, Candida R. Madrigal
Acculturative Stress And Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Latino And Asian Immigrants, Yajaira Villeda
Accurate And Cost Efficient Object Localization Using Passive UHF RFID, Jae Sung Choi
Accurate or Aspirational? A Rhetorical Analysis of One University's Representation of Student Diversity, Kristen Coady Spaeth
Accurate Quasi-Quantum Mechanical Numerical Methodology, Donald Greenspan
Accurate Three-dimensional Characterization Of The Nonlinear Material Constitutive Properties For Laminated Composite Materials, Julia Elaine Cline
A centipede, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A centipede, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A centipede, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A Central Limit Theorem for Certain Nonlinear Statistics in Repeated Sampling of a Finite Population, Chien-Pai Han and D. L. Hawkins
A Century of Chemistry Instruction at the College in Arlington: 1895-1995 (A Memoir and Scrapbook), Thomas James Cogdell
A cereal cooler and mash mixer
A. C. Greene Christmas card, ca. 1972
A. C. Greene Christmas card, undated
A chair against a wall, W. D. Smith
A chair next to a table with a horse statue, W. D. Smith
A chair next to a table with a lamp, W. D. Smith
A chair next to a table with a lamp, W. D. Smith
A chair next to a table with a lamp, W. D. Smith
A chair next to a table with a lamp, W. D. Smith
A chair with the upholstery cut away to show the construction quality, W. D. Smith
A chair with the upholstery cut away to show the springs and wood frame, W. D. Smith
A characterization of the Burr Type III and Type XII distributions through the method of percentiles and the Spearman correlation, Mohan Pant and Todd C. Headrick
A check and supporting documentation from the Texas Employers' Insurance Association to D. E. Marsden and Frank S. Roberts, his attorney, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A check and supporting documentation from the Texas Employers' Insurance Association to D. E. Marsden and Frank S. Roberts, his attorney, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cheerleader and football player of Arlington's Lamar High School Viking football
A chicken brooder, W. D. Smith
A chicken brooder, W. D. Smith
Achieving novel functionalities in semiconductor-crystalline oxide heterostructures through electrical and structural coupling, Kamyar Ahmadi-Majlan
Achieving Success in a Culture of Change: Reorganization and the Prospect of Positive Outcomes, Jeff Downing
A child in a tree, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A children riding a horse with a women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A children riding a horse with a women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A child riding a young bull, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A child standing on a rock surrounded by water, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A Christmas celebration, W. D. Smith
A Christmas Picture In The Home of H. G. Miller, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A Christmas tree and Nativity Scene display inside a bank, W. D. Smith
A Christmas tree and Nativity Scene display inside a bank, W. D. Smith
A church choir, W. D. Smith
A church congregation and choir, W. D. Smith
A church sanctuary, W. D. Smith
A church sanctuary, W. D. Smith
A circular driveway in front of a brick building, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A circus clown, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A City in Crisis: Communication Network, Ethics, and Power in the City of Dallas, Sana Salma Syed
A City in Crisis: Communication Network, Ethics, and Power in the City of Dallas, Sana Salma Syed
A CLABSI Guideline for Healthcare Personnel During a Pandemic, ABIODUN O. ADEJUMOBI Dr
A Clash Of Cultures: Cultural Differences Within American And Japanese Animation, Alexander Nghiem Frasier
A Clash of Cultures: Reaching Hostile Audiences Through International Broadcasting, Andrew M. Clark and Thomas B. Christie
A Classical Molecular Approach to Computer Simulation of Biological Sorting, Donald Greenspan
A Class of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Exponential Nonlineraities, Pierre A. Vuillermot
A Closer Look At Race, Capital, And Sentencing: An Examination Of Race And Death Penalty Post-Furman and Gregg decisions from 1977-2011, Michael R. Khodayari
A Cloud Based Automated Anomaly Detection Framework, Prathibha Datta Kumar
A cloudy sky, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A clown in a barrel, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A clown in a barrel, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A clown in a contortionist pose, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Acme Brick Company, W. D. Smith
Acme Brick Company, W. D. Smith
Acme Brick Company first office, 1891, W. D. Smith
A CMOS Conductometric Circuit For Chemical Sensing Using Nanowire Sensor Arrays, Sujith S. Dermal
A CMOS Switched Capacitor Based Amperometric Readout Circuit For Microneedle Glucose Sensor, Sunil Govardhan
A CMOS Ultra-wideband Differential Low Noise Amplifier, Timothy Bryan Merkin
A coach and player of Lamar High School Viking football
A coach and player of Lamar High School Viking football
A coach of Arlington's Lamar High School Viking football
A coach of Lamar High School Vikings football team
A coach patting Arlington's Lamar High School Viking football player's head
A Cocker Spaniel, W. D. Smith
A Collaboration between UTA and the Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas: Assessing the needs of the American Indian Population in Texas, Barbara M. Raudonis, Paul Conrad, Maria Scannapieco, and Kelly Visnak
A Collaboration between UTA and the Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas: Assessing the needs of the American Indian Population in Texas - Phase I, Barbara M. Raudonis, Paul Conrad, Maria Scannapieco, and Kelly Visnak
A collage of a large circle of automobiles, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of a United States Army soldier posing for a photograph, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of images from Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of images with a man, an infant, and young boys, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of a soldier and two young women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of a United States Army sergeant, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of a United States Army soldier, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of a United States Navy sailor, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of soldiers and their families, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of soldiers and their families, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of soldiers and their families, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of soldiers and their families, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of photographs of two young women and a young boy posing in front of a bush, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of three young women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of western-style boots, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage of western-style boots, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collage photograph, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A collection of notes containing receipts
A collection of notes containing receipts
A collection of notes containing tax receipts
A collection of notes containing tax receipts
A collection of notes containing tax receipts
A collection of notes containing tax receipts
A collection of notes containing tax receipts
A collection of notes containing tax receipts
A collection of notes containing tax receipts
A collection of notes containing tax receipts
A College Book of American Literature - Volume 2: From The Middle of the Nineteenth Century to The Present, Milton Ellis, Louise Pound, and George Weida Spohn
A Communication-centered Approach To Leadership: The Relationship Of Interpersonal Communication Competence To Transformational Leadership And Emotional Intelligence, Marilyn Macik-Frey
A community assessment of food resources available to college students in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Katelyn Frances Pearson
A Comparative Approach To Elucidating The Physiological Response In Symbiodinium To Changes In Temperature, Elizabeth S. McGinty
A Comparative Biomechanical Investigation of Porcine Neonatal and Adult Left Ventricular Tissues, Timothy R. Eastep
A comparative look at atomic oxygen and carbon dioxide neutral densities on Mars using data from the MAVEN satellite mission, Emily Ann Curtis
A Comparative Study Of Carbon Nanotubes And Granular Activated Carbon: Physicochemical Properties And Adsorption Capacities, Roja Haritha Gangupomu
A Comparative Tone Analysis of Several Bantu D30 Languages (DR Congo), Kent Rasmussen
A Comparison And Evaluation Of Motion Indexing Techniques, Harnish Bhatia
A Comparison Between the Wingate Anaerobic Test and Right Knee Extension Power, Sarah Beckman
A Comparison In Physiological Responses Between Cycle Ergometer And Elliptical Submaximal Exercise, Julio Jaramillo
A Comparison Method To Evaluate Motion Splicing Techniques, George Thekkanath Raphael
A Comparison of Bituminous Coal-Based and Coconut Shell-Based Activated Carbon for Removal of Trace Hazardous Air Pollutants in Landfill Gas, Annaprabha Athappan and Melanie L. Sattler
A Comparison of Discrete Damage Modeling Methods: the Effect of Stacking Sequence on Progressive Failure of the Skin Laminate in a Composite Pi-joint Subject to Pull-off Load, Joseph Keith Novak
A Comparison Of Economic Development Between Texas Cities Using The Economic Development Tax 4A/4B And Texas Cities Not Using The Tax, Ravindra Kumar Jain
A Comparison Of Instructor Audio-video With Text-based Feedback Versus Text-based Feedback Alone On Students' Perceptions Of Community Of Inquiry Among RN-to-BSN Online Students, Marie Kelly Lindley
A comparison of magnet schools to traditional schools: Application of critical education theory, Gregory Dale Cartwright
A Comparison Of Perceptions Among Amateur And PGA Professional Golfer To The Five Design Principles Of Golf Course Architecture, Ryan Woodard Johnson
A Comparison Of Perceptions Among Amateur And PGA Professional Golfer To The Five Design Principles Of Golf Course Architecture, Ryan Woodard Johnson
A Comparison Of The Violin Pedagogy Of Auer, Flesch, And Galamian: Improving Accessibility And Use Through Characterization And Indexing, Kelley M. Arney
A Comparison Of Traditional And Active Learning Methods: An Empirical Investigation Utilizing A Linear Mixed Model, David Weltman
A Comparison Of Two Diabetic Education Programs Designed To Treat Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus, Katelyn Dian O'Rear
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Evolution of Coastal Flooding in Texas and Louisiana for Application in Risk Assessment, Joshua Pulcinella
A Comprehensive Evaluation of a Lifelong Learning Program: Program 60, Jee Hoon Park, KyongWeon Lee, and Holly Dabelko-Schoeny
A Comprehensive Exploration of Fundamental and Experimental Characteristics of Nanophotonic Metasurfaces, Nasrin Razmjooei
A Comprehensive Study Of Recycled Concrete Aggregates As A Drainable Base Layer For Pavements, Juan Bosquez
A Comprehensive Study Of The Effects Of EEG Electrode Arrays On MRI Signal-to-noise At 3T, Aman Ish Goyal
A comprehensive view of Brazil, Texas Education Agency. Division of Curriculum Development. Social Studies Section
A Computational Framework For Human-Centered Multimodal Data Analysis, Vangelis Metsis
A Computational Model To Characterize Different Flow Regimes For Microscale Re-entry Satellites, Sudharsan Thiruvenkadam
A concentricity gauge, W. D. Smith
"A Condition Of Potentiality": American Women's Utopian And Science Fiction, 1920-1960, Bridgitte Barclay Arnold
A Confederate veterans reunion
A construction site in progress, W. D. Smith
A construction site with two buildings being built, W. D. Smith
A contact sheet of sculptured pieces, David Keens headshots
A container of W. C. Stripling's peanut brittle, W. D. Smith
A Context-aware Learning, Prediction And Mediation Framework For Resource Management In Smart Pervasive Environments, Nirmalya Roy
A Contextual Analysis Of A Preclassic Problematic Deposit At Blackman Eddy, Belize, Rebecca Lynn Shelton
A Continuously Renewed Copper Electrode for Constant-Potential Amperometry, Andrew T. Franklin
A contract between Benjamin Milam and Frost Thorn
A copy of the will of Jefferson Milam
Acorn belt, W. D. Smith
A Corpus-based Analysis Of Discourse Anaphora In English And Korean: A Neo-Gricean Pragmatic Approach, Sok-hun Kim
A Corpus Study Of Requests In Naturally Occurring Spoken American English: A Context Analysis Approach, Lynnelle Rhinier Brown
"A Correct Map of the Seat of War in Mexico"
A Correlational Study Of A Reading Comprehension Program And Attrition Rates Of ESL Nursing Students In Texas, Wendy Morris Donnell
A cost-based comparison of quarantine strategies for new emerging diseases, Christopher Kribs, Anuj Mubayi, Maia Martcheva, and Carlos Castillo-Chavez
A costumed female Davis Dancers performer, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couch, chair, and a table in the corner of a room, W. D. Smith
A couch, chair, and table with a lamp, W. D. Smith
A counter, W. D. Smith
A counterbalanced cross-over study of the effects of visual, auditory and no feedback on performance measures in a simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Carolyn Cason, Cynthia Trowbridge, Susan M. Baxley, and Mark D. Ricard
A countryside road with a parked car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple and a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple and a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple and a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple by a lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple cutting a cake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple cutting their wedding cake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple holding each other, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple holding each other, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple holding hands, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in 1920s costumes, W. D. Smith
A couple in a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in front of a building, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in front of a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in front of a home, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in nature, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in nature, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple in their 1920s costumes by the bar, W. D. Smith
A couple leaning against a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple leaning against a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple leaning on a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple leaning on a fence, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple leaning on a tree, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple looking at each other, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple looking at each other, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple looking at each other, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple next to a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple on a beach, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple on a porch, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple on a snow-covered path, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple on the dance floor, W. D. Smith
A couple on the dance floor, W. D. Smith
A couple outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple outside a barn, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple outside a building, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple playing outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple poses with a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple reading a book to a young child., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple reading a book to a young child., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple relaxing inside a small cabin, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting in chairs, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting in nature, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting on a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting on a couch, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting on a porch, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple sitting with three young daughters, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple stand between a young man, seated, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple stand in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple stand in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing in front of flowers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing in the snow, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing near a stream, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple standing with flowers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple stands in front of some flowers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple, their chickens, and their dog, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple together, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple wearing 1920s costumes, W. D. Smith
A couple wearing evening dress attire with a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple wearing evening dress attire with a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple wearing evening dress attire with a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple wearing evening dress attire with a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple wearing evening dress attire with a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple with a girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple with three children, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple with three teen-aged children pose around a sofa, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple with three young daughters pose in a very large room, possibly a living room, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A couple with two boys stand beneath a mulberry tree, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A courtyard filled with items, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A courtyard filled with items, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A courtyard filled with items, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Acoustic and Perceptual Correlates of L2 Fluency: The Role of Prolongations, Jessica Liane Rohr
A cowboy assists another cowboy onto a horse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy assists another cowboy onto a horse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy driving a cattle herd, W. D. Smith
A cowboy herding cattle and passing a windmill, W. D. Smith
A cowboy herding cattle in the field, W. D. Smith
A cowboy performs at a rodeo, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy performs at a rodeo, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy performs with a lasso, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy performs with a lasso, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy performs with a lasso, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy performs with a lasso, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy posing on a horse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy rides a bucking bronco, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy rides a bucking bronco, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy rides a bucking bronco, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy rides a bucking bronco, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy rides a bucking bronco, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy rides a bucking bronco, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy rides a bucking bronco, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy rides a horse while in front of an oil derrick, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy standing in a corral with cattle, W. D. Smith
A cowboy standing in front of a wooden wagon, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy twirling a rope, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowboy working two horses at a rodeo, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowgirl posing with her horse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowgirl posing with her horse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowgirl posing with her horse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowgirl posing with her horse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A cowgirl standing on a suitcase, Basil Clemons
A Critical State Approach to the Mechanical Behavior of Early-Age Cemented Paste Backfill, Amin B. Ghorbanpour
A cross-department collaboration to curate a current collection, John L. Bayhi and A.M. Serrano
A cross-institutional collaborative model, Christopher Kribs, Sarah Quebec Fuentes, Yolanda Parker, James Epperson, Theresa Jorgensen, Winifred Mallam, Christina Gawlik, and Colleen Eddy
A Cross Section Measurement of Muon Neutrino-Induced Charged-Current Coherent Positive Pion Production on Argon with the MicroBooNE Detector, Zachary Glenn Randell Williams
A crowd of onlookers observes people swimming on Labor Day 1931 in Lake de La Fosse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A crowd of people at the Walton's 10th anniversary baby contest, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A crowd of people at the Walton's 10th anniversary baby contest, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A crowd of people sitting in stands of a football stadium, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A crowd of people standing outdoors and listening to a speech, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A crowd of people watching a football game, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A crowd viewing various exhibits under a large tent, W. D. Smith
Active Adult Communities, A Master Plan Design For Independent Living Communities In Arlington, Texas, Cooper Begis
Active Nanophotonics For Quantum- And Classical-optics Applications, Lei Zhu
Active Transportation and Health: Understanding the Impact of Transportation-Related Physical Activity on Health, Sina Famili
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities at All-State Meet, W. D. Smith
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair, University Photographer
Activities Fair Alpha Chi Omega Table, University Photographer
Activities Fair Alpha Kappa Alpha, University Photographer
Activities Fair Crowd, University Photographer
Activities Fair Crowd, University Photographer
Activities Fair Crowd, University Photographer
Activities Fair Delta Xi Nu, University Photographer
Activities Fair Delta Xi Nu, University Photographer
Activities Fair Drum Line, University Photographer
Activities Fair Honors College, University Photographer
Activities Fair Horn Player, University Photographer
Activities Fair Horn Player, University Photographer
Activities Fair Horn Players, University Photographer
Activities Fair Marching Band, University Photographer
Activities Fair Marching Band, University Photographer
Activities Fair Marching Band, University Photographer
Activities Fair Marching Band, University Photographer
Activities Fair News Report, University Photographer
Activities Fair News Report, University Photographer
Activities Fair News Report, University Photographer
Activities of Birds Indicate Fall Near, Jessie Maye Smith
Activities of Young Birds Interesting to Watch, Jessie Maye Smith
Activities (sic) of Audubon Society Outpace Bird-Watching Image, Jessie Maye Smith
Activity Detection and Classification on a Smart Floor, Anil Kumar Mullapudi
Activity Implicatures and Possessor Implicatures: What Are Locations When There Is No Article?., Laurel Smith Stvan
ACT-SO Competitors' New York Trip
ACT-SO Competitors' New York Trip
ACT-SO Competitors' New York Trip
ACT-SO Competitors' New York Trip
ACT-SO Competitors' New York Trip
ACT-SO Competitors' New York Trip
ACT-SO Competitors' New York Trip
A Cultural Landscape Assessment of Glen Garden Country Club in Fort Worth, Texas, Anthony Joseph Wade
Acute Effects of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation Via Beetroot Juice on Exercise Performance, I. Nduka
Acute Effects of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation Via Beetroot Juice on Exercise Performance, I. Nduka
Acute Elevation In Estradiol Influences The Salience Of Cocaine Cues, Samara Morris Bobzean
A Dallas Baptist Theological Seminary building, W. D. Smith
A damaged car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A damaged car with front and rear windshields broken out, parked on a city street, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Adams Funeral Home, Jay C. Henry
Adams Funeral Home, Jay C. Henry
Adams Funeral Home, Jay C. Henry
Adams Gym (High School), Jay C. Henry
Adams Gym (High School), Jay C. Henry
Adams Street, Fort Worth, Texas
Adams Street, Fort Worth, Texas
Adaptation Of Digital DATCOM Into A Conceptual Design Process, Brandon Watters
Adapting Harmonic Function Path Planning: To Reflect User Motion Preferences, Giles John D'Silva
Adaptive Agent Communities For Providing Services In Dynamic Networks, Nayantara Mallesh
Adaptive Dialogue Systems For Assistive Living Environments, Alexandros Papangelis
Adaptive Dynamic Programming For High-dimensional, Multicollinear State Spaces, Bancha Ariyajunya
Adaptive High Level Context Reasoning In Pervasive Environments, Bridget B. Beamon
Adaptive Load Balancing And Change Visualization For WebVigil, Subramanian Chelladurai Hari Hara
Adaptive Methods For Realistic And Intuitive Human-robot Interaction, Jartuwat Rajruangrabin
Adaptive, Multimodal, Application Independent User Interfaces For People With Disabilites Using Computers, Padmapriya Sambath
Adaptive Multiple Optimal Learning Factors For Neural Network Training, Jeshwanth Challagundla
Adaptive Nonparametric Distribution-free Procedures In Factorial Data Analysis, Richard Nzagong Ferim
Adaptive Pain Management Decision Support System, Ching-Feng Lin
Adaptive Sampling With Mobile WSN, Koushil Sreenath
Adaptive Torque Control of a Robotic Manipulator, Drew F. Waller
A Data-Driven Mechanical Property Prediction in Epoxy/Glass Fiber Composite, Monjur Morshed Rabby, Vamsee Vadlamudi, and Rassel Raihan
A Data-Integrated Simulation-Based Optimization Approach For Nurse-Patient Assignment, Duraikannan Sundaramoorthi
A. Davis Company building exterior, W. D. Smith
A Davis Dancers performer on pointe, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A Davis Dancers performer on pointe, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Addie Jane Odom birthday celebration
Addie Stevens' funeral, W. D. Smith
Additive Manufacturing and Stress Analysis of Naturally and Artificially Optimized Celullar Structures, Sachin Jose
Additive Manufacturing of Stretchable Piezo-Resistive Sensors: Fabrication and Performance Evaluation, Mohammad Ahnaf Shahriar
Additive Manufacturing Process Investigation for the Fabrication of Composite Scaffolds for Soft Tissue Application, Parimal Patel
Add-Ran Male and Female College campus building in Thorp Spring, Texas, W. D. Smith
Addressing Fertility Preservation for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer, Sophia Fantus, Abha Gupta, Armando Lorenzo, David Brownsone, Anne-Marie Maloney, and Randi Zlotnik Shaul
Addressing Obsolescence in Fort Worth Public pools: Enhancing Forest Park Public City Pool, Juan A. Fuentes
Addressing Prey Selection And Predator Fitness: Ingestion By, And Growth Of Ochromonas danica On Multiple Bacterial Prey, Briony L. Foster
Addressing The Grocery Gap: An Ethnographic Study Of Food Access In Three Tarrant County Neighborhoods, Sharnese Thompson
Addressing the Information Crisis: Understanding the Relationships Between Information Choices and Health and Academic Outcomes, Amber L. Morgan
A decade of contraceptive use in Cameroon: influences of structural changes., Vijayan K. Pillai and Consoler Teboh
A Decision Support System Tool for Dynamic Pricing of Managed Lanes, Maryam Zabihi
A decorated grave, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A Deep Chandra Study of Galactic Type Ia Supernova Remnant G299.2-2.9, Seth Aaron Post
A deer near garbage under trees near a picnic table, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A delivery truck of the F. L. Motheral Company, W. D. Smith
A delivery van for Morning Fresh Find Food & Dairy Products, W. D. Smith
A delivery van for Morning Fresh Find Food & Dairy Products, W. D. Smith
Adell Campbell and Arlington Mayor Tom Vandergriff
Adell Campbell at Greater Fort Worth Herb Society booth
Adell Campbell with Lauretta Jensen during radio show "The Eyes of North Texas"
A Density Functional Theory Guide To High Quality Modification Of Mixed Metal Oxides Used For Photocatalytic Water Splitting, Cedric Leon Mayfield
A design and analysis of computer experiments approach for green building, Marjan Sayadi
A Design And Analysis Of Computer Experiments-based Approach To Approximate Infinite Horizon Dynamic Programming With Continuous State Spaces, Asama Kulvanitchaiyanunt
ADHD And Hearing Loss: A Study Examing The Co-occurrence Of The Two Disorders, Jennifer Amanda Sibley
A Diachronic Perspective Of Marine Shell Use From Structure B1 At Blackman Eddy, Belize, Jennifer Lynn Cochran
A diamondback rattlesnake sitting on a rock, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A diffusionless transformation path relating Th₃P₄ and spinel structure opportunities to synthesize ceramic materials at high pressures, Arindom Goswami
A dining room, W. D. Smith
A dining room corner at Post Oak Spring Ranch
A Direct Computational Method for Estimating the Parameters of a Nonlinear Model, Jerome Eisenfeld and Stephen W. Cheng
A dirt path after a winter storm, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A dirt road, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A dirt road, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A dirt road in the countryside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A dirt road leading to a farm, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A dirt street with three stores, Arlington, Texas
A Discourse Analysis Of The Periphrastic Imperfect In The Greek New Testament Writings Of Luke, Carl E. Johnson
A Discrete Event Based Stochastic Simulation Approach For Studying The Dynamics Of Biological Networks, Samik Ghosh
A Discrete Model for the Recovery of Oil from a Reservoir, Cristobal Vargas-Jarillo
A display of electric appliances, W. D. Smith
A display of photographs of service men in front of a sign, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
A display of shoes, W. D. Smith
A display of shoes, W. D. Smith
A display of shoes, W. D. Smith
A Distributed Sensor Data Management Infrastructure Based On 802.15.4/ZigBee Networks, Tianqiang Li
A divided highway in Richardson, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Adjusting for Time Varying Confounding in Adaptive Interdisciplinary Pain Management Program, Nilabh Ohol
Adjusting Parenting Roles and Work Expectations Among Women With Children During COVID-19, Saltanat Childress, Catherine LaBrenz, Erin Findley, and Philip Baiden
Adleta Electronics Company building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Courts Building, Donald M. Cohen
A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Courts Building, Donald M. Cohen
A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Courts Building, Donald M. Cohen
A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Courts Building, Donald M. Cohen
Administration Building, W. D. Smith
Administration Building--Denison Independent School District (drawing), W. D. Smith
Administration Building for Fort Worth Public Schools, W. D. Smith
Administration Building, Texas Wesleyan College, W. D. Smith
Administration building under construction
Admiral Andrews, W. D. Smith
A document containing the elected officials of the Committee of Myrtle springs
A document for Mrs. Milam from A. Robinson regarding payment
A Dodge-made Henningsen-Lamesa semi-truck cabin, W. D. Smith
A Dodge-made Henningsen-Lamesa semi-truck cabin, W. D. Smith
A dog pile at a football game, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Adolescent Depression Screening Practices Among Texas Pediatric And Family Nurse Practitioners, Carol S. Lieser
Adolescent Psychological Birth Trauma Following Cesarean Birth, Cheryl Ann Anderson and Christina Perez
Adolescent Smoking Behavior in European Countries: Influences of Belief- and School-Related Factors, Md Mamunur Rahman, Yasaman Ghasemi, and Yuan Zhou
Adolphous Hotel and Magnolia Oil building, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Adolphous Hotel construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Adolphous Hotel in downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Adolphus Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Adolphus Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Adolphus Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Adolphus Hotel, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Adolphus Hotel and Magnolia Building, Jay C. Henry
Adolphus Hotel and Magnolia Building, Jay C. Henry
Adolphus Hotel and Magnolia Building, Jay C. Henry
Adolphus Hotel construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Adolphus Hotel, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Adopting, Modifying, and Creating Open Educational Resources at UTA, Michelle Reed, Habib Ahmari, Bonnie Boardman, Kimberly Breuer, and Matt Crosslin
A doubling method for the generalized lambda distributions, Todd C. Headrick and Mohan Pant
A doubling technique for the power method transformations, Mohan Pant and Todd C. Headrick
A drawing of Childress Country Club, W. D. Smith
A drawing of First Baptist Church in Denison, Texas, W. D. Smith
A drawing of Old Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
A drawing of the Community Center in Houston, Texas, W. D. Smith
A drawing of the R. E. A. Headquarters, W. D. Smith
A drawing of The Young Men's Shop store front, W. D. Smith
A drawing of three figures with large heads and small bodies, W. D. Smith
A Dream (Songs by J.C. Bartlett), J. C. Bartlett, Charles B. Cory, and Oliver Ditson Company
A driveway leading to two large two story brick houses, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Adsorption Curve Fits For Landfill VOCs On Bituminous Coal Based And Coconut Shell Based Activated Carbon, Annaprabha Athappan
Adsorption Of Metals In Flu-gas Desulfurization Wastewater By Iron-impergnated Activated Carbon, Manjira Kudaravalli
A. D. "Tommy" Chandler receives gold membership card from Fort Worth Local 146
A Dual-Modality System for Both Multi-Color Ultrasound-Switchable Fluorescence and Ultrasound Imaging, Jayanth Kandukuri, Shuai Yu, Bingbing Cheng, Venugopal Bandi, Francis D’Souza, Kytai Truong Nguyen, Yi Hong, Baohong Yuan, Jamal Zweit, and Sundaresan Gobalakrishnan
A Dual-Modality System for Both Multi-Color Ultrasound-Switchable Fluorescence and Ultrasound Imaging, Jayanth Kandukuri, Shuai Yu, Bingbing Cheng, Venugopal Bandi, Francis D’Souza, Kytai Truong Nguyen, Yi Hong, Baohong Yuan, and Jamal Zweit
Adult ESOL Reading Comprehension And Text-to-speech Software, John Drezek
Adult Literacy: A Review of Implementation Experience, Helen Abadzi
Adults With Congenital Heart Disease And Family Planning Decisions, Kathryn A. Osteen
Advanced Combinatorial Testing Algorithms And Applications, Linbin Yu
Advanced Materials Characterization Based On Full Field Deformation Measurements, A Paige Carpentier
Advanced Software Testing Techniques Based On Combinatorial Design, Wenhua Wang
Advanced Sparsity Techniques In Medical Imaging And Image Processing, Chen Chen
Advancements And Applications Of Nonstandard Finite Difference Methods, Daniel Wood
Advances in Separation Methodologies: Fatty Acid, Fatty Amine, Water, and Ethanol Determination by Ionic Liquid Gas Chromatography and D-Amino Acid Evaluation in Mammalian Brain by Liquid Chromatography, Choyce Asher Weatherly
Adventurers and Autocrats: The Role of Authority in the Making of the English West Indies, 1595-1655, John Clinton Harris
Adventurers Named Birds of America, Jessie Maye Smith
Adventures with Metadata, Workflows, and Exhibit-based Storytelling at UNO Libraries, Angela Kroeger, Yumi Ohira, and Lori Schwartz
Advertisement for Lone Star Chain radio network, W. D. Smith
Advertisement for the Shrine Circus, W. D. Smith
Advertisement for the Shrine Circus, W. D. Smith
Advertising Club Program, W. D. Smith
Advertising office, W. D. Smith
Advice online: Advice-giving in an American Internet health column, Laurel Smith Stvan
Advocacy Day, UTA Libraries
Advocates for Disability Rights: Building the Texas Disability History Collection, Jeff Downing, Brenda McClurkin, and Andrew Leverenz
ADWIRE: ADD-ON FOR WEB ITEM REVIEW SYSTEM, Rajeshkumar Ganesh Kannapalli
A Dynamic Framework For Testing The Synchronization Behavior Of Java Monitors, Andres Yanes
A Dynamic Multiple Stage, Multiple Objective Optimization Model With An Application To A Wastewater Treatment System, Prashant Tarun
A Dynamic Multi-Threaded Queuing Mechnism for Reducing the Inter-Process Communication Latency on Multi-Core Chips, Rohitshankar Vijay Shankar V Mishra
A Dynamic Policing Simulation Framework, Khan Md Ariful Haque
Aegyptus, Rigobert Bonne
Aegyptus, Sebastian Münster
Aegyptus, antiqua in suas partes et nomos divisa, cum Troglodytice, Marmarica et Aethiopia supra Aegyptum curante Christophoro Weigelio. Norimb, Christoph Weigel and Johann Köhler
Aegyptus, inferior sive delta, curante Christophoro Weigelio. cum P. S. C. M., Christoph Weigel and Johann Köhler
A end table with a drawer, W. D. Smith
Aerial, W. D. Smith
Aerial, Bell Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial, Bell Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial, Bell Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial, Bell Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial, Bell Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial, Bell Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial, Bell Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial, Bell Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial drawing of building, W. D. Smith
Aerial In Westcliff (Fort Worth, Texas) at Trail Lake Road, W. D. Smith
Aerial In Westcliff (Fort Worth, Texas) at Trail Lake Road, W. D. Smith
Aerial ivew of the Will Rogers Coliseum and Auditorium and Stock Show Buildings, W. D. Smith
Aerial ivew of the Will Rogers Coliseum and Auditorium and Stock Show Buildings, W. D. Smith
Aerial ivew of the Will Rogers Coliseum and Auditorium and Stock Show Buildings, W. D. Smith
Aerial looking north of the Trinity River, an industrial area and downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of 1949 flood in Fort Worth, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of 1949 flood in Fort Worth, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of 1949 flood in Fort Worth, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of 1949 flood in Fort Worth, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of 1949 flood in Fort Worth, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Air Access Incorporated, W. D. Smith
Aerial of American Salvage Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Amon Carter Field airport, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of an industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of an industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of an industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of an industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of an industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of an industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Arlington, south from depot, 1948
Aerial of Arlington State College campus
Aerial of Arlington State College, looking west, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of Arlington, Texas streets
Aerial of Arlington, Texas streets and parking lots
Aerial of Arlington, Texas streets and parking lots
Aerial of Bailey, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Bailey Addition, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Bailey Addition, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Bain Peanut Co., 7th Street, looking northeast; Montgomery Ward building near top center, 02/20/1954, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of Bell Hurst office building, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Braniff Hangar at Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Braniff Hangar at Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Burrus Mills grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Burrus Mills grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Burrus Mills grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial of church in Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of cleared land for Woodall Rodgers freeway, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of cleared land for Woodall Rodgers freeway, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Club and Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Conner Avenue Industrial & Warehouse Addition, W. D. Smith
Aerial of construction of "Boom Town," Six Flags Over Texas
Aerial of construction of Carling Brewery in Fort Worth
Aerial of Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas Love Field parking lot, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Dealey Plaza and Triple Underpass, Dallas, 1965, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Decatur Road, W. D. Smith
Aerial of downtown Dallas, Texas looking toward northeast from southwest, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of downtown Fort Worth looking northeast, W. D. Smith
Aerial of downtown Fort Worth looking northeast, showing Tarrant County Convention Center
Aerial of Downtown Fort Worth (shows construction), W. D. Smith
Aerial of downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial of downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Aerial of downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of Eagle Mountain Lake, boat sheds, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Eagle Mountain Lake, cabins, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Eagle Mountain Lake, lake and dam, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Eagle Mountain Lake, view of beach near dam, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Eagle Mountain Lake, view of dam, W. D. Smith
Aerial of expressway and Trinity River, Dallas, 1982, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Fair Oaks Shopping Center, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Armour & Swift meat packing plants, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Courthouse and power plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Courthouse from west, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, downtown and Texas & Pacific station from south, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, downtown closeup, W. T. Waggoner building and surrounding area, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, downtown looking north, Texas & Pacific station in foreground, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, downtown, skyline looking northeast, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, East side of downtown, looking northward, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Harris Hospital at bottom of frame, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Northwest of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Railroad line and viaducts southwest of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Railroad yard, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, railroad yards and grain elevators, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth's Colonial Country Club, 7th Annual Invitation Golf Tournament, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Skyline looking north, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth Steel & Machinery, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth--Texas Electric Service Company building and surrounding area, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, Texas looking northeast, showing Tarrant County Convention Center
Aerial of Fort Worth, Texas packing plants and Stock Exchange building in Fort Worth's Stockyards, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of Fort Worth Transit Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Fort Worth, wide angle of downtown, skyline looking northeast, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Gachman Metals Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of General Motors plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of General Motors plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of General Motors property, W. D. Smith
Aerial of General Motors property, W. D. Smith
Aerial of General Motors property, W. D. Smith
Aerial of General Motors property, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Hobbs Manufacturing Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Holiday Inn Motel at Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Holiday Inn Motel at Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Holiday Inn Motel at Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Hurst Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of industrial plant in Arlington, W. D. Smith
Aerial of industrial plant in Arlington, W. D. Smith
Aerial of International Mineral & Chemical Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of International Mineral & Chemical Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of LaGrave Field, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Lake Cliff looking towards Downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Leonards Warehouse on West Victory Street, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Love Field, its terminal and runway, looking south toward downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Masonic Home and School, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Masonic Home and School, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Masonic Temple in Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Maxwell Steel Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Meacham airfield and terminal, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of Mid-Texas Manufacturing Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Mr. Evans' Property, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Mrs. Baird's Bakery Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of neighborhood and businesses, W. D. Smith
Aerial of newly built Texas Stadium, home of Dallas Cowboys, Irving, Texas, 1971, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of North Central Expressway, Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of North Texas Agricultural College
Aerial of power plant in Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial of property on Camp Bowie between Western Hills and Howard Johnson, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Purina Mills plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Ridglea Shopping Center, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Ridglea Shopping Center, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Riverside Drive and Rock Island Crossing, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Royal Tile Property, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Royal Tile Property, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Service Life Insurance Company and Government Warehouse, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Six Flags Over Texas
Aerial of Southwest Airmotive at Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Southwest Airmotive at Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Stock Yards, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Tech High School, J. P. Elder Junior High School and Circle Park Elementary, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Texas Christian University, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Texas Christian University Stadium, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Texas Electric Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Texas Electric Service Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Texas & Pacific West Yards, W. D. Smith
Aerial of the Fort Worth stockyards and Armour & Company during 1949's flood
Aerial of the Holiday Inn Motel at Dallas Love Field, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of the Stock Show in snow, W. D. Smith
Aerial of the Trinity River, looking east to downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of Trinity River bridge, R. L. Thornton and Stemmons expressways, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial of U. S. Cold Storage building, W. D. Smith
Aerial of W. 7th and Foch Street, looking east with Montgomery Ward building at upper left, 06/01/1949, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of Waste Disposal Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Waste Disposal Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Western Hills Hotel, W. D. Smith
Aerial of west Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial of west Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial of west Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial of west Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial of west Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Westside Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Will Rogers Coliseum, W. D. Smith
Aerial of Will Rogers Coliseum, Casa Manana, Farrington Field and surrounding area, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Aerial of Zang Blvd., Beckley Ave., and West Jefferson looking north toward downtown Dallas, 1964, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial photo, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo, W. D. Smith
Aerial photograph of Brownsville, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial photograph of downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial photograph of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial photograph of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial photograph of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial photograph of Plano, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial photograph of the Bain Peanut Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial photograph of trapeze artists performing at Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial photograph of trapeze artists performing at Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial photo of Downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo of Downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo of Fort Worth, Texas, includes Casa Manana and Will Rogers, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo of Fort Worth, Texas, includes Casa Manana and Will Rogers, W. D. Smith
Aerial photo of rail yard, W. D. Smith
Aerials, W. D. Smith
Aerials, W. D. Smith
Aerials, W. D. Smith
Aerials, W. D. Smith
Aerials, W. D. Smith
Aerials at Sweetwater, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial shot of Methodist Hospital construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial shot of the Cultural District of Fort Worth
Aerials of Arlington State College (A. S. C.) campus and showing its growth
Aerials of Arlington, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerials of Artell Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerials of Artell Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerials of East Belknap Property, W. D. Smith
Aerials of Hicks Field, W. D. Smith
Aerials of Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerials of Plant, W. D. Smith
Aerials of Ridglea Country Club, W. D. Smith
Aerials of Ridglea Country Club, W. D. Smith
Aerials of Ridglea Shopping Area, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, Berry Street at Riverside Drive, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, Berry Street at Riverside Drive, W. D. Smith
Aerial view, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, Fort Worth Medical District area, W. D. Smith
Aerial view I-635 freeway corridor, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view looking north from downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view northeast of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view, Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of a bus manufacturing company, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory site, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory site, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory site, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory site, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory site, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory site, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory site, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a factory site, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a Fort Worth grain mill, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a Fort Worth neighborhood, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator complex, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a grain elevator plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a hotel, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of airport, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a meat packing plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Amon Carter Field, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Amon Carter Field, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Amon Carter Field, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Amon Carter Stadium at Texas Christian University (TCU), W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Amon Carter Stadium at Texas Christian University (TCU), W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Amon G. Carter's Shady Oak Farm
Aerial view of Amon G. Carter's Shady Oak Farm
Aerial view of a neighborhood, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a new housing subdivision, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an industrial area, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an industrial plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an oil camp, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of an oil field showing living quarters and office, the B-1 and B-2 oil wells, horse-drawn wagons on the road, and many oil derricks across the landscape, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of an oil processing facility, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an oil refinery, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an oil refinery, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an oil refinery, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an oil refinery, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of an oil refinery, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a parade, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of a parade, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of a parade, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of a parade, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of a parade in downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Arlington, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Arlington, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Arlington, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Arlington Stadium and parking lots
Aerial view of Arlington, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Armour and Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a roundhouse, possibly the Texas & Pacific Roundhouse in Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a runway, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of ASC looking east across campus
Aerial view of ASC looking southeast across the campus
Aerial view of a sewage disposal plant, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of a small community with structures and tents including an oil derrick among the buildings; South Bend, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of a town and oil derricks, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of a town and oil derricks, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of a town and oil derricks after a snowfall, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Bailey Addition with streets and buildings, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Benbrook Dam construction, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Benbrook Dam construction, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Benbrook Dam construction, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Benbrook Dam construction, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Berry Hill Apartments, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of buildings and street intersections, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of buildings, houses, parking lot, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of busy oil field with many oil derricks, buildings, and oil tanks on the landscape; photograph is labeled "Texas Pipeline Co.", Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Aerial view of Camp Pinkston, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Camp Pinkston, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Camp Pinkston, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Carswell Air Force Base, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Carswell Air Force Base, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Carswell Air Force Base and General Dynamics, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of church property, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Consolidated Chemical Industries, Incorporated, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of construction of Dallas-Fort Worth airport
Aerial view of construction of Seven Seas, Arlington
Aerial view of construction of the Carling Brewery
Aerial view of construction of the Carling Brewery
Aerial view of construction of the Carling Brewery
Aerial view of construction of the Carling Brewery
Aerial view of Dallas Love Field Administration Building featuring parking area, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Dallas Love Field, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Dallas Love Field with downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Diamond Hill Schools, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial View of Downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial View of Downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial View of Downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial View of Downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial View of Downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial View of Downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial View of Downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas looking south. What is now the Uptown neighborhood is in the foreground, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas. A banner pulled by a bi-plane, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, looking northwest, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas, showing Trinity River floodplain, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas. The area now known as the West End is in the foreground, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas. The First United Methodist Church is in the right foreground, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas. The First United Methodist Church is in the top center of the photograph, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas, Texas. The Trinity River is in the distance, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas. There is a bi-plane flying in the left side of the photograph, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Dallas. Union Station is in the foreground, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, looking east, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, looking southeast
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of east-west expressway, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Ernest Allen Motor Company, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Expressway, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fair Park and downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Fairway Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fairway Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fairway Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fairway Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fairway Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fairway Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fairway Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fairway Golf Course, W. D. Smith
Aerial View of Farrington Field, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Farrington Field and the Casa Manana revolving stage, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Farrington Field and the Will Rogers Coliseum, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Farrington Field and the Will Rogers Coliseum, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth's First Methodist Church, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth's Methodist Hospital, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth's Northside High School with Amphitheater, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth's Northside High School with Amphitheater, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth's syline from the southwest, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth's syline from the southwest, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth's syline from the southwest, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, from Bell Aircraft Corporation helicopter, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, from Bell Aircraft Corporation helicopter, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, from Bell Aircraft Corporation helicopter, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, from Bell Aircraft Corporation helicopter, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, from Bell Aircraft Corporation helicopter, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, Texas, from Bell Aircraft Corporation helicopter, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Fort Worth, view of area southeast of downtown, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of freeway and parking lots, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of freeway construction near downtown Fort Worth, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Aerial view of Freeway Mix Master, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of Frigidaire building, W. D. Smith
Aerial view of General Dynamics
Aerial view of General Motors plant, W. D. Smith