Submit Your Work

We’re excited to showcase your work!

Most items you wish to showcase in the repository can be submitted electronically. If you have questions about what can and cannot be submitted, refer to the FAQs for Authors and Creators. Please note that you must create an account to submit your work on MavMatrix. Refer to the FAQs about choosing the best email to establish your account.

When you are ready to submit, click on the collection below that is most relevant to your work. If your work is affiliated with a specific unit (e.g.; department) on campus, we request that you submit to that collection.

***Graduate students submitting a thesis or dissertation MUST submit to the correct collection, based on their degree (Masters or PhD) and department. Please make sure to thoroughly review the options below to ensure your work is submitted to the correct collection. Also, when you create an account on MavMatrix, please use an email address that you will continue to have access to after graduation. For example, don't use a UTA STAFF email address (ending in only unless you will continue your employment after graduation. Access to those emails terminates immediately upon graduation. Student email addresses (ending in should have longer access periods. We recommend using a personal, non-UTA email address to ensure continued access and communication.***

All submissions to MavMatrix are reviewed by UTA Libraries staff to ensure that copyright is not violated, and distribution permissions are in place. Refer to the FAQs for Authors and Creators.

College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs
Center for Economic Development Research and Service
Center for Metropolitan Density
Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions, & Dollars
Department of Public Affairs and Planning
Institute of Urban Studies
Interior Design Program
Program of Landscape Architecture
School of Architecture
College of Business
Department of Accounting
Department of Business Administration
Department of Economics
Department of Finance and Real Estate
Department of Information Systems & Operations Management
Department of Management
Department of Marketing
College of Education (CoED)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
The Center for K-16 Education Policy and Research (KEPR)
College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Department of Bioengineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering Department
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
College of Liberal Arts
Art & Art History Department
Department of Communication
Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Department of English
Department of History & Geography
Department of Linguistics & TESOL
Department of Modern Languages
Department of Music
Department of Philosophy & Humanities
Department of Political Science
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Nursing & Health Innovation
Department of Graduate Nursing
Department of Kinesiology
Multi-Interprofessional Center for Health Informatics (MICHI)
College of Science
Department of Biology
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
Department of Psychology
Honors College
2024 Spring Honors Capstone Projects
School of Social Work
Social Work Dissertations
Social Work Faculty Publications & Presentations
Social Work Theses
Social Work Undergraduate Student Research
UTA Libraries
UTA Datathon