
Julio Jaramillo

Document Type



BACKGROUND: The specific purpose of this research was to determine if there were any physiological differences in cycle ergometer and elliptical submaximal exercises in terms of oxygen consumption, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, blood lactate production, and the amount of kilocalories metabolized. The cycle ergometer and the elliptical are both valid pieces of exercise equipment to use when pursuing submaximal exercise. The difference in how the human body consumes oxygen, metabolizes fats, carbohydrates, and kilocalories from doing a submaximal exercise using both a cycle ergometer and an elliptical on separate occasions are to be questioned. It was hypothesized that there would not be a significant difference between relative VO2, RER, blood lactate, and kilocalories metabolized during a 30-minute submaximal exercise on either a cycle ergometer or elliptical. METHODS: A total of 5 male students volunteered to participate in this study. All 5 students participated in cardiovascular exercise for at least 150 minutes per week. Weights of all subjects were measured and ages of the subjects were reported. Subjects’ resting heart rates were measured and used to calculate their 50-60% of their heart rate reserve (HRR) using the Karvonen formula. A metabolic cart was calibrated before each of the two meetings of submaximal exercise testing. For the cycle ergometer protocol, subjects were properly stationed on a cycle ergometer. Subjects then started pedaling at a work power equivalent to 50 W, maintaining a speed of 50 rpm. 25 W of work power was added every minute until 50-60% of subjects’ HRR was reached and maintained until 30 minutes of submaximal exercise was complete. For the elliptical protocol, subjects’ performed a continuous speed of 120 rpm with the grade cross ramp set at 8%. Resistance was increased 4 levels every minute until 50-60% HRR was reached and maintained until 30 minute submaximal test was complete. Blood lactates were measured during the first minute of rest, and at the 10th, 20th, and 30th minute of submaximal exercise. VO2, RER, and kilocalories were measured in increments of 5 minutes. RESULTS: According to the data, the mean RER value of the subjects during the cycle ergometer was 0.94 ±0.02 and for the elliptical was 0.9 ±0.03. This difference was not significant (p = .076). The mean blood lactate value of the subjects during cycle ergometer was 6.1 ±.68 mmol/L and for the elliptical was 5.02 ±1.45 mmol/L. This difference was also not significant (p = 0.293). The mean VO2value of the subjects during the cycle ergometer resulted 23.47 ±1.7 ml/kg/min and for those on the elliptical it was 23.93 ±1.24 ml/kg/min with no significant difference found (p = 0.713). The kilocalories used by the subjects during the cycle ergometer was 289 ±51.09 kcal and for the elliptical was 275.6 ±48.9 kcal. This difference was not significant (p = 0.288). CONCLUSION: The findings in the present study indicate that there was not a significant difference between the four variables (RER, VO2, kcals, and blood lactate) during a submaximal exercise on a cycle ergometer and an elliptical in this study.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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