
Judy LeFlore


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Improving education while maintaining cost effectiveness, accessing more students, facilitating their success, and educating a new generation of students demands new approaches to higher education. Members of this new generation, the Net Generation, are highly motivated and pursue their interests with passion. They use technology, including cell phones, computers, PDAs, social networking media, and highly sophisticated games. Dr. LeFlore’s co-researcher is Dr. Mindi Anderson. Video game technology, especially when it uses a powerful immersive approach such as the living world construct, is a powerful medium for nursing training and offers a variety of benefits superior to physical mannequins or standardized patients. LeFlore and Anderson were two of six authors awarded first place in Emerging and Innovative Technologies for their game proposal “Can Game Play Teach Student Nurses How To Save Lives: An Undergraduate Training Proposal for Student Nurses in Pediatric Respiratory Diseases with a Living World Gaming Construct,” 11th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) in New Orleans, Louisiana. January, 2011. LeFlore was given the Outstanding Researcher Award at the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties’ (NONPF’s) 37th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. April, 2011; the Bayada Award for Technological Innovation in Nursing Education and Practice at Drexel University Nursing Education Institute in Atlantic City, New Jersey. June 2011; and the 19th Annual Legacy of Women in the Area of Education in Fort Worth, Texas. October, 2011.


Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing | Pediatric Nursing

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