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Presented at the ExLibris Southcentral Users Group 2022 Conference: The Nursing Liaison Librarian saw a need to update UTA Libraries health sciences print collection for relevance and currency. In collaboration with a Systems Librarian, an application was developed for use in the stacks that provides useful weeding decision data. The Liaison Withdrawal App (LWA) was built with the Alma Bib and Analytics APIs and a Python GUI toolkit. The app can be used at the stacks to return relevant bib and circulation data in real-time to make a collection development decision. The liaison decides within the LWA to keep, withdraw, or mark an item for future review. The liaison will discuss the pilot of the LWA and do a live demonstration of the app. The systems librarian will walk through the post-decision processing steps the technical services team does for items marked for deletion by the liaison.

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