Content Posted in 2024
Breckenridge High School football team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School football team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School football team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School football team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School game, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Glee Club, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Graduates, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School graduating class of 1943, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School graduating class of 1944, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School graduating class of 1945, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School graduating class of 1946, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School graduating class of 1947, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School graduating class of 1947, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School graduating class of 1947, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School graduating class of 1947, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School, Home Economics class portrait, 1938. Miss Ellwood and students., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Home Economics Club, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Library, 1938, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Library, Librarian Mrs. R. H. Guinn and students, 1935, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School marching band, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Music Department, Senior Orchestra under direction of Professor J. C. Burkett, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School's Buckaroo Band, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School's Buckaroo Band, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School's Buckaroo Band, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School's Buckaroo Band, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School's building housing the Industrial Education/Industrial Arts department, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Senior Play presenting Lindsey Barbee's "The Thread of Destiny", Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Spanish Club, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School students pose, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School tennis team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School to the Stephens County Court House, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Track Team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School Track Team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School typing class, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School, undated, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School, undated, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Abilene High School football game, 1927, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Abilene High School football game, 1927, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Abilene High School football game, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Abilene High School football game, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Abilene High School football game, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Abilene High School football game, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Abilene High School football game, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Abilene High School football game, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Cisco High School football game, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Graham High School football game, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Waco High School football game, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge High School vs. Waco High School football game, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Ice Company, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Ice Company, Breckenridge, Texas, 1924, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Ice Company building with ice trucks parked in front, 401 East West Street, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Junk and Salvage Company on the banks of the Gonzales River, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Memorial Park, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge National Guard troops, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge oil field crowded with oil derricks with one oil derrick labeled "R.A. Woods & Comwell Oil Co."; photograph is titled "Getting ready bring her in", Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge oil field - "Getting Ready to Bring Her In" 1920, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge oil field looking north; Texas Pipeline Co. labeled near center of photograph; oil derricks and oil tanks are show on landscape, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Rodeo, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Salvation Army Christmas fund poster, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Service Station, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge sports at the Court Airdrome, Labor Day 1922, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge street scene featuring the Sager Building, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas, 1921, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas after a snowfall, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas after a snowfall, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas after a snowfall, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas after a snowfall, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas east from [the] water tower, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas fire department, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas junior high school graduates, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas looking South, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas - Million dollar water system, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas; public installation of officers with Mayor Walker taking oath, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas railroad depot, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas rodeo stars, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas schools on unpaved Smith Street, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas - the great oil city, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, Texas west from [the] water tower, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge, the great Texas oil field, east, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Water Company and the Texas Water Utilities Company, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge Water Co., Texas Water Utilities Co., and Texas Louisiana Power Co. building, Breckenridge, Texas, 1929, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge waterline thru Crystal Falls City, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breckenridge "White Way" and new Courthouse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Breeding Bird Survey Full of Stops, Starts, Jessie Maye Smith
Brewer Manufacturing Company, W. D. Smith
Brewer Manufacturing Company, W. D. Smith
Brewer Manufacturing Company, W. D. Smith
Brewery workers at Tex-Son strike
Brewery workers at Tex-Son strike
Brewery workers at Tex-Son strike
Brewery workers at Tex-Son strike
Brewster County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Brewster County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Brian Happel, UTA Football Player
Brick building, W. D. Smith
Brick house - front porch, W. D. Smith
Bricklaying in streets of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Brick masons state convention, Galveston, Texas, Joseph Michael Maurer
Brick two story factory building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Brick two story factory building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bridal party, W. D. Smith
Bridal party, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom at the reception, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom cutting a cake, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom cutting their wedding cake, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bride and groom cutting the wedding cake, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom drinking punch, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom exiting church sanctuary, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bride and groom feeding each other pieces of wedding cake, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom leaving a church after a wedding, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom Martha L. Corbett and John A. Morton with wedding party, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bride and groom posing with attendants, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bride and groom posing with attendants, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bride and groom stand before a fireplace in a home, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bride and groom stand beside a wedding cake and cut into it, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bride and groom standing by the altar, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom standing with young girl, W. D. Smith
Bride and groom stand next to wedding cake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bride and groom stand next to wedding cake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bride and groom stand next to wedding cake in a home's dining room, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bride and groom with their parents, W. D. Smith
Bride and her father, W. D. Smith
Bride posing with attendants, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bride showing garter, W. D. Smith
Bridesmaids and bride getting ready for wedding, W. D. Smith
Bridesmaids and flower girls photographed with bride inside a church, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bridesmaids and other guests preparing for the wedding of Gordon Smith and Lavenia Alexander, W. D. Smith
Bridge covered in snow, W. D. Smith
Bridge Monitoring System Using Embedded Computer Vision, Kenan Modi
Bridge of Honor Land Ship - S. S. S. Texan - Lake de La Fosse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bridge of Honor Land Ship - S. S. S. Texan - Lake de La Fosse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bridge of Honor Land Ship - S. S. S. Texan - Lake de La Fosse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bridge over the Trinity River with downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bridging Two Grids: The SAM-grid/LCG Integration Project, Tummalapalli Sudhamsh Reddy
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Bridle, W. D. Smith
Briefcase, W. D. Smith
Briefing materials, February 3-4, 1994, Doubletree Hotel, Austin, Texas, Texas Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness
Briefing materials, June 1-2, 1995, Doubletree Hotel, Austin, Texas, Texas Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness
Briefing materials, May 26-27, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas, Texas Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness
Brief Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Screening Tools: A Scoping Review, Maxine Davis and D. Padilla Medina
Briggs semi truck cabs in front of a warehouse, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bright and Schiff Office Building Under Construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
"Bringing the Clear Fork River into Breckenridge, Texas", Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bringing "Virtual" to "Reality": Enhancing Security and Usability on VR System and Applications, Huadi Zhu
Brite College, Texas Christian University (T. C. U.), W. D. Smith
Brite College, Texas Christian University (T. C. U.), W. D. Smith
British Guiana Naval Air Station Workmen's Bungalows, W. D. Smith
British Influences On The American And Canadian West: Capital, Cattle, And Clubs, 1870-1910, Todd David Holzaepfel
British Refinements Offset Honduran Inconveniences, Jessie Maye Smith
Broadway and Jones Avenue, Jay C. Henry
Broadway Baptist Church after burned in fire
Broadway Bluffs, Jay C. Henry
Broadway Bluffs Improvement, Jay C. Henry
Broadway Bluffs Improvement, Jay C. Henry
Broadway Bluffs Improvement, Jay C. Henry
Broadway Bluffs Improvement, Jay C. Henry
Broadway Bluffs Improvement, Jay C. Henry
Broadway First Presbyterian Church
Broadway Rose, Eugene West, Martin Fried, Otis Spencer, and Fred Fisher Inc
Brochure, Christmas Caravan for La Huelga, United Farm Workers
Brogdan Hall, Southwestern State University, Jay C. Henry
Brogdan Hall, Southwestern State University, Jay C. Henry
Brogdan Hall, Southwestern State University, Jay C. Henry
Brogdan Hall, Southwestern State University, Jay C. Henry
Brogdan Hall, Southwestern State University, Jay C. Henry
Brogdan Hall, Southwestern State University, Jay C. Henry
Broiler, W. D. Smith
Broiler, W. D. Smith
Broken gin pole, W. D. Smith
Broken gin pole, W. D. Smith
Broken gin pole, W. D. Smith
Broken gin pole, W. D. Smith
Broken Hearts, Ami Patel
Broken lightbulb, W. D. Smith
Broken lightbulb, W. D. Smith
Brooks County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Brooks County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Brooks County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Brooks Morris and Dr. Robert Hill
Broon Jugg, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Brother and sister, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Brower-McKnight Menswear store, Arlington, Texas
Brown Building, Jay C. Henry
Brown County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Brown County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Brown County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Brown Harwood portrait, W. D. Smith
Brown Harwood portrait in fez, W. D. Smith
Brown Motor Company, W. D. Smith
Brown Motor Company, W. D. Smith
Brownsville High School, Jay C. Henry
Brownsville High School, Jay C. Henry
"Brownsville - Texas" Steel engraved transfer lithograph, 1857
Brown Thrush Name Causes Trouble for Bird Observers, Jessie Maye Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial, W. D. Smith
Brownwood Ceremonial - Novice Class, W. D. Smith
Bruce Baughman at Youth Concert, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra
Bruno Beran putting last touches on portrait of Thomas M. Ryan
B. Thompson, clerk at Model Store, Arlington, Texas
Bubble Template Synthesis Of Hollow Gold Nanoparticle, Chivarat Muangphat
Bubble Template Synthesis Of Hollow Gold Nanoparticles And Their Applications As Theranostic Agents, Chienwen Huang
Buccaneer Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Buccaneer Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Buchanan Dam, Jay C. Henry
Buchanan Dam, Jay C. Henry
Buchanan Dam, Jay C. Henry
Buchanan Dam, Jay C. Henry
Buchanan Dam, Jay C. Henry
Buckaroo Band, Breckenridge, Texas, Director Prof[essor] J. C. Burkett, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Buckaroo Band, Professor J. C. Burkett, Director, High School, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Buckaroo Pep Squad, High School, Breckenridge, Texas, Miss Alta Baggett, fa[culty], Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Buckaroo Queen, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Buckets, W. D. Smith
Buckling Analysis Of Thin Plates With Or Without A Hole Under Arbitrary Boundary Conditions Using The Galerkin Method, Srider Thirupachoor Comerica
Buckling And Post Buckling Of Structural Components, Shruti Deshpande
Buckling Load Optimization of Variable stiffness composite Plate Using FEM and Semi-analytical method, Jeegar Vallabhbhai Patel
Buckner Orphans Home, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Buckner Orphans Home, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Buckner Orphans Home, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Buckner Orphan's Home, Dallas, Texas, W. D. Smith
Buddie's Super Market, W. D. Smith
Buddie's Super Market, W. D. Smith
Buddie's Supermarket and Warehouse at 33 and North Main Streets, W. D. Smith
Buddie's Supermarket fire, W. D. Smith
Buddie's Supermarket fire, W. D. Smith
Buddie's Supermarket fire, W. D. Smith
Buddies Supermarket fire reporter on scene, W. D. Smith
Buddy Haas on Coldwater at Arlington Downs, 1934
Buddy Haas on Tiempo at Arlington Downs, 1934
Buddy Raines, West Texas golf tournament, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bud Elliott, UTA Football Head Coach
Bud Hooker's house in snow/Inskeep and Smith Homes, W. D. Smith
Bud Hooker's house in snow/Inskeep and Smith Homes, W. D. Smith
Bud Hooker's house in snow/Inskeep and Smith Homes, W. D. Smith
Bud Hooker's house in snow/Inskeep and Smith Homes, W. D. Smith
Bud Hooker's house in snow/Inskeep and Smith Homes, W. D. Smith
Bud Hooker's house in snow/Inskeep and Smith Homes, W. D. Smith
Bud Hooker's house in snow/Inskeep and Smith Homes, W. D. Smith
Bud Swaim's Farm south of Arlington, Texas
Budweiser team of horses with man and woman standing beside front horse, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
"Buena Vista Grand Triumphal March" sheet music cover
Buena Vista Polka, Antonio Barili and A. Fiot
Buffet, W. D. Smith
Buffet at Ridglea Country Club, W. D. Smith
Buffet at Ridglea Country Club, W. D. Smith
Buffet at Ridglea Country Club, W. D. Smith
Buick-Oldsmobile-Pontiac Assembly Division at General Motors, W. D. Smith
Buick-Oldsmobile-Pontiac Assembly Division at General Motors, W. D. Smith
Buick-Oldsmobile-Pontiac Assembly Division at General Motors
Buick-Oldsmobile-Pontiac Assembly Division at General Motors
Buick-Oldsmobile-Pontiac Assembly Division of General Motors, W. D. Smith
Build House For Birds, Jessie Maye Smith
Building, Jay C. Henry
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, W. D. Smith
Building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building 1008-10, Houston Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building 1008-10, Houston Street, Fort Worth, Texas - Close-up view, W. D. Smith
Building, 1416 Commerce St., Jay C. Henry
Building, 807 Elm Street, Jay C. Henry
Building a bonfire at Arlington State College (A. S. C.)
Building A Foundation For Knowledge Management Research: Developing, Validating, And Applying The Knowledge Internalization Construct, Kamphol Wipawayangkool
Building and parking lot, W. D. Smith
Building an Institutional Repository: Managing Faculty Publication and Author Rights Workflow in the Wyoming Scholars Repository, Kelly Visnak and Yumi Ohira
Building at 1009 Houston Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building at 1600 Jones Street, housing the "Colored Service Mens Center", W. D. Smith
Building at 1600 Jones Street, housing the "Colored Service Mens Center", W. D. Smith
Building at 2701 Lipscomb, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building at 4th and Main Streets, W. D. Smith
Building at 506 Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building at 7th and Burnett streets, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building at 7th and Burnett streets, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Building at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Building at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Building at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Building at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Building at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Building at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Building at Southern Methodist University, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building at the corner of Greenleaf and Kansas, W. D. Smith
Building, Avenue East and 6th Street, Jay C. Henry
Building a Versatile Deduplication System, Zhichao Yan
Building A Wireless Electronic Control Unit For An Electric Vehicle, Hector S. Sosa
Building Bayesian Network Based Expert Systems From Rules, Saravanan Thirumuruganathan
Building collage at Moore Air Force Base, W. D. Smith
Building collage at Moore Air Force Base, W. D. Smith
Building collage at Moore Air Force Base, W. D. Smith
Building construction, W. D. Smith
Building construction, W. D. Smith
Building construction, W. D. Smith
Building construction, W. D. Smith
Building construction, W. D. Smith
Building construction, W. D. Smith
Building construction, W. D. Smith
Building construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building Construction on Bank Vaults, W. D. Smith
Building construction on the campus of the Fondren Library, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction, progress photo #57, W. D. Smith
Building construction site, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building construction site, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building Cultural Bridges Across Generational Chasms: Comparing Chicano And Jewish American Literature, Thomas Rhea
Building dedication, W. D. Smith
Building dedication, W. D. Smith
Building dedication, W. D. Smith
Building dedication--interior, W. D. Smith
Building dedication--interior, W. D. Smith
Building dedication--interior, W. D. Smith
Building dedication--interior, W. D. Smith
Building dedication--interior, W. D. Smith
Building, Elm Street, Jay C. Henry
Building, Elm Street, Jay C. Henry
Building Energy-efficient Broadcast Trees Using A Genetic Algorithm In Wireless Sensor Networks, Min Kyung An
Building Entrance--Exterior, W. D. Smith
Building Entrance--Exterior, W. D. Smith
Building excavation, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building excavation, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, W. D. Smith
Building--Exterior, W. D. Smith
Building--Exterior, W. D. Smith
Building--Exterior, W. D. Smith
Building exterior, Gernsbacher Café Supply, W. D. Smith
Building exterior in Arlington, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building exteriors, W. D. Smith
Building exteriors, W. D. Smith
Building--Exterior view, W. D. Smith
Building--Exterior view, W. D. Smith
Building, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building fire, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building fire, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building housing the H&C Supply Company and Texas Venetian Blind Company, W. D. Smith
Building housing the H&C Supply Company and Texas Venetian Blind Company, W. D. Smith
Building in downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building Information Modeling using Revit for Architects and Engineers, Atefe Makhmalbaf
Building in Houston, Jay C. Henry
Building in Houston, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building Institutional Repositories: Emerging Challenges, Yumi Ohira
Building interior, W. D. Smith
Building interior, W. D. Smith
Building, Main and Congress, Jay C. Henry
Building, Main and Congress, Jay C. Henry
Building Matter Being Sought By Golden-Cheeked Warblers, Jessie Maye Smith
Building (Not Identified), Progress photo (drawing), W. D. Smith
Building on Fire, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building on Lipscomb Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building on Lipscomb Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Building on Texas and Monroe Streets, W. D. Smith
Building, possibly for offices, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building Pressure Tests Of Fiber-reinforced Foam-based Lightweight Concrete Precast Wall Panels, Francheska Enid Seijo
Buildings, W. D. Smith
Buildings, W. D. Smith
Buildings and amusement rides, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Buildings and ground covered with light snow, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Buildings at 10th and Main Streets, W. D. Smith
Buildings at 11th & 12th Commerce Streets, W. D. Smith
Buildings at Galveston and West Annie Streets, W. D. Smith
Buildings at Galveston and West Annie Streets, W. D. Smith
Buildings at Main Street looking North from 9th Street, Fort Worth, Texas
Buildings at Southern Methodist University, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Buildings flooded by the Trinity River, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Buildings flooded by the Trinity River, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Buildings in Sundance Square on Main Street between 2nd Street and 3rd Street, Jack White
Buildings on Commerce Street north of 12th Street, W. D. Smith
Buildings on fire in Breckenridge, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Buildings on side of road, W. D. Smith
Buildings to be demolished for Tarrant County Convention Center construction
Buildings to be removed to make room for construction of Tarrant County Convention Center
Buildings, W. 3rd Street (H.J. Heye), Jay C. Henry
Buildings, W. 3rd Street (Kopecky flower and gift shop), Jay C. Henry
Building the Morris Sheppard Dam at Possum Kingdom Lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Building the Morris Sheppard Dam at Possum Kingdom Lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Building the Morris Sheppard Dam at Possum Kingdom Lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Building the Morris Sheppard Dam at Possum Kingdom Lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Building topped with an AMF sign, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building under construction, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building with Biltmore Parking, Avis Rent-a-Car, and Hotel Texas Official Parking, W. D. Smith
Building with cars in parking lot, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Building with Riley's Reproduction Company, Biltmore Parking, and Avis Rent-a-Car, W. D. Smith
Building Xunantunich: Public Building in an Ancient Maya Community, Leah M. McCurdy
Build More and Draw Less: The AIA and Leopold Eidlitz's Grand Central School of Architecture, Kathryn E. Holliday
Buildout Population Projections, Chelsea Irby
Build-to-order Supply Chain Efficiency Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Maysaa M. Hamdan
Bulimia Nervosa And Substance Use Disorders: Comorbidity And Treatment, Kara Cunningham
Bulk FePt-based nanocomposite magnets with enhanced exchange coupling, Chuan-Bing Rong, Vikas Nandwana, Narayan Poudyal, J. Ping Liu, Mikhail E. Kozlov, Ray H. Baughman, Yong Ding, and Zhong Lin Wang
Bulk FePt-based nanocomposite magnets with enhanced exchange coupling, Vikas Nandwana, J. Ping Liu, Narayan Poudyal, Chuan-Bing Rong, Mikhail E. Kozlov, Ray H. Baughman, Yong Ding, and Zhong Lin Wang
Bulk FePt/Fe3Pt nanocomposite magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering, Chuan-Bing Rong, Vikas Nandwana, Narayan Poudyal, J. Ping Liu, Tetsuji Saito, Yaqiao Wu, and Matthew J. Kramer
Bulk FePt/Fe3Pt nanocomposite magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering, Vikas Nandwana, Chuan-Bing Rong, Narayan Poudyal, J. Ping Liu, Tetsuji Saito, Yaqiao Wu, and Matthew J. Kramer
Bulletin for Grubbs Vocational College
Bulletin for Grubbs Vocational College
Bulls in a corral, W. D. Smith
Bulls in a corral, W. D. Smith
Bullying Exposure Prevalence Among School-age Children And Adolescents Receiving Social Work Intervention In A Community Mental Health Research And Training Setting, Mariam Aisha Shafi
Bullying, Victimization, Depression, And Substance Use: Sex As A Possible Complicating Factor, Michael C. Natishyn
Bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, 1319 S. Taylor Street, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, 1323 S. Taylor Street, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Abbott Street, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Abbott Street, Jay C. Henry
Bungalow, Abbott Street, Jay C. Henry
Bunker Printing Company, W. D. Smith
Burch Hotel, Breckenridge, Texass, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Burger Cultures: McDonaldization And De-McDonaldization In Croatia And The U.S., Ashley Wendell Kranjac
Burger King restaurant building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Burger's Springwater Lake, W. D. Smith
Burglar Man, Arthur G. Schnadt, Herbert Binner, and Betts & Binner Co.
Burk Burnett Building, Jay C. Henry
Burleson Baptist Church, Burleson, Texas
Burleson County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Burleson County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Burl Godfrey, W. D. Smith
Burl Godfrey, W. D. Smith
Burlington Freight Train, W. D. Smith
Burlington Streamliner, W. D. Smith
Burlington Streamliner, W. D. Smith
Burnet County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Burnet County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Burnet County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Burnett Park, Jay C. Henry
Burnett Park, Jay C. Henry
Burnett Park, Jay C. Henry
Burnett Park, Jay C. Henry
Burney Flanikin and Burney Flanikin Caton
Burning of the Johnson oil well, Oct. 5, 1920, Breckenridge, Tex., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Burroughs Adding Machine Company, W. D. Smith
Burroughs computer equipment exhibit in a convention hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Burroughs computer equipment exhibit in a convention hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Burroughs computer equipment exhibit in a convention hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Burroughs computer equipment exhibit in a convention hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Burroughs Sales and Service building, W. D. Smith
Burroughs Sales and Service building, W. D. Smith
Burrowing Prairie Owl Now Rare Here, Jessie Maye Smith
Burrus Feed Mills, W. D. Smith
Burrus Feed Mills, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills and wheat field, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills construction, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills drawing, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills elevators, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills, "Home of Light Crust Flour", W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills Office Building, Donald M. Cohen
Burrus Mills warehouse, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills warehouse, W. D. Smith
Burrus Mills warehouse, W. D. Smith
Burton B. Paddock portrait, W. D. Smith
Burton Building at 7th & Main Street, W. D. Smith
Burt's Shoes, W. D. Smith
Burt's Shoes and Lee's Optical in uptown Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Burt's Shoes and Street Scene, W. D. Smith
Burying the Dead after the Battle of Monterey decalcomania
Bus advertising Publix Theatres, downtown Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Bus at the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen from Peyton Packing Company Strike
Bushell Avenue, Jay C. Henry
Bushnell Aparments, Jay C. Henry
Bushnell Apartments, Jay C. Henry
Business Analytics in the 21st Century from the Perspective of Academic Journals, Qiang Ruan
Business and Professional Women
Business and Technology Department, Earth Science Library Division, W. D. Smith
Business card for Amon Gary Carter, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Businesses along 7th Street, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Businesses in Breckenridge, Texas, including The Continental Supply Company, Fishing Tools, and Brown Tool Company with oil derricks in the background, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Businesses in Breckenridge, Texas, including The Continental Supply Company, Fishing Tools, and Brown Tool Company with oil derricks in the background, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Businesses line a street in Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Businesses line a street in Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Businesses on Houston Street, Fort Worth, Texas
Businesses on W. Main St., Arlington, Texas
Business information and systems plan, Texas Department of Transportation
Business meeting, W. D. Smith
Business meeting, W. D. Smith
Business meeting, W. D. Smith
Business meeting and entertainment, W. D. Smith
Business meeting and entertainment, W. D. Smith
Business Meeting Room, Womens Club, W. D. Smith
Business Meeting Room, Womens Club, W. D. Smith
Business Meeting Room, Womens Club, W. D. Smith
Business men, W. D. Smith
Business men, W. D. Smith
Business men, W. D. Smith
Business Men and New Reo Fire Trucks
Business Portrait, W. D. Smith
Business Portrait, W. D. Smith
Business Portrait, W. D. Smith
Business Portrait of C. M. Sandil, W. D. Smith
Business portrait of E. E. Clove, W. D. Smith
Business portrait of Jack Craig, W. D. Smith
Business portrait of J. Allen Newell, W. D. Smith
Business Portrait of J. H. Chowning, W. D. Smith
Business Portrait of J. S. Morgan, W. D. Smith
Business portrait of L. R. Doyle, W. D. Smith
Business portrait of Mr. Clurer, W. D. Smith
Business Portrait of R. A. LeMond, W. D. Smith
Business Portrait of Sam Brindle, W. D. Smith
Business portrait of Thomas A. French, W. D. Smith
Business Portrait of W. Wennslett, W. D. Smith
Business professionals, University Photographer
Business signs in Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Business signs in Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Business Week, cover page, March 9, 1957
Business Week, page 101: "Can Feudists Grow Together?"
Bus Leaving Group, W. D. Smith
Bus on the Transcontinental Highway, W. D. Smith
Bus Stop, University Photographer
busstop.jpg, University Photographer
Bust photograph of a man wearing a jacket and tie, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bust photograph of a man wearing a jacket and tie, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Bust shot of Ballet instructor Dorothy Edwards
Busy Bee Transfer & Storage Company trailor, W. D. Smith
Busy Bee Transfer & Storage Company trailor, W. D. Smith
Busy Month of Birding Looms, Following Delay for Wedding, Jessie Maye Smith
Busy street corner in Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
Busy street in Fort Worth, Texas, ca. late 1940s, Bill Wood Photo Company
Butane tank on tractor, W. D. Smith
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid with gang, John Swartz
Buteo Hawks Seen Resting Near Here, Jessie Maye Smith
Butler Brothers wholesaler and Ben Franklin Stores offices, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Buttercrust Bakery (2201 Broadway), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (2201 Broadway), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (2201 Broadway), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (2201 Broadway), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Buttercrust Bakery (previously Holsum Bakery), Jay C. Henry
Butter Crust Bread car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Butter Crust Bread delivery truck, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Butter Crust Bread truck, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Butts Oldsmobile Cadillac in Arlington, Texas, W. D. Smith
Buying 2 Books and Binoculars First Step for Beginning Birder, Jessie Maye Smith
B. W. Collins family in front of the Pacific Hotel, Arlington, Texas
Bye-Lo, Ray Perkins and Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co.
Byer's Opera House, Fort Worth, Tex.
Byler Langdon, Grubbs Vocational College
B. Young in front of Calvert liquor display, W. D. Smith
By-Product: Leaf Colors Don t Depend On Frost, Jessie Maye Smith
"B. Y. P. U. Unions, First Baptist Church, Breckenridge, Texas", Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Byrd Glass & Paint storefront after flood, W. D. Smith
Byron Lilly, 1931, Chanters, W. D. Smith
Bystander Sexual Violence Prevention Program: Implementation And Evaluation With High-risk University Males, Nada Elias-Lambert
By The Sapphire Sea, Harry B. Smith, Francis Wheeler, Ted Snyder, and Waterson Berlin & Snyder Co.
Cabana Motor Hotel, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cabana Motor Hotel, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cabana Motor Hotel, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cabana Motor Hotel, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cabana Motor Hotel, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cabinet, W. D. Smith
Cabinet card, Whittaker & Kennedy
Cabinet card: Mollie Montfort Steele Sawtelle, Gaylord
Cabinet card: Mollie Montfort Steele Sawtelle
Cabinet card of Charley Lockhart, Texas politician
Cabinet card of Dr. Milton H. Cravens, Mahanay Brothers
Cabinet card of Edwin Perry Barclay, Enos & Gates
Cabinet card of Edwin T. Dumble
Cabinet card of Freddie Raymond Schmidt on tricycle, age 3-1/2, C. L. Swartz
Cabinet card of George Wilkins Kendall, Loryea Studios
Cabinet card of Jesse Morland Bowie, son of Colonel And Mrs. George Morland Bowie
Cabinet card of Jessie Jeanette Myers as a child
Cabinet card of Sam Jones of Smithfield, Texas, in cowboy dress
Cabinet card of Smith Winter, W. A. Hunter
Cabinet card of unidentified woman sitting at desk, Cheney and Christman
Cabinet card photograph of Captain B. B. Paddock, Edward Smith
Cabinet card photograph of Elsie Barclay (Griffin) and cousin Mark Travers in Toledo, Ohio
Cabinet card photograph of Gertie Stevens
Cabinet card photograph of Hazel Barclay and Jewell Alexander
Cabinet card photograph of T. L. Nugent, Thomason & Leffler
Cabinet card photograph of young Elsie Barclay with doll in a carriage, Windisch
Cabinet card photo of B. B. Paddock, Swartz Photographers
Cabinet card showing saddle made by W.H. Wilson, Nocona, Texas
Cabinet card showing saddle made by W.H. Wilson, Nocona, Texas
Cabinets, W. D. Smith
Cabinets and a living area in a modern home, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cabins at Eagle Mountain Lake, W. D. Smith
Cable and Wireless company showroom exhibit, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cable and Wireless company showroom exhibit, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cables, W. D. Smith
Cables, W. D. Smith
Cables, W. D. Smith
Cables, W. D. Smith
Cables, W. D. Smith
Cables, W. D. Smith
Cables, W. D. Smith
Cacti- And Shorebirds-inspired Transports Of Liquid Drops And Two Related Fog Collectors, Xin Heng
Cactus covered in snow, W. D. Smith
Cactus Wren Well Chosen by Arizona, Jessie Maye Smith
Caddo Artifacts, North Texas Archeological Society
Caddo Artifacts Renderings, North Texas Archeological Society
Caddo High School Track Team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Caddo High School Track Team, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cadet First Lieutenant Emerson Emory, Prairie View College R.O.T.C., circa 1940-1943
Cadet Nurse in the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps
Cadet Price, Corps of Cadets Yearbook
Cadets in uniform, Grubbs Vocational College
Cae Tools For Modeling Inertia And Aerodynamic Properties Of An R/c Airplane, Kartik Kiran Parikh
Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria at Fort Worth's First National Bank, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria at General Motors, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria interior at the Colonial Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria interior at the Colonial Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria interior at the Colonial Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria interior at the Colonial Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria interior at the Colonial Cafeteria, W. D. Smith
Cafeteria with four men waiting in line, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cafeteria with two cooks and two women, seated, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Caldwell County Courthouse (Martin, Byrne and Johnston (contractors)), Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Courthouse (Martin, Byrne and Johnston (contractors)), Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Courthouse (Martin, Byrne and Johnston (contractors)), Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Courthouse (Martin, Byrne and Johnston (contractors)), Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Courthouse (Martin, Byrne and Johnston (contractors)), Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Courthouse (Martin, Byrne and Johnston (contractors)), Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Courthouse (Martin, Byrne and Johnston (contractors)), Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Courthouse Square, Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Jail (now Caldwell County Museum), Jay C. Henry
Caldwell County Jail (now Caldwell County Museum), Jay C. Henry
Calf photographed for an advertisement in the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Magazine, W. D. Smith
Calf photographed for an advertisement in the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Magazine, W. D. Smith
Calibration equipment, W. D. Smith
Calibration equipment, W. D. Smith
Calibration equipment, W. D. Smith
Calibration equipment, W. D. Smith
Calibration equipment, W. D. Smith
Calibration equipment, W. D. Smith
Calibration equipment, W. D. Smith
Calibration equipment, W. D. Smith
Calibration machine, W. D. Smith
Calibration machine, W. D. Smith
Calibration of MEPDG Performance Models for Flexible Pavement Distresses to Local Conditions of Ontario, Nelson Fernando Cunha Coelho
Calibration Of The Atlas Intermediate Tile Calorimeter, Heather Brianna Brown
Calibration tape, W. D. Smith
Calibration tape, W. D. Smith
California and You, Edgar Leslie, Harry Puck, and Kalmar & Puck Music Co. Inc
California Police Radio Association call signals pamphlet, W. D. Smith
California Police Radio Association call signals pamphlet, W. D. Smith
California Police Radio Association call signals pamphlet, W. D. Smith
California Police Radio Association call signals pamphlet, W. D. Smith
California Police Radio Association call signals pamphlet, W. D. Smith
California Police Radio Association call signals pamphlet, W. D. Smith
Calix[4]arene-based Synthetic Nanotubes, Voltaire Guanlao Organo
Calix[4]arene structure and Function in Sensors, Deuteration of Cystine Derivatives, and Purification of Pyrimidine-Based Antibiotics, Ryan P. Madigan
Callahan County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Callahan County Hospital, Jay C. Henry
Callahan County Hospital, Jay C. Henry
Callahan County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Callahan County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Callahan County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Callier Hearing and Speech Center building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Callier Hearing and Speech Center building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Callier Hearing and Speech Center building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Callier Hearing and Speech Center building under construction, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Call Me Back, Pal O' Mine, Lawrence Perricone, Harold Dixon, and Dixon-Lane Music Pub. Co.
Call of Birds Strong Lure For Watchers, Jessie Maye Smith
Call of the Wild Goose Stirs Wanderlust in Hearts of Man, Jessie Maye Smith
Calmet Meter Plant, Part of Wells Supply Company, W. D. Smith
Cal Ripken media photo authographed, Limited Edition, #218 of 1000
Calvary Episcopal Church, Jay C. Henry
Calvary Episcopal Church, Jay C. Henry
Calvary Episcopal Church, Jay C. Henry
Calvary Episcopal Church, Jay C. Henry
Calvary Episcopal Church, Jay C. Henry
Calvary Episcopal Church, Jay C. Henry
Calvary Episcopal Church, Jay C. Henry
Calvary Episcopal Church, Jay C. Henry
Camels and handlers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Camera at W. D. Smith Studio, W. D. Smith
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cameron Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Cameron Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Cameron Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Camouflaged death is this Texas diamondback rattler, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Campaign poster for Charley Lockhart for Texas State Treasurer
Camp Basil Clemons, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Campbell Smith portrait, W. D. Smith
Camp Bowie panoramic photograph, 1917, Mayhart Photography
Camp Bowie's 36th Division military review parade
Camp Bowie's 36th Division military review parade in downtown Fort Worth
Camp Bowie's 36th Division military review parade in downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Camp Bowie's 36th Division military review parade in downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Camp Bowie's 36th Division military review parade in downtown Fort Worth, Texas
Camp Carter Swimming Pool Under Construction, W. D. Smith
Camp County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Camp County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Camp Mabry, W. D. Smith
Camp-O-Ral, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Camp-O-Ral, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Camp-O-Ral, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Camp-O-Ral, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Camp-O-Ral, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Camp-O-Ral, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Campus Bench, University Photographer
Campus Bench, University Photographer
Campus Bench, University Photographer
Campus buildings at Texas Christian University (T. C. U.), W. D. Smith
Campus Flower, University Photographer
Campus Flowers, University Photographer
Campus Fountain, University Photographer
Campus Fountain, University Photographer
Campus Fountain, University Photographer
Campus Fountain, University Photographer
Campus Fountain, University Photographer
Campus Recreation Booth, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
campus scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene, University Photographer
Campus Scene Breezeway, University Photographer
Campus Scene Central Library, University Photographer
Campus Scene Flowers, University Photographer
Campus Scene Footbridge, University Photographer
Campus Scene Trumpet, University Photographer
Campus Scene Wheelchairs, University Photographer
Campus Scene Woolf Hall, University Photographer
Campus Shrub, University Photographer
Campus Trees, University Photographer
Campus Trees, University Photographer
Campus Trees, University Photographer
Campus Trees, University Photographer
Campus Trees Winter, University Photographer
Campus Walkway, University Photographer
Campus Walkway, University Photographer
Camp Wolters: A History of the US Army's Relationship with Mineral Wells, Texas, Stacy E. Croushorn
Canada and Snow Geese Seen Here, Jessie Maye Smith
Canada Dry Club Soda bottle, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Canada Dry Collins Mixer bottle, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Canada Dry Ginger Ale bottle, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Canada Dry Tonic Water bottle, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Canada Dry Vodka Mixer bottle, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Canada Dry Whiskey Sour Mixer bottle, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Canadian Marconi Company, Telecommunications Division convention exhibit, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Can adults become fluent in newly learned scripts?, Helen Abadzi
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Canal Street Health Center, Jay C. Henry
Can A Screening Algorithm For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Be Formulated From Maximal Exercise Test Variables?, Stacy Marie Lueking
Cancer patient, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cancer patient, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cancer patient, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cancer patient, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cancer patient, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid Classes at Reeder School
Candid group photograph, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman and man, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman and man, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a woman wearing a bathing suit, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of a women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of girls, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of two women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of two women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of two women in a garden, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women by a lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of women with a dog, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid picture of young women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid portrait of a man, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid portrait of man reading, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid portrait of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candid portrait of women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Candy box of "Candy by the Yard", W. D. Smith
Candy Tucker and Phillip Bryan in recital
Can Heterogeneity of Chronic Sickle Cell Disease Pain Be Explained by Genomics? A Literature Review, Maxine A. Adegbola
Cannibalism In A Cultural Context: Cartographic Imagery And Iconography Of The New World Indigenous Peoples During The Age Of Discovery, Cynthia Ann Chambers
Can of Griesedieck malt liquor, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Can Silicon Carbide Nanotubes Be Effective Storage Medium For Hydrogen Storage?, Souptik Mukherjee
Can't Remember, Herbert J. Brandon, Alma Goatley, and Enoch & Sons
Can Virtual Patients Teach Student Nurses about Pediatric Respiratory Diseases?, Judy LeFlore
CA-OLE- A Collaborative And Adaptive Online Learning Environment, Paola Gomez
Capacitive Strain Sensors For Measurement Of Large Strain For Structural Health Monitoring, Clement Jacob
Capacity and coverage management issues in the forward link of CDMA systems, Jonathan W. Bredow, J.A. Khoja, and M.A. Al-Shalash
Capacity Estimation Of Two-sided Type C Weaves On Freeway, Phong Thanh Vo
Capacity Fading Induced On Electrochemical Energy Storage Cells As A Result Of High C Discharge, Biju Shrestha
Capacity Of Two-sided Type C On Freeway With Four Lanes, Shadi Ghasemi-Majd
Capacity Position And Financial Performance: Longitudinal Evidence From U.S. Manufacturers, Carol J. Cagle
CAP: A Context-aware Privacy Protection System For Location-based Services, Aniket Pingley
Cape Colony, Arbuckle Brothers Coffee Company
Cape Colony, J. Rapkin
Capillary Scale Reagent Introduction And Optical Detectors For Capillary Scale Analysis, Santosh K. Mishra
Capital Market Reactions to IFRS in the United States: Evidence from Foreign Private Issuers, Jennifer Yardley
Capitol Theater, Jay C. Henry
Caples Building, Jay C. Henry
Caples Building, Jay C. Henry
Caples Building, Jay C. Henry
Caples Building, Jay C. Henry
Caples Building, Jay C. Henry
Caples Building, Jay C. Henry
Caples Building, Jay C. Henry
Captain Allan Fleming and Mrs. Fleming with Navy Pictures
Captain Brooks Company, Texas Rangers, Falfurrias, Texas, Brooks County, Texas
Captain Hawkins portrait, W. D. Smith
Captain John's Oyster Bar, Jay C. Henry
Captain John's Oyster Bar, Jay C. Henry
Captured German soldiers in Belgium following "Battle of the Bulge," World War II
Capturing Diverse Voices through Oral Histories, Yumi Ohira and Joe Carpenter
Capturing Diverse Voices Through Oral Histories, Ohira Yumi and Joe Carpenter
Capturing the Impact of Career and Technical Education Participation on Graduation Likelihood, Jeffrey Shawn Seeton
Capturing The Longitudinal Dynamics Of Customer-supplier Relationships: An Empirical Examination Of The Roles Of IT, Transaction Economics And Social Exchange, William Wayne Willette
Capturing the Teachable Moments Online, Eric Frierson
Caracara, National Emblem: Mexican Bird Spotted Here, Jessie Maye Smith
CARACARA NATIONAL EMBLEM Mexican Bird Spotted Here (aud), Jessie Maye Smith
Car accident, W. D. Smith
Car accident, W. D. Smith
Car accident, W. D. Smith
Car accident, W. D. Smith
Car accident 19 miles north of Fort Worth, on Highway 81, W. D. Smith
Car accident 19 miles north of Fort Worth, on Highway 81, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 1100 East Baltimore, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 1200 Cold Springs, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 12th Street and Jacksboro Highway, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 12th Street and Jacksboro Highway, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 12th Street and Jacksboro Highway, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 15th and Calhoun Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 2200 Rockridge Terrace, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 2500 Carson Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 2500 Carson Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 2600 East Vickery, between Oldsmobile and Ford, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 2600 East Vickery, between Oldsmobile and Ford, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 2600 Pafford, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 4100 West Rosedale, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 4900 West Vickery, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 4900 West Vickery, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 5900 East Lancaster, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 5th Avenue and Rosedale, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 600 Caragan, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 6th and Houston Streets between an Oldsmobile and a Mercury, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 6th and Houston Streets between an Oldsmobile and a Mercury, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 7200 East Lancaster, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 7200 East Lancaster, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 7200 East Lancaster, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 7th and Houston Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 7th and Summit Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 7th and Throckmorton Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at 800 8th Avenue, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Arkansas Lane and Tate Springs Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Arkansas Lane and Tate Springs Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Azle & Roberts Cut-Off, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Berry and Cleburne Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Cliff and Northwest 28th Streets between two Chevrolets and a Ford, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Cliff and Northwest 28th Streets between two Chevrolets and a Ford, W. D. Smith
Car accident at East 4th & Bourline Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at East 4th Street, East of Sylvania, W. D. Smith
Car accident at East Lancaster, W. D. Smith
Car accident at East Lancaster and Ayers Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at East Lancaster and Ayers Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at East Lancaster and Ayers Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Freeway and University Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hemphill and Berry Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hemphill and Berry Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hemphill and Berry Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hemphill and Morningside, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hemphill and Seminary Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Henderson and Belknap Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Henderson and Belknap Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hightower and East 1st Streets between bus, Baker Brothers Truck and a motorcycle, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hightower and East 1st Streets between bus, Baker Brothers Truck and a motorcycle, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Highway 81 South between a Cadillac and Oldsmobile, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Highway 81 South between a Cadillac and Oldsmobile, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hollis and Riverside Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Hollis and Riverside Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Houston and Belknap Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Houston and Belknap Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at intersection of Bingham and Greenway, W. D. Smith
Car accident at intersection of Bingham and Greenway, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Lancaster and Calhoun Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Lancaster and University Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Lancaster Avenue and Calhoun Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Lancaster Avenue and Calhoun Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Leuda Street Crossing, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Leuda Street Crossing, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Lufton Terrace, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Magnolia and Henderson Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Northeast 23rd and Denver Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Northeast 23rd and Denver Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at North East 28th and Blandin Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Oleander and Washington Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Ryan Avenue and Berry Street between a Mercury and a Pontiac, W. D. Smith
Car accident at South Main and Rosedale, W. D. Smith
Car accident at South Main and Vickery Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Spurgeon Street and Bilglade Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Spurgeon Street and Bilglade Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Spurgeon Street and Bilglade Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Standering and Clayton Road West between a Chevrolet and Chevrolet pick-up truck, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Standering and Clayton Road West between a Chevrolet and Chevrolet pick-up truck, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Tanglewood and Overton, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Vickery and Ballinger Streets between a truck and two cars, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Vickery and Main Streets between a bus and a Ford, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Vickery and Summit between a truck and a Studebaker, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Vickery and Summit between a truck and a Studebaker, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Vickery and Summit Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at West 7th and Carroll Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at West El Paso and Henderson Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident at West Freeway and University Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident at White Settlement Road and Rockwood Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Winfield and Carylan Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident at Worth Food Markets, 20th and North Main Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident- at Yucca and Scenic Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident- at Yucca and Scenic Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident- at Yucca and Scenic Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident behind Will Rogers Coliseum bewtwen a Mercury and Studebaker, W. D. Smith
Car accident behind Will Rogers Coliseum bewtwen a Mercury and Studebaker, W. D. Smith
Car accident behind Will Rogers Coliseum bewtwen a Mercury and Studebaker, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a 1941 Ford and a 1953 Chevy at Magnolia and St. Louis Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a 1941 Ford and a 1953 Chevy at Magnolia and St. Louis Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a 1952 Ford and a 1956 Chevrolet at University Drive and Freeway, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a 1953 Chevrolet and a 1950 Oldsmobile at 6000 Old Granbury Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a 1953 Chevrolet and a 1950 Oldsmobile at 6000 Old Granbury Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a 1953 Chevrolet and a 1950 Oldsmobile at 6000 Old Granbury Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Buick and a Ford at Daggett and Henderson Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Chevrolet and Frisco Train at West Berry Crossing, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Chevrolet and Frisco Train at West Berry Crossing, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Chevrolet and Frisco Train at West Berry Crossing, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Chevrolet pick-up and Plymouth at Highland and Thomas Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Chevrolet pick-up and Plymouth at Highland and Thomas Road, W. D. Smith
Car accident- between a firetruck and a Pontiac, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Maxwell Steel Truck and a Gravel Truck at Riverside Drive and Lawnwood, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Maxwell Steel Truck and a Gravel Truck at Riverside Drive and Lawnwood, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Mercury, Chevrolet and Ford--5100 West Freeway, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Mercury, Chevrolet and Ford--5100 West Freeway, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Mercury, Chevrolet and Ford, 5100 West Freeway, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Morton's Foods truck and a car at Northeast 28th and East Belknap Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Morton's Foods truck and a car at Northeast 28th and East Belknap Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a motorcycle and a car at Ballinger and Texas Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a motorcycle and a car at Ballinger and Texas Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a pick-up and a Dodge at 3600 Mansfield Highway, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a pick-up and a Dodge at 3600 Mansfield Highway, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a pick-up and a Dodge at 3600 Mansfield Highway, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Southland Ice Truck and a 1953 Ford, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a Southland Ice Truck and a 1953 Ford, W. D. Smith
Car accident between a train and a 1955 Pontiac, W. D. Smith
Car accident between Chevy and Ford at Chicago and Hampshire Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident between Chevy and Ford at Chicago and Hampshire Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident between Chevy and Ford at Chicago and Hampshire Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident between Handley and Arlington at Cook's Lane, W. D. Smith
Car accident between Handley and Arlington at Cook's Lane, W. D. Smith
Car accident between two Buicks at 2900 Northeast 28th Street, W. D. Smith
Car accident, hit and run, W. D. Smith
Car accident, hit and run, W. D. Smith
Car accident, hit and run, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Mansfield, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Mansfield, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Mansfield, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Mineral Wells, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Mineral Wells, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Mineral Wells, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in South Mansfield, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in South Mansfield, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Springtown, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Springtown, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident in Springtown, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident involving a fire truck, Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Car accident involving Motor Officer Dowdy at North Main and 26th Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident involving Motor Officer Dowdy at North Main and 26th Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident involving Motor Officer Dowdy at North Main and 26th Streets, W. D. Smith
Car accident near Kennedale, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident near Kennedale, Texas, W. D. Smith
Car accident near Rose Hill Cemetery, W. D. Smith
Car accident on 5000 block of West Vickery, W. D. Smith
Car accident on 5000 block of West Vickery, W. D. Smith
Car accident on 5000 block of West Vickery, W. D. Smith
Car accident on a freeway, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Crestline and Montgomery, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Expressway and University Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 183, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 183, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 183, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 183, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 183, East of 157, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 183, East of 157, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 183, East of 157, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 183, East of 157, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 80 West, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 80 West, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 80 West, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Highway 81 South, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Randol Mill Road between a Volkswagen and a Gravel Truck, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Riverside Drive between a Pontiac and a truck, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Rockwood Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident on Rockwood Drive, W. D. Smith
Car accident on South Freeway, W. D. Smith
Car accident on South Freeway, W. D. Smith
Car accident on the 6500 block of Camp Bowie Boulevard, W. D. Smith
Car accident on the 6500 block of Camp Bowie Boulevard, W. D. Smith
Car accident on the 800 block of Stanton, W. D. Smith
Caravan of Dreams, Jay C. Henry
Carbon Fibers Recycling from Degraded Prepregs and Mechanical Properties or Recycled Composite, Monjur Morshed Rabby, Minhazur Rahman, Partha Pratim Das, Vamsee Vadlamudi, and Rassel Raihan
Carbon Footprint Analysis Of A Large Diameter Water Transmission Pipeline Installation, Lalit Chilana
Carbon, Nitrogen And Phosphorus Stoichiometry Of A Mixotrophic Protist, Natalie C. Lukomski
Carburators made by the Mandis Company, W. D. Smith
Car crushed beneath a tree at Owens-Brumley Funeral Home, W. D. Smith
Cardboard boxes, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cardboard boxes and other items, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Card from the Texas & Pacific Railway, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cardinal Is Ideal Bird for Valentines, Jessie Maye Smith
Cardinal Kicks Off Daily Bird Chorus, Jessie Maye Smith
Cardinals, Jays Hide Nests Well, Jessie Maye Smith
Cardinals Offer Viewing Fun, Jessie Maye Smith
Cards Top All Others In Fowl-Weather Act, Jessie Maye Smith
Career Exploring: Teamwork, Charlotte Stubbins
Career In Alaska Top Nature Study (Book Review), Jessie Maye Smith
Career Influences For Women In Landscape Architecture, Catherine Louise Acuna
Career Influences For Women In Landscape Architecture, Catherine Louise Acuna
Career opportunities as an examiner, Texas Department of Banking
Career Pathways In A Knowledge-based Economy: Earnings Inequality Among Science And Engineering Doctorate Recipients, Throy Alexander Campbell
Career Planning: Teamwork, Rebecca Roten
Career Planning: Teamwork, Rebecca Roten
Careless Bird Importation Can Upset Nature Balance, Jessie Maye Smith
Car engines, W. D. Smith
Car garage, W. D. Smith
Caricature drawing of W. E. Jary by Hep Blackman, W. D. Smith and Hep Blackman
Caricature mascot for The Shorthorn, Dean Hollingsworth
Carla and Susan, School of Social Work
Carle House and Store, Jay C. Henry
Carle House and Store, Jay C. Henry
Carl Harnisch house, Jay C. Henry
Carl Harnisch house, Jay C. Henry
Carl H. Fellows, military officer during World War I at Camp Stanley, Texas
Carlin Art Galleries. Felissa Owens with aluminum plastic statue
Carlin Art Galleries. R. W. Van Hamersveld with paintings
Carling Brewery construction, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery executives in meeting/dining room
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery, Fort Worth, Texas
Carling Brewery groundbreaking guests seated at tables under big tent
Carling Brewery groundbreaking guests seated at tables under big tent
Carling Brewery groundbreaking in Fort Worth
Carling Brewery officials celebrating groundbreaking in Fort Worth
Carling Brewery officials getting ready to board train
Carling Brewery officials on train, "Carling Brewery Special," after groundbreaking
Carling Brewery officials using Texas shaped shovel for groundbreaking
Carling Brewery worker with burlap bag on lifting mechanism
Carling Junction tent set up for groundbreaking in Fort Worth
Carlisle College, Arlington, Tex.
Carlisle Cravens in North Texas Agricultural College (N.T.A.C.) uniform
Carlisle Military Academy aerial view
Carlisle Military Academy annual announcement, 1911-1912
Carlisle Military Academy, Arlington, Tex.
Carlisle Military Academy, Arlington, Tex.
Carlisle Military Academy, Arlington, Tex.
Carlisle Military Academy, Arlington, Tex.
Carlisle Military Academy Band
Carlisle Military Academy baseball team
Carlisle Military Academy baseball team
Carlisle Military Academy bulletin, photograph of three cadets
Carlisle Military academy campus mess hall
Carlisle Military Academy first football team
Carlisle Military Academy Non-Commissioned Officers
Carlisle Military Academy's first baseball team
Carlisle Military Academy Sixth Annual Announcement
Carlisle Military Academy Sixth Annual Announcement
Carlisle Military Academy students
Carlisle Military Academy Tenth Annual Announcement
Carlisle Military Academy Tenth Annual Announcement drawing of campus in 1901
Carlisle School for Boys, class photo, 1901-02
Carlos Buhler, Grace Ward Lankford, and Mrs. Marian Douglas Martin
Carlos Rosales and his wife Maria Rosales
Car lot, W. D. Smith
Carlot feeder cattle at the Houton Fat Stock Show, W. D. Smith
Carl Shanks wearing a Moslah Directors fez, W. D. Smith
Carlton Clinic, W. D. Smith
Carlton Clinic, W. D. Smith
Carl W. Gross House, Jay C. Henry
Carl W. Gross House, Jay C. Henry
Carl W. Gross House, Jay C. Henry
Carl Wilhelm August Groos House, Jay C. Henry
Carl Wilhelm August Groos House, Jay C. Henry
Carl Wilhelm August Groos House, Jay C. Henry
Carl Williams, Arlington State College football player
Carl Williams, Arlington State College football player
Carl Williams, Arlington State College football player
Carl Williams, Arlington State College football player
Carl Williams, Arlington State College football player
Carmen Grape Vineyard on J. I. McNeil Farm, Tarrant County Ft. Worth RT 1
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library (Chamber of Commerce), Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library (Chamber of Commerce), Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library (Chamber of Commerce), Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library (Terrell Heritage Museum), Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Library (Terrell Heritage Museum), Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Public Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Public Library, Jay C. Henry
Carnegie Public Library, W. D. Smith
Carol de Onis and Rosemary Webb
Carolyn Taylor watches Jessie Ambrose putt
Carousel and carpenters with oil rig in background, Six Flags Over Texas
Carpenter Paper Co., W. D. Smith
Carpenter Paper Company, W. D. Smith
Carpenter Paper Company, W. D. Smith
Carpenter Paper Company building, W. D. Smith
Carranza at his home surrounded by men with rifles wearing sombreros
Carriage House, Jay C. Henry
Carriage House, Jay C. Henry
Carriage House, Jay C. Henry
Carriage House, Jay C. Henry
Carriage house to Victorian bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Carrier exhibit, Texas state fair, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Carrie Rogers, Arlington's first female city marshal
Carroll Road and Highway 114, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cars and trucks driving through downtown Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cars and trucks surrounding new building construction on 3020 Morton, W. D. Smith
Cars entering under sign that reads "Six Flags Parking" at Six Flags Over Texas park on opening day
Cars in a large parking lot at the Stephens County rodeo, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cars in a parking garage, W. D. Smith
Cars in parking lot of Texan Theater, W. D. Smith
Cars on a street, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Carson County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Carson County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Carson County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Cars on flatbed trailer at General Motors plant, W. D. Smith
Carson House, Jay C. Henry
Carson House, Jay C. Henry
Carson House, Jay C. Henry
Cars parked in front of a building, W. D. Smith
Cars produced at General Motors plant, W. D. Smith
Cars pulling up and people standing in front of the First Methodist Church, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Carswell Air Force Base Hospital, W. D. Smith
Carswell-Convair Overpass, W. D. Smith
Carta Generale del'Africa, Giovanni Battista Albrizzi
Carte de la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge, et Golfe de Perse Par ordre de Mgr le Comte de Maurepas, Jacques Nicolas Bellin
Carte de la Coste Orientale d'AFRIQUE depuis le XIIIe Degré de Latitude Méridionale, Jusqu'au XVIe Degré de Latitude Septentrionale Tirée de la Carte de l'Océan Oriental, Par Ordre de Mgr le Comte de Maurepas en 1740, Jacques Nicolas Bellin
Carte De L’Africa, Pierre Filloeul
Carte de L'Afrique, Louis-Charles Desnos
Carte de l’Afrique, Ambroise Tardieu
Carte de L’Afrique Meridionale, Didier Robert de Vaugondy and Charles François Delamarche
Carte De L’Afrique Septentrionale, Didier Robert de Vaugondy and Charles François Delamarche
Carte de la Haute et de la Basse Guinee, Rigobert Bonne
Carte de la Partie Septentrionale d' Afrique, Rigobert Bonne
Carte de L'Ile de la Reunion, V. (Victor) Levasseur
Carte de L’Isle D’Anjouan, Jacques Nicolas Bellin
Carte des Royaumes de Congo, Angola et Benguela avec les pays Voisins, Tire de l'Anglois, Jacques Nicolas Bellin
Carte de visite for Anna Raguet Irion, George Rockwood
Carte de visite of Bettie Burney Cravens, G. C. Rhine
Carte-de-visite of Carey Westworth Styles
Carte de visite of Emmie Harper Paddock, wife of B. B. Paddock
Carte-de-visite of Frances Jean Styles
Carte de visite of Henry Schmidt
Carte de visite of sailing ship, 1870; "City of Ragusa"
Carte-de-visite of Upshur Vincent
Carte de visite photograph of Lawrence Barclay
Carte du Canal de Mosambique contenant l'isle de Madagascar avec les cotes d'Afrique depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance jusqu'a Melinde, Rigobert Bonne
Carte du Pays des Hottentots, Louis Brion de la Tour
Carte generale L’Egypte Ancienne de la Palestine et de L’Arabie Petree, Adrien Hubert Brué
Carte Physique et Politique de L'Afrique, Claude Drioux and Leroy Drioux
Carter Blood Center, W. D. Smith
Carter Blood Center, W. D. Smith
Carter-Riverside High School, W. D. Smith
Cartoon showing traffic jam on U. S. Highway 80
Car used by Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow
Car with dent in front of wooden house, W. D. Smith
Casale house in Interlochen decorated for Christmas, Brent Winn
Casa Mañana, W. D. Smith
Casa Manana arrivals: Jule Styne, New York being helped on horse by R. N. Gilley
Casa Manana. "Bells Are Ringing", Fabian Stewart, Mary Jane Ferguson with Suzanne Munn
Casa Manana. "Bells Are Ringing", Fred Harper with Peggy Basten and Linda Loftis
Casa Manana. "Bells are Ringing", Pamela Britton with Vincent Beck
Casa manana. "Bells Are Ringing", Vincent Beck
Casa Manana. Elaine Malbin. Rehearsal for "Kismet"
Casa Manana exterior showing dome, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Casa Manana. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Marguerite Shaw with Kathy Moore
Casa Manana. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", Peggy Basten dances with Fabian Stuart
Casa Manana. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Premiere. James Snowden with Morton Downey and Tom McCann
Casa Manana. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Premiere. Jule Styne with Sandra Church and Johny Horton
Casa Manana. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Premiere. Melvin Dacus with Jimmy Stewart
Casa Manana. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Premiere. Randolph Scott with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Appleman
Casa Manana. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Premiere. Warren Brown, Charles Barlow and Joan Fagan
Casa Manana, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" stars: Warren Brown, Emmaline Henry, and Charles Barlow
Casa Manana. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Warren Brown and Emmaline Henry
Casa Manana Interior, W. D. Smith
Casa Manana. "Kismet", Lynne Forrester with Don Price, Kevin Kelly, Bud Cruse, and Marty Ross
Casa Manana, "Li'l Abner" cast arrive: Willi Burke, John Craig, Billie Hayes, and Joe E. Marks
Casa Manana, "Mr. Roberts" starts. Frank McHugh with Ralph Meeker
Casa Manana's "Kismet" stars arrive. Lynne Forrester, Mace Barrett, and Mara
Casa Manana, "South Pacific": Betty Jane Watson with Katharine Waltman and Linda Loftis
Casa Manana, "South Pacific": Kay Armen with Marc McCrary, and Ray George
Casa Manana, "South Pacific": Linda Johnson, Bud Cruse, Bobbie Dean, and Tom Dean
Casa Manana stage views, Lee Angle Photography Inc.
Casa Manana stars, "Mr. Roberts": Don Marlowe, Frank McHugh and Ralph Meeker
Casa Manana, "The Women": Laraine Day and Sheree North
Casa Manana, "The Women": Laraine Day, and Sheree North
Casa Manana, "The Women": Laraine Day, Marguerite Chapman, Annabelle Weenick and Carolyn Kelly
Casa Manana, "The Women": Nancy Lynn with Colleen Carr
Casa Manana, "The Women": Sherree North with technicians Norman Perrill, and Robert Miellmier
Casa Manana Visitors: Michael Kidd with Richard Nash
Casa Mia Motel, Jay C. Henry
Casa Mia Motel, Jay C. Henry
Casa Mia Motel, Jay C. Henry
Casa Ortiz, Jay C. Henry
Cascade Laundering Service, W. D. Smith
Case Studies Of The Circular Restricted Three Body Problem, William Jason Eberle
Case Studies of Women of Color Leading Community Colleges: Pathways to Reconfigure the Leadership Pipeline, Maria Yareli Delgado
Case Study Analysis of Shared Visual Arguments and Propaganda Techniques of Russian Propaganda Posters and Russian Internet Memes, Cindy D. Vasquez
Case Study Summaries -Three Cities, Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions & Dollars
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casino Club Building, Jay C. Henry
Casket showroom at Gause-Ware Funeral Home, Joset's Commercial Photographers
Cass County Courthouse (Additions in 1900, 1917, 1933), Jay C. Henry
Cass County Courthouse (Additions in 1900, 1917, 1933), Jay C. Henry
Cass County Courthouse (Additions in 1900, 1917, 1933), Jay C. Henry
Casting, W. D. Smith
Casting, W. D. Smith
Casting, W. D. Smith
Castleberry High School Band Officers
Castle-like house and skyline, W. D. Smith
Castro County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Castro County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Castro County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Catalogo de las Fotocopias de los Documentos y Periodicos Yucatecos en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Texas en Arlington, Maritza Arrigunaga Coello
Catalogue of Computed Pseudo-Redshifts from BATSE GRB Data, Rebecca M. Proni
Catalytic C-C silylation Reactions, Thirupataiah Avullala
Catalytic Hydro-liquefaction Of Lignite Coals Under Mild Conditions, Mahir Alrashdan
Catbirds Arrive On Regular Schedule, Jessie Maye Smith
Catbird's Return Visit to Yard Proves All's Right With Nature, Jessie Maye Smith
Catchin' Babies: African American Midwives, Maternity Care, And Public Health Debates In The Jim Crow South, 1920-1970, Jenny Melissa Luke
Catch me on Crystal Falls, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Category Assignment And Relatedness In The Group Ideation Process, Jonali Baruah
Caterpillar diesel engine generator, W. D. Smith
Cathedral of San Fernando (Original Church 1738), Jay C. Henry
Cathedral of San Fernando (Original Church 1738), Jay C. Henry
Cathedral Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe (Guadalupe Cathedral), Jay C. Henry
Cathedral Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe (Guadalupe Cathedral), Jay C. Henry
Cathodic Electrodeposition Of Cadmium Oxide, Zinc Oxide And Mixed Cadmium Oxide-Zinc Oxide Thin Films, Ashwin Seshadri
Catholic Charities Fort Worth, Patricia Alphin, Luis Blanco, J J. Chavez, Barry Cram, Ismael Guevara, Katherine Leon, Olga Nowlan, Department of Public Affairs, and Kay Godbey
Catholicism in the American West: A Rosary of Hidden Voices, Anne M. Butler, Michael E. Engh, Matthew Pehl, William Issel, Gina Marie Pitti, and Roberto R. Trevino
Cattle, W. D. Smith
Cattle, W. D. Smith
Cattle and calves in field, W. D. Smith
Cattle and calves in field, W. D. Smith
Cattle and calves in field, W. D. Smith
Cattle and electric wires, W. D. Smith
Cattle and their young grazing in a field, W. D. Smith
Cattle at the Fort Worth Stock Show, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cattle chutes and platforms, near Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cattle crossing highway, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cattle drinking water, W. D. Smith
Cattle Drive, W. D. Smith
Cattle eating, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cattle grazing, W. D. Smith
Cattle grazing, W. D. Smith
Cattle grazing and drinking from pond, W. D. Smith
Cattle grazing in a field with high grass, W. D. Smith
Cattle in a pen in front of a water trough, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cattle in a pen in front of a water trough, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Cattle in a stockyard, W. D. Smith
Cattle on a ranch, W. D. Smith
Cattle scene, W. D. Smith
Cattle Trailer, W. D. Smith
Cattle truck, W. D. Smith
Causality And Volatility Spillover Effects On Sub-sector Energy Portfolios, N. Alper Gormus
Causes of Driver Distraction and Incidents at Signalized Intersections, Zannatulferdous Labony
Cauthen House (2nd and Walnut), Jay C. Henry
Cauthen House (2nd and Walnut), Jay C. Henry
Caution: Diversity Results Can Be Dangerous, Judith H. Katz and Roger Gans
Cave exterior at Six Flags Over Texas
CCBDI Readout Circuit For YbaCuO Micromachined Microbolometers, Sandeep Kumar
C. C. Holden, lion tamer, W. D. Smith
C. C. Miller, 1928, Chanters, W. D. Smith
C. C. Stephen portrait, W. D. Smith
Cecil Lowe home, Webb, Texas (Tarrant County)
Cecil Lowe home, Webb, Texas (Tarrant County)
Cedar Crest Baptist Church Building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cedar Crest Shopping Center, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Cedar Springs Fire Station, Jay C. Henry
Cedar Springs Road, Jay C. Henry
Cedar Tree, University Photographer
Cedar Waxwing Is Noted for Plumage, Jessie Maye Smith
Cedar Waxwings, University Photographer
Ceiling at Lone Star Gas Company, W. D. Smith
Celebrating 25 Years UTA City & Regional Planning, City and Regional Planning Program
Celebrating a Decade of Open, UTA Libraries
Celebrating Faculty Creative Works 2012, University of Texas at Arlington Library and UT Arlington Office of the Provost
Celebrating Faculty Creative Works 2012, University of Texas at Arlington Library and UT Arlington Office of the Provost
Celebrating Faculty Creative Works 2013, University of Texas at Arlington Library and UT Arlington Office of the Provost
Celebrating Faculty Creative Works 2014, University of Texas at Arlington Library and UT Arlington Office of the Provost
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration for Virginia Garrett's map collection donation to UTA Special Collections
Celebration of Faculty creative works, 2007-2008, University of Texas at Arlington Library and UT Arlington Office of the Provost
Celebration of Faculty creative works 2009, University of Texas at Arlington Library and UT Arlington Office of the Provost
Celebration of Faculty creative works 2010, University of Texas at Arlington Library and UT Arlington Office of the Provost
Celebration of Faculty creative works 2011, University of Texas at Arlington Library and UT Arlington Office of the Provost
Celebration parade, W. D. Smith
"Celebrity Big Wheels" event for Meals on Wheels
"Celebrity Big Wheels" event for Meals on Wheels
"Celebrity Big Wheels" event for Meals on Wheels
"Celebrity Big Wheels" event for Meals on Wheels
"Celebrity Big Wheels" event for Meals on Wheels
Cell division in Mycobacteria: the role of SepIVA, Angela H. Freeman
Cell Specific Guidance Of Nerve And Vascular Regeneration Through Sustained Growth Factor Release, Parisa Lotfi
Cellular Targets Involved In Reovirus-induced Oncolysis Of RAs-transformed Cells, Jung Hwa Chung
Centennial Music Festival and Crowning of 1936 Buckaroo Queen, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Centennial Pageant, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Centennial Tower, Jay C. Henry
Center Street, Arlington, Texas
Center Street from the Arlington, Texas railroad station
Center Street stone bridge, Arlington, Texas
Center Theater, Jay C. Henry
Central Africa, Arbuckle Brothers Coffee Company
Central Airlines pamphlet with football schedule
Central Airlines wallet-sized football schedule
Central and Lover's Lane, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Avenue Clinic, Donald M. Cohen
Central Bend, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Catholic High School, Jay C. Henry
Central Catholic High School, Jay C. Henry
Central Catholic High School, Jay C. Henry
Central Catholic High School, Jay C. Henry
Central Catholic High School, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church, Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church (Civil Defense Museum), Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church (Civil Defense Museum), Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church (Civil Defense Museum), Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church (Civil Defense Museum), Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church (Civil Defense Museum), Jay C. Henry
Central Christian Church (Civil Defense Museum), Jay C. Henry
Central Elementary School, Jay C. Henry
Central Expressway, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway and Lover's Lane, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway, downtown Dallas, Texas looking northeast., Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway (Highway 75) with cloverleaf near Northwest highway, Dallas, 02/23/1954, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway (I-75) and LBJ freeway, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway, Plano, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Expressway, south leg, Martin Luther King Boulevard, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Fire Station, Jay C. Henry
Central Fire Station, Jay C. Henry
Central Fire Station, Jay C. Henry
Central Fire Station, Donald M. Cohen
Central Fire Station, Donald M. Cohen
Central Fire Station, Donald M. Cohen
Central Fire Station, Donald M. Cohen
Central Fire Station, Donald M. Cohen
Central Fire Station, Donald M. Cohen
Central Fire Station, Donald M. Cohen
Central Fordwarding, Inc. truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Forwarding, Inc. , Chevrolet truck., Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Forwarding, Inc. truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Forwarding, Inc. truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines loading docks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines office building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines office building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines personnel helping change a tire, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines personnel helping change a tire, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines personnel helping change a tire, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines personnel helping change a tire, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines safety awards group banquet, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines safety awards group photo, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines truck, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines trucks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines trucks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines trucks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines trucks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines trucks at Industrial Station loading docks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines trucks at Industrial Station loading docks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines trucks at Industrial Station loading docks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Freight Lines trucks at Industrial Station loading docks, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Central Grammar School and Breckenridge High School, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Central High School, Jay C. Henry
Central High School, Jay C. Henry
Centralized to Scattered: Designing Project Workflows for a Dynamic Staff, Krystal E. Schenk and Faedra Wills
Central Library, University Photographer
Central Library, University Photographer
Central Library, University Photographer
Central Library, University Photographer
Central Library and Diversity Fountain, University Photographer
Central Library Fall Trees, University Photographer
Central Library Mall, University Photographer
Central Library Mall, University Photographer
Central Library Mall, University Photographer
Central Library Mall, University Photographer
Central Library Mall, University Photographer
Central Life Building--Exterior, W. D. Smith
Central Methodist Church interior, W. D. Smith
Central Motor Lines office employees, W. D. Smith
Central School, Jay C. Henry
Central School, Jay C. Henry
Central Ticket Office, Texas Hotel, W. D. Smith
Century Blueprint Company Building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Century Building, W. D. Smith
Century Life Building, W. D. Smith
Century Life Building, W. D. Smith
Century Life Building, W. D. Smith
Century Life building exterior, W. D. Smith
Century Life Insurance Company building, W. D. Smith
Century Readings for a Course in American Literature, Fred Lewis Pattee
Ceramic Analysis Flowcharts, Tarrant County Archeological Society
Ceramics, Caroline Woodrey and Cheryl Garret
Ceramics Exhibited. Mrs. B. R. Wayne, Sr., Mrs. Ethel Bulloch, and Mrs. Ted Pace
Cereal Feeder and Cereal Mill room, Carling Brewery
Cereal Feeder and conveyor belt, Carling Brewery
Cereal Feeder, Carling Brewery
Cereal mixer buttons, Carling Brewery
Certificate: Commission of Lieutenant Colonel of the Governor's Staff
Cesar Chavez with other strikers
C. E. Williams with the H. W. Campbell Shows, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
C. F. Adams Incorporated--Exterior of Building, W. D. Smith
CFD Analysis and Design Optimization of Heat Sink for Oil Immersion Cooling, Koushik Epuri
CFD Analysis Of Direct Evaporative Cooling Zone Of Air-side Economizer For Containerized Data Center, Niket Shah
CFD Analysis of Thermal Shadowing and Optimization of Heat sinks in 3rd generation Open compute server for single phase immersion cooling applications, Ravya Dandamudi
CFD Based Aerodynamic Modeling To Study Flight Dynamics Of A Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle, Alok Ashok Rege
CFD Optimization of the cooling of Yosemite Open Compute Server, Aditya Gupta
CfMD Research Journal 2011-2012 Volume 1, Center for Metropolitan Density, Michael P. Buckley, and Taner R. Ozdil
CfMD Research Journal 2013 Volume 2, Center for Metropolitan Density, Michael P. Buckley, and Taner R. Ozdil
CfMD Research Journal 2014 Volume 3, Center for Metropolitan Density, Michael P. Buckley, Taner R. Ozdil, and Kevin Sloan
CfMD Research Journal 2015 Volume 4, Center for Metropolitan Density, Michael P. Buckley, Taner R. Ozdil, and Kevin Sloan
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair, W. D. Smith
Chair and desk, W. D. Smith
Chair and shelf, W. D. Smith
Chair and side table, W. D. Smith
Chair and table, W. D. Smith
Chair and table, W. D. Smith
Chair and table, W. D. Smith
Chair and table, W. D. Smith
Chair and table, W. D. Smith
Chair and table, W. D. Smith
Chair and table, W. D. Smith
Chair and table, W. D. Smith
Chair, desk lamp and side table, W. D. Smith
Chair next to side table, W. D. Smith
Chair next to side table, W. D. Smith
Chair next to side table, W. D. Smith
Chair next to side table, W. D. Smith
Chairs, W. D. Smith
Chairs, W. D. Smith
Chairs, W. D. Smith
Chairs (collage image), W. D. Smith
Chair, table and lamp, W. D. Smith
Chair, table and lamp, W. D. Smith
Chair, table and lamp, W. D. Smith
Chair, table and lamp, W. D. Smith
Challenge for Change: Institute of Urban Studies Progress Summary 1969-1973, Edward S. Overman, Sherman Wyman, David Tees, Paul Geisel, Lawrence Schkade, Delbert Taebel, James Cornehls, and Institute of Urban Studies
Challenges Experienced by Rural Informal Caregivers of Older Adults: A Scoping Review, Jon Shuffler
Challenges Of Mixed-use Developments : an Analysis Of Current Mixed-use Developments In U.S.A., Gizachew Teferra Tesso
Challenges Of Mixed-use Developments : an Analysis Of Current Mixed-use Developments In U.S.A., Gizachew Teferra Tesso
Challenging the status quo : toward smaller, smarter government : a report from the Texas Performance Review, Texas Performance Review (Agency) and Texas Comptroller's Office
Challenging Tradition: Parkland Dedication In Subdivision Development, William Walker Secker
Challenging Tradition: Parkland Dedication In Subdivision Development, William Walker Secker
Chamber Meat Market, Weatherford, Texas
Chamber of Commerce, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
Chamber of Commerce and Auditorium Building, Fort Worth, Tex.
Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet, Breckenridge, Texas, 1935, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Chamber of Commerce Auditorium
Chamber of Commerce Campaign meeting, W. D. Smith
Chamber of Commerce Campaign schedule of meetings and mailings, W. D. Smith
Chamber of Commerce day at Arlington Downs
Chamber of Commerce groupe [sic] at Possum Kingdom dam site, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Chamber of Commerce/ Hot Mineral Water Pavilion, Jay C. Henry
Chamber of Commerce Meeting, W. D. Smith
Chamber of Commerce membership committee, W. D. Smith
Chamber of Commerce of Agriculture (previous Santa Fe Station), Jay C. Henry
Chamber of Commerce of Agriculture (previous Santa Fe Station), Jay C. Henry
Chamber Site Notes, Marvin Glasgow
Chambers Site #1 Site Assessment Sheet, North Texas Archeological Society
Chambers Site Hand-drawn map, North Texas Archeological Society
Chambers Site Handwritten Projectile Points, North Texas Archeological Society
Chambers Site Illustration, Nolan E. Preston and Marvin Glasgow
Chambers Site Notes and Maps, North Texas Archeological Society
Chambers Site Projectile Points, North Texas Archeological Society
ChameleonDB: a Key-value Store for Optane Persistent Memory, Wenhui Zhang, Xingsheng Zhao, Song Jiang, and Hong Jiang
Champion Duroc Jersey gilt bred by Geo. P. Lillard Tarrant County Arlington, Texas
Chancellor Yudof Speech, University Photographer
Change Communication in Public Sector Cutback Management, Genevieve Graaf, Evelyn Hengeveld-Bidmon, Sarah Carnochan, Marianna Salamone, and Micheal Austin
Change of Brain Network Connectivity among different Human Vigilance States investigated by EEG, Yudhajit Das
Change of Plumage Sometimes Confusing, Jessie Maye Smith
Changes In Tests Of Patentability And The Effects On Return To Patenting Of Business Method Patents, Darren Sheets
CHANGING OF SEASON HERALDED Flycatchers Observed Here (yellow,olive, wood pew, Jessie Maye Smith
Channel and Harbor, Jay C. Henry
Channel and Harbor, Jay C. Henry
Channel Bridge, Jay C. Henry
Channel Bridge, Jay C. Henry
Channel Coding Techniques for 5G Using Polar Codes, Supreet Huilgol
Channel Estimation And Statistical Analysis Of Indoor Environment Using Ultrawideband Radio Technology, Shruthishree Bangalore Krishnamurthy
Chanters at Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters at Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters at Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters at Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters at Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters dinner party at Glen Garden Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters dinner party at Glen Garden Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters dinner party at Glen Garden Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters dinner party at Glen Garden Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters dinner party at Glen Garden Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters dinner party at Glen Garden Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters dinner party at Glen Garden Country Club, W. D. Smith
Chanters Group, W. D. Smith
Chaparral Cars and Butterfield Stage Coach ride at Six Flags Over Texas
Chaparral Street, Jay C. Henry
Chapel, Jay C. Henry
Chapel of the Incarnate Word College, Jay C. Henry
Chapel of the Incarnate Word College, Jay C. Henry
Chapel of the Incarnate Word College, Jay C. Henry
Chapter 8: Chasing the Hedgehog, An Innovative Process for Reorganization of a University Library, Heather C. Scalf and Antoinette E. Nelson
Characteristics Of Fresh Municipal Solid Waste, Tashfeena Taufiq
Characterization and comparison of fresh and landfilled solid waste, Kavya Koganti
Characterization And Cooling Capacity Enhancement Of A Porous Ceramic Wick Based Coldplate, Mauricio Adrian Salinas
Characterization and Enhancement of Fatigue and Fracture properties in Thermoplastic FFF Parts using In-Situ Annealing, Manjarik Mrinal