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Since 1999, Catholic Charities Fort Worth has served the community of Fort Worth and its surrounding 28 counties. CCFW is part of the Catholic Charities USA formed in 1910. The goal of CCFW is to end poverty for 10,000 families by the year 2026. In the last one hundred years, the U.S. federal government has spent trillions of dollars and operated thousands of programs all aimed at ending homelessness and helping the poor. "Nearly $15 trillion has been spent on federal efforts to get people out of poverty over the last five decades" (CCFW Padua Pilot, 2019). Federal efforts have not been very effective because they lack personal attention to the client. CCFW is taking a different approach and rather than overloading the case manager with too many cases they would rather focus on creating relationships so that clients can have someone to talk to, someone who will listen to them, and someone to help and offer guidance. The program is successful because it shifts the responsibility from the case manager to the client. The client has the responsibility to show up to regular meetings, and to be accountable for set deliverables. The personal attention points a spotlight on the client and encourages self-sufficiency and success. The approach is called the Padua Program creating a win-win situation and a lifelong learning experience for the client.


Public Administration | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Social and Behavioral Sciences

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