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Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Qilian Liang


Coding and modulation in the crown known as the communications technology, embodies a national basic theory of the overall strength of communication science. Channel coding is a way of encoding data in a communication channel that adds patterns of redundancy into the transmission path in order to lower the error rate. Such methods are widely used in wireless communications. 5G is the coming fifth-generation wireless broadband technology based on the IEEE 802.11ac standard. 5G will provide better speeds and coverage than the current 4G. It operates with a 5 Ghz signal and is set to offer speeds of up to 1 Gb/s for tens of connections or tens of Mb/s for tens of thousands of connections. Commonly accepted use cases for 5G networks are eMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband), Massive IoT (Internet of Things) and URLLC (UltraReliable and Low Latency Communications). eMBB covers Internet access with high data rates to enable rich media applications, cloud storage and applications, and augmented reality for entertainment. All these demanding scenarios make use of many 5G standards of which polar codes is used as the channel coding scheme for eMBB scenario as short codes for control channel. A new class of codes, polar codes, recently made a breakthrough in coding theory. In 2008, Erdal Arikan at Bilkent University invented polar codes, providing a new mathematical framework to solve this problem. The construction itself was first described by Stolte, and later independently by Erdal Arikan in 2008 This thesis focuses on study of the key technology of polar code including the construction encoding and decoding. In this work, we analyze a method, known as channel polarization, to construct block codes that achieve the symmetric capacity of any binary-input discrete memoryless channel (B-DMC). The proof of their capacity achieving property is also given. In particular, we show that the algorithm can find almost all the “good” channels with computing complexity which is essentially linear in block-length. This thesis explores the structure and features of polar codes to improve their performance using Gaussian approximation-based construction of polar codes. Several schemes of polar codes are compared with each other like successive cancellation decoding(SC), list decoding(LS), list decoding with CRC(LS+CRC) and finally the existing adaptive decoder is shown to outperform all the schemes.


Polar codes, eMBB, URLCC, Internet of things, Successive cancellation decoder


Electrical and Computer Engineering | Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

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