ORCID Identifier(s)


Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Earth and Environmental Science


Earth and Environmental Sciences

First Advisor

John Wickham

Second Advisor

Merlynd K Nestell


The oil-rich, Permian-age San Andres Formation in the Permian Basin of West Texas produces Wolfcampian-age oil from the dolomitic host rock in prolific amounts. The present study focuses on the Shafter Lake field and utilizes gas analysis reports, well parameters, and 24-hour initial production (IP) reports of oil and associated petroleum gases (preferential to methane) to determine if a correlation exists between formation gas and oil production in the San Andres formation. The San Andres formation undergoes a substantial de-watering process before peak oil-production commences, and this study briefly touches on that subject to account for the massive initial water production which far exceeds the IP of oil. Since the horizontal wells have a first and last perforated zone differential of, on average, twenty-eight times the directional wells, the data is normalized by dividing the production by linear feet of perforated zones. With well type accounted for, normalized IP of oil cross-plotted against normalized IP of gas shows a correlation coefficient of 0.906, which is just over a 90% relation between the oil produced and formation gas produced with it. This relationship can be inferred as either higher oil mobility caused by either gas-cut saturation, or an expanding gas-cap drive upon de-pressuring of the reservoir as a result of extensive production.


Oil, San Andres Formation, Gas


Earth Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

27398-2.zip (1496 kB)



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