Content Posted in 2024
Trinity River flood plain from Oak Cliff, Jay C. Henry
Trinity River flood plain from Oak Cliff, Jay C. Henry
Trinity River flood plain from Oak Cliff, Jay C. Henry
Trinity River News, Vol. 2, No. 2, November 1939
Trinity River News, Vol. 2, No. 3, December 1939
Trinity River News, Vol. 2. No. 6, March 1940
Trinity River Survey, Volume 4 [undated]
Trinity University, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Coates Library, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Coates Library, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Coates Library, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Cowles Life Science Building, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Cowles Life Science Building, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Laurie Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Murchison Memorial Tower, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Murchison Memorial Tower, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Parker Chapel, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Parker Chapel, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Parker Chapel, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Parker Chapel, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Richardson Communications Ctr, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University,Richardson Communications Ctr, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University,Richardson Communications Ctr, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Ruth Taylor Theater, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Ruth Taylor Theater, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Ruth Taylor Theater, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Storch Memorial Building, Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Storch Memorial Building (Old Library), Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Storch Memorial Building (Old Library), Jay C. Henry
Trinity University, Storch Memorial Building (Old Library), Jay C. Henry
Trinity Valley Progress, March-April 1962 issue
Trinity Valley Progress, Winter 1973: Oxbows
Trinity Valley Progress, Winter 1973: Thomas C. Unis
Trio posed in front of a piano, W. D. Smith
Trio standing in doorway, W. D. Smith
Trip Around Lakes Proves Rewarding, Jessie Maye Smith
Triple underpass, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Triple underpass, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Triple XXX Root Beer "drive through" in Breckenridge, Texas, 1926, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Trip North Provides Rare Look at Fauna, Jessie Maye Smith
Tripoli (On The Shores Of Tripoli), Paul Cunningham, Al Dubin, Irving Weill, and M. Witmark & Sons
Tripping Along (With You and Me), Jerry Sullivan, Harry Hosford, and Jack Mills Inc
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip to Mexico, W. D. Smith
Trip Yields Varied Bird Observations, Jessie Maye Smith
Trolley in a parade, W. D. Smith
Troops in front of the Hotel Astoria, Mexico City, Mexico
Trophies, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Trophy, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Trophy case - B.H.S. - Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Trophy engraved with "Art Crafts Guild National Contest for Year Books for High Schools under 500 enrollment -- First Award," Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Trophy presentation to Terry Schroeder, W. D. Smith
Trophy winners, W. D. Smith
Trophy Winners, Fire Prevention
Trout Floral Co., office and greenhouse, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Troy Snapp and Girls, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
TRS 2000 vision : a plan for the future, Teacher Retirement System of Texas
TRS laws & rules, Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Trube Castle, Jay C. Henry
Trube Castle, Jay C. Henry
Trube Castle, Jay C. Henry
Trube House, Jay C. Henry
Truck, W. D. Smith
Truck, W. D. Smith
Truck, W. D. Smith
Truck, W. D. Smith
Truck and flatbed trailer, W. D. Smith
Truck and six-wheel trailer, W. D. Smith
Truck carrying auto parts and supplies, W. D. Smith
Truck carrying auto parts and supplies, W. D. Smith
Truck carrying scrap metal, W. D. Smith
Truck driver, W. D. Smith
Truck Equipment Company on North Main & 28th Street, W. D. Smith
Truck Equipment Company on North Main & 28th Street, W. D. Smith
Truck lot, W. D. Smith
Truck lot, W. D. Smith
Truck lot, W. D. Smith
Truck of Waples Platter Grocery Company advertising White Swan Fine Foods on the side, W. D. Smith
Truck of Waples Platter Grocery Company advertising White Swan Fine Foods on the side, W. D. Smith
Trucks, W. D. Smith
Trucks from the Texas and Pacific Motor Transport Company, Bill Wood Photo Company
Truck trailer, W. D. Smith
Truck trailer, W. D. Smith
Truck with attached trailer, W. D. Smith
Truck with attached trailer, W. D. Smith
Truck with attached trailer, W. D. Smith
Truck with attached trailer, W. D. Smith
True Barbarians?: The Role Of Visigothic Iberia In Medieval Persecutory Discourse, Justin T. Dellinger
Trueheart-Adriance building, Jay C. Henry
Trueheart-Adriance building, Jay C. Henry
Trueheart-Adriance Building, Jay C. Henry
Trueheart-Adriance Building, Jay C. Henry
Trueheart-Adriance Building, Jay C. Henry
Trumpet Players, University Photographer
Trumpet Players, University Photographer
Truncated Circular Normal Distribution with Applications in Ballistics and Meteorology, Danny D. Dyer
Trunk Function in Manual Wheelchair Users in Static and Dynamic Conditions, Tyler D. Garner
Trust and social neuroscience aspects of an input-output self-model of reputation in assessing information sources, Bradley Gulliford
Trust Building, Jay C. Henry
Trust Department, employees, W. D. Smith
Truth and Strength in Vulnerability: Using Topoanalysis to Reveal the Need for Expanding the Modernist Literary Canon, Misty DawnMarie Falkenstein
Truth Is, Sentence-Initial Shell Nouns Are Showing Up Bare, Laurel Smith Stvan
Tube Mill building, Phoenix, Arizona, W. D. Smith
Tu Corazon Y Mi Pasion, Marygrace Hernandez-Leveille
Tuffey Welch thrown from bronco, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Tufted Titmouse Ingratiating Bird, Jessie Maye Smith
Turbine Inlet Temp meter, W. D. Smith
Turbine Inlet Temp meter, W. D. Smith
TurboHash: A Hash Table for Key-value Store on Persistent Memory, Xingsheng Zhao, Chen Zhong, and Song Jiang
Turbulent Shockwave/Boundary-Layer Interactions Generated by Sharp Swept Fins, Dustin Levi Otten
Turkeys, W. D. Smith
Turkeys Now Make National Industry, Jessie Maye Smith
Turner Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Turner Hotel, Jay C. Henry
Turning a Crisis into an Opportunity: DDA and PDA at UTA LibrariesDDA and PDA at UTA Libraries, Peter Zhang
Turtle Creek, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek Boulevard, Jay C. Henry
Turtle Creek Gardens apartment building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Turtle Creek Gardens apartment building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Turtle Creek Gardens apartment building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Turtle Creek Gardens apartment building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Turtle Creek Gardens apartment building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Turtle Creek Park, Jay C. Henry
Tutorial On Functionality And Performance Of Uu Link (air Interface) Of LTE System, Prashant Srivastava
Tutorial On Network Quality And IMS Services Used In LTE, Ayush Maheshwari
T.W. Brown Junior High School, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Twelve American Writers, William M. Gibson and George Arms
Twentieth Century American Writing, William T. Stafford
Twenty-ninth Annual Convention, Texas Grain Dealers Association, W. D. Smith
Twenty-Six Years of Changes in Education Students’ Attitudes, Mary Lynn Crow and Mohan Pant
Twisting Systems and some Quantum P³s with Point Scheme a Rank-2 Quadric, Hung Viet Tran
Twitter Database Health Visualization, Tor Qureshi
Two adults, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two African American musicians with the "John Robinson's Circus" in front of the circus train, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two Bird Species Return to Area, Jessie Maye Smith
Two boys and two girls, presumably students at Breckenridge High School, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two Breckenridge High School majorettes with School's drum major, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two bridges over flooded Trinity River into downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two Burials from The Mcann Site, Nolan E. Preston
Two cars can be seen parked at a Gulf service station, W. D. Smith
Two chairs, W. D. Smith
Two children in bonnets and flowered dresses
Two children on a porch, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two children standing near the shore of a lake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two Christmas-themed boxes of King's Chocolates, Bill Wood Photo Company
Two Christmas-themed boxes of King's Chocolates, Bill Wood Photo Company
Two Christmas-themed boxes of King's Chocolates, Bill Wood Photo Company
Two Christmas-themed boxes of King's Chocolates, Bill Wood Photo Company
Two Christmas-themed boxes of King's Chocolates, Bill Wood Photo Company
Two Christmas-themed boxes of King's Chocolates, Bill Wood Photo Company
[Two circus men with the] Enigard & Laving Gentry Shows, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two comparison photographs of downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two couples, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two couples at prom at SummerVail Art Workshop
Two couples posing, W. D. Smith
Two couples standing outdoors, wearing formal attire, W. D. Smith
Two cowboys in fuzzy chaps, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two cowboys perform at a rodeo, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two cowboys perform at a rodeo, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two cowboys stand over an animal, perhaps a wolf or a coyote, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two cowboys stand over an animal, perhaps a wolf or a coyote, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two crouching men with three rattlesnakes, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two different types of light bulbs, W. D. Smith
TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS Juke Box Coarse After Bird Sings, Jessie Maye Smith
Two dogs sit on a rug by a fireplace, W. D. Smith
Two elderly men in a conversation, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two elephants and their handlers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two female circus performers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two female circus performers, Breckenridge,Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two female circus performers, Breckenridge,Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two female Davis Dancers performers on a plank, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two female tennis players, Basil Clemons
Two giant storage tanks, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two giant storage tanks, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two girls, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two girls (not identified) dressed up for Easter, one holding a teddy bear, Arlington, Texas
Two girls outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two girls reading "That Fallen Wire" poster
Two girls walking into Breckenridge, Texas "Chamber of Commerce print, Breckenridge, Texas", Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two golfers and unidentified woman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two graduates, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two graduates, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two hundred decorated cars in the Humble Oil Company parade, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two mares with four foals in a pen with a water trough, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two members of the Buckaroo Band, Breckenridge High School, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men and a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men and a woman standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, W. D. Smith
Two men and two women around a wedding cake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men and two women behind a wedding cake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men and two women working in an office, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men and two women working in an office, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men are sitting in a Texas Electric Service Company truck, W. D. Smith
Two men are sitting in a Texas Electric Service Company truck, W. D. Smith
Two men are working on a table, W. D. Smith
Two men at a party, W. D. Smith
Two men at the American Seating Company, W. D. Smith
Two men, a woman, and a child posing in front of a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men boxing machinery parts for delivery, W. D. Smith
Two men holding a Leonard's ad, W. D. Smith
Two men holding hands, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men in an airplane, possibly a modified Fokker D VII, William S. Moore
Two men in a warehouse, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two men in business suits look over a new car/truck with a wooden cargo bed outside a Buick dealership, Breckenridge, Texas., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men in Moslah Shrine costumes, W. D. Smith
Two men in suits and Masonic Lodge aprons, W. D. Smith
Two men in Vandergriff automobile body shop
Two men leaning on a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men leaning on a pole, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men on horseback herding cattle near a lake, W. D. Smith
Two men playing golf, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men playing golf, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men raising a rattlesnake out of a hole in a rocky ledge, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men shaking hands, W. D. Smith
Two men shaking hands while standing in front of a white building, W. D. Smith
Two men sit in the wooden cargo bed of a vehicle at a Lincoln dealer, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men sit on the edge of a water tank with a small herd of cattle behind them on an unidentified ranch in Stephens County, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men sitting at desks and a woman standing beside a cabinet, W. D. Smith
Two men sitting next to a warning sign at a city water source for the city of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men sitting on horse-drawn carriage with Tex-Son boycott sign, ca. 1959
Two men sitting on horse-drawn wagon in front of Armour & Company building, Fort Worth Stockyards
Two men sitting on horse-drawn wagon in front of Livestock Exchange Building, Fort Worth Stockyards
Two men sitting on horses, possibly a horse race, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men sitting on horses, possibly at the beginning of a horse race, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men stand beside a car, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men stand beside a log cabin; one man holds deer antlers; location not identified, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men stand in a street display 5 caught fish strung on a line, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men standing and three women sitting, including Doris J. Wilson with Dallas area diet manual, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two men standing at the bar in a Thurber, Texas saloon
Two men standing in a grain field, W. D. Smith
Two men standing in front of a brick house after a snowfall, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men standing in front of a grocery store aisle, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two men standing in front of saddle, talking, W. D. Smith
Two men standing next to a house, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two men standing next to electrical eqipment, W. D. Smith
Two men standing outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men talking at the Drum and Bugle Corps Dinner Dance, W. D. Smith
Two men talking in front of a damaged gas station, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two men using conveyor a belt to transfer boxes, W. D. Smith
Two men wearing sport coats and ties examine the engine of a semi-tractor., Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two men with a rattlesnake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men with the Davis Dancers performers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men working in an architect's office, W. D. Smith
Two men working in an office, W. D. Smith
Two men working in an outdoor setting, location not identified, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men working in a room, W. D. Smith
Two men working in a room, W. D. Smith
Two men working in what appears to be an electronics shop, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two men working on an oil derrick, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two men working on sewing machines in a dark office, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two Mexican men in Breckenridge, Texas., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two Mexican men in Breckenridge, Texas., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two models of houses for Oscar Hewett, W. D. Smith
Two mules and wagon, W. D. Smith
Two older men in suits seated at an executive's table, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
twoOthree: UTA Journal of the Arts, Da-Shiva Francois and Sydney Gillentine
Two people riding horses, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two people stand near a car parked beside a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two photographs of a high school football player, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two photographs of a rodeo and one photograph of the headquarters of the 35th division of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and it's well- attended event., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two photographs of men's baseball games, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two-photon Optogenetic Stimulation Of Cells, Kamal Raj Dhakal
Two police officers with thermonuclear bomb, W. D. Smith
Two portrait photographs of Gordon Smith, W. D. Smith's son in his military uniform, W. D. Smith
Two Primary Beer Filters, Carling Brewery
Two railroad tanker cars surround a Pierce Fordyse Oil Association loading rack
Two Remarks on Totally Balanced Games, Juan-Enrique Martínez-Legaz
Two rodeo performers wearing fancy chaps, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two sailboats, W. D. Smith
Two Shriners holding a circus program, W. D. Smith
Two Shriners holding a Moslah, Fort Worth, Texas banner, W. D. Smith
Two Shriners holding a trophy, W. D. Smith
Two Shriners, one holding a camera and one holding a drink, W. D. Smith
Two Sites In Uvalde County: The Cooks Slough Site, Uvalde County, Texas, Clive J. Luke
Two Sites in Uvalde County: The Elm Creek Site (41 UV 67), Wayne C. Young
Two Six Flags employees beside cart selling souvenir maps to Six Flags Over Texas
Two sofas and a table, W. D. Smith
Two soldier couples standing in front of a group of sunflowers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two Species of Birds Illustration of Paradox, Jessie Maye Smith
Two-stage Stochastic Programming In Adaptive Interdisciplinary Pain Management, Na Wang
Two storey house, Jay C. Henry
Two-story building at Thurber, Texas
Two-story General Office building with two horse-drawn carts in front, Thurber, Texas
Two-story home, W. D. Smith
Two story house, Jay C. Henry
Two story house, Jay C. Henry
Two story office building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two story office building, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two-story stone home, W. D. Smith
Two story stucco house, Seventh Street, Jay C. Henry
Two students in front of UTA's Hereford Student Center
Two students sit by windows of Hereford Student Center
Two students with snowman posed near University of Texas at Arlington's (U. T. A.) Central Library
Two-toned shoes, W. D. Smith
Two True Cranes Found in America, Jessie Maye Smith
Two Types of Grebes Observed During Weekend Field Trip at Benbrook, Jessie Maye Smith
Two unidenfitied men from Shrine Club with an elephant at Gainesville Circus, W. D. Smith
Two unidentified men on horseback with a third saddled horse on an unidentified ranch in Stephens County, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two unidentified men standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, W. D. Smith
Two upscale brick homes on a tree-lined street; location not identified, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two Waterfowl Rarely Seen In This Area Are Reported, Jessie Maye Smith
Two women, W. D. Smith
Two women, W. D. Smith
Two women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women and a cowboy stand on a dock, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women and a man are holding two dolls, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two women and a man in front of a brick building, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women and a man sitting at a table, W. D. Smith
Two women and two military men pose for a photograph while seated at a dining table, W. D. Smith
Two women (Candid Groups), 1924-1946, undated, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women (Candid Groups), 1924-1946, undated, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women (Candid Groups), 1924-1946, undated, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women (Candid Groups), 1924-1946, undated, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women eating ice cream, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women entering Fort Worth National Bank Building, W. D. Smith
Two women guests in 1920s costumes, W. D. Smith
Two women holding Vandervoort's Slim products, W. D. Smith
Two women in house dresses standing outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women leaning on a car, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women on a porch, University Photographer
Two women packing reconditioned brake shoes for shipment, W. D. Smith
Two women shelving books in newly renovated Central Library at University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.), Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two women shelving books in newly renovated Central Library at University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.), Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two women sitting, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women sitting in front of a piano, W. D. Smith
Two women stand in a rose garden at Sparkman-Hillcrest Cemetery, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two women standing and holding glasses, W. D. Smith
Two women standing in a doorway of a school building in Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women wearing dresses, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two women with plants, W. D. Smith
Two workers at storage tanks in new Carling Brewery plant
Two young adult women, one young adult man and a young child posing outdoors, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young boys and a young girl, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young boys, both wearing shorts, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young boys riding horses, W. D. Smith
Two young boys riding horses, W. D. Smith
Two young boys sitting on a large metal container, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young bulls in a pen, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young children hold a fishing net, possibly at Big Sandy Creek near Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young children hold a fishing net, possibly at Big Sandy Creek near Breckenridge, Texas., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young children hold a fishing net, possibly at Big Sandy Creek near Breckenridge, Texas., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young children hold a fishing net, while others watch, possibly at Big Sandy Creek near Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young female Davis Dancers performers, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young girls posing with a low tree, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young girls with a large tricycle and a wagon, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young men feeding pill to a dog, W. D. Smith
Two young men flank an older man in a pose. All are wearing sport jackets and ties, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Two young men in military uniforms, W. D. Smith
Two young men in military uniforms pose with two young women, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young women and one young man posing for a picture, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young women and one young man posing for a picture, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young women and two men with an elephant, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young women dressed alike standing next to a policeman, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young women hold a fishing net in the water at the base of Crystal Falls on Big Sandy Creek, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Two young women riding horses, W. D. Smith
Two young women wearing bathing suits, W. D. Smith
Two young women wearing identical clothes, W. D. Smith
Tychonis Brahe Calculus Planetarum Cursus et Altitudines ob Oculos Ponens, Andreas Cellarius
Tyler County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Tyler County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Tyler County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Tyler Town Center, Jay C. Henry
Tyler Town Center, Jay C. Henry
Tyler Town Center, Jay C. Henry
Tyler Town Center, Jay C. Henry
TypeWright in the Classroom: Service Learning, Digital Edition Building, and Fostering Student Collaboration, Elizabeth Grumbach
Typewriter Supply Company, W. D. Smith
Typical Texas cotton scene, October 1923. Plate no. 48
Typical Texas cotton scene, October 1923. Plate no. 48
Typifying Wikipedia Articles, Quazi Mainul Hasan
Typing class at North Texas Agricultural College (N.T.A.C.)
Typotex Chevrolet, Jay C. Henry
Typus Aspectuum Oppositionum et Coniunctionum etz in Planetis, Andreas Cellarius
Tyrant Flycatchers Migrating To Suburbs, Business Locales, Jessie Maye Smith
UAV: Trajectory Generation and Simulation, Neha Bhushan
UAW Local 276 strike at General Motors
UAW Local 276 strike at General Motors
UBCA: A Utility Based Clustering Architecture For Peer-to-peer Networks, Brent Lagesse
Ugly is my Father, Nahum Ding
Uhlman Office 6th floor, W. D. Smith
Uhlman Office 6th floor, W. D. Smith
Ultrasound-modulated Fluorescence Techniques, Yuan Liu
Ultra-thin Aluminum Nitride Thin Films for Flexible MEMS Sensors, Md Sajeeb Rayhan
Uncertainty Characterization Of Orbital Debris, Jolanta Matusewicz
Uncle Tom Harris, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Uncle Tom Harris, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Uncle Tom Harris, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Uncle Tom Harris, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Uncle Tom Harris, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Uncovering Underlying Features for State Transition Modeling, Ashkan Farahani
Undated drawing of proposed church and parish house for Saint John's Episcopal Parish Fort Worth, W. D. Smith and Wilson & Patterson (Architects)
Underground mall corridor, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Underground parking garage, Dallas Convention Center, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Underground parking garage, Dallas Convention Center, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Underlying Causes Of Forced Displacement, Bonita Bhattarai Sharma
Underneath the Sycamore, Jessica Nwankwo
Underpass from Industrial Boulevard, Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Under Southern Skies, Patricia Seed
Understanding and Optimizing Parallel Performance in Multi-tenant Cloud, Yong Zhao
Understanding And Promoting The Notion Of Sustainable Development In Countries Of The Developing World, Aminata Lambratu Wurie
Understanding Components of Motor Imagery Ability and the Association with Motor Proficiency in Children and Young Adults, Chadwick Tyler Fuchs
Understanding human actions: Cognitive assessment and action segmentation using human object interaction, Saif Sayed
Understanding Social Dynamics in Toxic Conversations and Public Health Intervention Acceptance on Social Media, Ana Aleksandric
Understanding Social Networks In Frazier Courts HOPE VI Development, Christopher Buentello
Understanding Social Networks In Frazier Courts HOPE VI Development, Christopher Buentello
Understanding Stigma By Association: The Roles Of Prior Attitudes And Objective Justification, Theresa Glasgow Moehrle
Understanding the Alchemilla leaf and its hydrophobicity, Atul Mohandas Kootathil
Understanding The Help-seeking Experiences Of Latino Male Community College Students, Serafin SanJuan Garcia
Understanding the Link Between Organizational Communication and Innovation: an Examination of Public, Nonprofit, and For-profit Organizations in South Korea., Jiwon Suh, James Harrington, and Doug Goodman
Understanding the Origin of Parthenogenesis via Crossing and CRISPR Gene Editing in Daphnia pulex, Thinh Pham
Understanding the Perceptions of Mattering, Feelings of Burnout, and Job Satisfaction of Resident Assistants at Four-Year Midwestern Universities, James C. Stoner
Understanding The Relationship Of Job Embeddedness With Social And Human Capital: The Importance Of Organizational Identification, Aaron R. Moses
Understanding the role direct contact, toxicity, and mixotrophy play in the population dynamics of Prymnesium parvum, Coridon Laws
Understanding the Transition: Principals' Perception of Coaching and Mentoring During Their First-Year, Dionel Clinton Waters
Underwriter officers, W. D. Smith
Unemployment insurance benefits information, Texas Workforce Commission
Unidentified Army commander, Breckenridge, Texas, 1937, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified bride and groom about to cut the wedding cake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified bride and groom standing outside a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified bride and groom with two attendants, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified bride posed outside, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified bride wearing her wedding dress in a yard beside a house, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building, Donald M. Cohen
Unidentified building at Texas Wesleyan College, W. D. Smith
Unidentified building at Texas Wesleyan College, W. D. Smith
Unidentified campus building, possibly at Texas Christian University (T. C. U.), W. D. Smith
Unidentified campus building, possibly at Texas Christian University (T. C. U.), W. D. Smith
Unidentified church building, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified club, Breckenridge High School, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified couple at their wedding
Unidentified couple, with the man wearing a Moslah fex, W. D. Smith
Unidentified deceased woman in an open white casket, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified elderly couple on a boat, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Unidentified elementary school, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified event, W. D. Smith
Unidentified event, W. D. Smith
Unidentified faculty member, possibly from Texas Christian University (T. C. U.), W. D. Smith
Unidentified group, 1944, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified group at a Moslah Shriner party, W. D. Smith
Unidentified group at a Moslah Shriner party, W. D. Smith
Unidentified group at a Moslah Shriner party, W. D. Smith
Unidentified group at a Moslah Shriner party, W. D. Smith
Unidentified groups, Dewitt Studio
Unidentified groups, Marion Butts
Unidentified groups, Dewitt Studio
Unidentified groups, Littlejohn Studio
Unidentified groups, R. C. Hickman
Unidentified man, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man and Wingate Lucas standing by a podium, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man and woman standing next to open casket with body inside, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man and woman with a child standing on a stage in front of a crowd, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man and woman with book, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man at the Drum and Bugle Corps Dinner Dance, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man, Circus, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified man from Shrine Club at Gainesville Circus, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man (possibly Mr. Vance, Hassell, Lee or Johnson), W. D. Smith
Unidentified man standing in front of George Washington's tomb, W. D. Smith
Unidentified man stands in field among small herd of cattle on an unidentified ranch in Stephens County, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified man stands in jail cell with opened door, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified man stands in open jail cell, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified man with elephant, W. D. Smith
Unidentified meeting, W. D. Smith
Unidentified meeting, W. D. Smith
Unidentified military serviceman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified military serviceman in uniform, Breckenridge, Texas, ca. 1940s, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified notions store, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified notions store showing floor full of merchandise, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified Odom family member
Unidentified Odom family member
Unidentified Odom family member
Unidentified Photographs, R. C. Hickman
Unidentified Photographs, R. C. Hickman
Unidentified (possibly choral) club at Breckenridge High School, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified serviceman, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified wedding party with bride and groom around a table holding a wedding cake, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified woman, W. D. Smith
Unidentified woman, W. D. Smith
Unidentified woman, W. D. Smith
Unidentified woman dressed in a wedding gown, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Unidentified woman in rocking chair in yard of home
Unified Descriptive Standards as a Road to Interoperability: Best Current Practice Concerning Old Maps in Czech GLAM Institutions, Eva Chodejovska, Jiri Dufka, Milos Pacek, and Petr Zabicka
Uniformed police officer in cab of truck, waving, Bill Wood Photo Company
Uniformed police officer in cab of truck with his arm hanging out, Bill Wood Photo Company
Uniform Weighted Compact / Non-compact Schemes For Shock / Boundary Layer Interaction, Peng Xie
Union Bank, W. D. Smith
Union Bus Terminal, Jay C. Henry
Union Church, Jay C. Henry
Union Forwarding Company electric gin, Paris, Texas
Union Forwarding Company electric gin, Paris, Texas
Union Passenger Depot, Jay C. Henry
Union Passenger Depot, Jay C. Henry
Union Passenger Depot, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Union Station, Jay C. Henry
Unitary Perfect Polynomials Over GF(q), Jacob T. B. Beard
United Bankers Advertising booth in an exhibit hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United Bankers Advertising booth in an exhibit hall, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United Commericial Travelers Club
United Commericial Travelers Club
United Farm Worker protestors gathered under a tree listening to speaker
United Farm Worker protestors marching
United Fund stage show, W. D. Smith
United Fund stage show, W. D. Smith
United Fund stage show, W. D. Smith
United Fund stage show, W. D. Smith
United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
United Nations Admission Pass for Mr. Amon Carter
United Service Organizations (USO) dance, Breckenridge, Texas., Basil Clemons 1887-1964
United States 1804 dollar coin (front), W. D. Smith
United States 1804 dollar coin (reverse), W. D. Smith
United States and Texas Flags, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
United States Army soldiers and officers pose for a group photograph in a dining room, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
United States Army soldiers marching on a parade grounds, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
United States Army soldiers marching on a parade grounds, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
United States Army soldiers marching on a parade grounds, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
United States Courthouse, W. D. Smith
United States Court House, Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
United States Court House, Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Courthouse, Fort Worth, Donald M. Cohen
United States Court House in Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
United States Geological Survey topographical map of 1890
United States Government Inspector
United States Post Office, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
United States Post Office, 251 West Lancaster Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith Commercial Photography
United States Post Office and Court House building, Shreveport, Louisiana
United States Post Office and Court House building, Shreveport, Louisiana
United States Post Office and Court House building, Shreveport, Louisiana
United States Post Office and other buildings, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
United States Post Office, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office drawing, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Post Office, Seagoville, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
United States Presence In Afghanistan And Iraq: A Comparitive Analysis Of Opinions And Policy Implications, Michele L. Whitehead
United States Public Health Service nursing group
United States Public Health Service Psychiatric Clinical Nursing Group
United States team at 1990 International Stoke Mandeville Games
Universal Camera Company 35 mm camera, W. D. Smith
Universal Camera Company 35 mm camera, W. D. Smith
Universal Camera Company 35 mm camera, W. D. Smith
Universal Camera Company 35 mm camera, W. D. Smith
Universal Camera Company 35 mm camera, W. D. Smith
Universal Mills and silo, W. D. Smith
Universal Mills building, Donald M. Cohen
Universal Mills buildings, W. D. Smith
Universal Mills buildings, W. D. Smith
Universal Mills constuction, W. D. Smith
Universal Mills relief, Donald M. Cohen
Universal Mills silos, W. D. Smith
Universal Mills Title Block, W. D. Smith
Universal Mills Warehouse, W. D. Smith
Universal Motor Co. Abram & Center
Universal Sheet Metal Company Roofing, W. D. Smith
Universal Sheet Metal Company Roofing, W. D. Smith
University Baptist Church property under construction, W. D. Smith
University Baptist Church property under construction, W. D. Smith
University Baptist Church, UT Austin, Jay C. Henry
University Baptist Church, UT Austin, Jay C. Henry
University Baptist Church, UT Austin, Jay C. Henry
University Baptist Church, UT Austin, Jay C. Henry
University Bridge (Built by F. B. McIntyre Company), W. D. Smith
University Bridge (Built by F. B. McIntyre Company), W. D. Smith
University Bridge (Built by F. B. McIntyre Company), W. D. Smith
University Bridge (Built by F. B. McIntyre Company), W. D. Smith
University Bridge (Built by F. B. McIntyre Company), W. D. Smith
University Center, University Photographer
University Center Mall, University Photographer
University Center Mall, University Photographer
University Christian Church (1951, 1967 expansion by Preston M. Geren), Jay C. Henry
University Christian Church (1951, 1967 expansion by Preston M. Geren), Jay C. Henry
University Hall, University Photographer
University Hall, University Photographer
University Hall, University Photographer
University Housing, University Photographer
University Mace, University Photographer
University Mace, University Photographer
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Architecture Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Ezekiel Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Ezekiel Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Ezekiel Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Ezekiel Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Ezekiel Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Ezekiel Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Ezekiel Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Hoffman Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Hoffman Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Hoffman Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Hoffman Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Hoffman Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Roy G. Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Roy G. Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Roy G. Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Roy G. Cullen Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Science Center, Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Stephen P. Farish Hall (College of Education), Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Stephen P. Farish Hall (College of Education), Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Stephen P. Farish Hall (College of Education), Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Stephen P. Farish Hall (College of Education), Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Stephen P. Farish Hall (College of Education), Jay C. Henry
University of Houston, Stephen P. Farish Hall (College of Education), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at Arlington 9/11 Memorial
University of Texas at Arlington 9/11 Memorial
University of Texas at Arlington 9/11 Memorial
University of Texas at Arlington 9/11 Memorial
University of Texas at Arlington 9/11 Memorial
University of Texas at Arlington 9/11 Memorial
University of Texas at Arlington 9/11 Memorial Service
University of Texas at Arlington 9/11 Memorial Service
University of Texas at Arlington administrators
University of Texas at Arlington basketball
University of Texas at Arlington basketball
University of Texas at Arlington basketball
University of Texas at Arlington campus
University of Texas at Arlington campus
University of Texas at Arlington campus
University of Texas at Arlington campus
University of Texas at Arlington campus
University of Texas at Arlington Extensive Green Roof, David Hopman
University of Texas at Arlington homecoming game
University of Texas at Arlington homecoming game
University of Texas at Arlington Library-News, September 21, 2010, Margaret Dwyer
University of Texas at Arlington nursing students
University of Texas at Arlington's Ransom Hall
University of Texas at Arlington's (U. T. A.) 2nd Annual Campus Canto
University of Texas at Arlington's (U. T. A.) Central Library carrels
University of Texas at Arlington's (U. T. A.) Central Library circulation desk
University of Texas at Arlington's (U. T. A.) College Hall
University of Texas at Arlington's (U. T. A.) University Center dining room
University of Texas at Arlington's (U. T. A.) University Center hall
University of Texas at Arlington track team members
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.)
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.), Alpha Phi Omega "Beauty and the Beast" contest
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) art students' blown-glass sale
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A) bed races for charity
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) campus and surrounding area
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) campus and surrounding area
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) campus and surrounding area
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) campus and surrounding area
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) campus and surrounding area
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) demonstration against dropping football program
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) Engineering building at night (Woolf Hall)
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) Freewheelers team on basketball court in huddle
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) Freewheelers wheelchair basketball action
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) Hall of Flags ceremony with students
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) Library
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) Library building
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) Library card catalog
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) President Spaniolo with author Jeffrey Toobin
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) Rebel theme controversy
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) School of Nursing
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) student and Olympic Champion Doug Russell
University of Texas at Arlington (U. T. A.) student demonstration against dropping football program
University of Texas at Arlington Varsity Cheerleading Team
University of Texas at El Paso, Graham Hall (El Paso College of Mines), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at El Paso, Hudspeth Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at El Paso, Hudspeth Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at El Paso, Old Main (El Paso College of Mines), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at El Paso, Old Main (El Paso College of Mines), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at El Paso, Old Main (El Paso College of Mines), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at El Paso, Worrell Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at El Paso, Worrell Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas at San Antonio, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Benedict Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, East Mall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Garrison Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Garrison Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Garrison Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Garrison Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Garrison Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Goldsmith Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Gregory Gymnasium, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Gregory Gymnasium, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Hogg Memorial Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Hogg Memorial Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Hogg Memorial Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Hogg Memorial Auditorium, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Home Economics Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Home Economics Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Home Economics Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Home Economics Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Home Economics Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Home Economics Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Main Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Main Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Main Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Main Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Main Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Main Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Main Terrace, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Medical School, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Medical School (Old Red), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Medical School (Old Red), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Medical School (Old Red), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Medical School (Old Red), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Medical School (Old Red), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, South Mall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas System School of Nursing student
University of Texas, Texas Memorial Museum (Paul Philippe Cret, John F. Staub (A.A.)), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Texas Memorial Museum (Paul Philippe Cret, John F. Staub (A.A.)), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Texas Memorial Museum (Paul Philippe Cret, John F. Staub (A.A.)), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Texas Memorial Museum (Paul Philippe Cret, John F. Staub (A.A.)), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Texas Memorial Museum (Paul Philippe Cret, John F. Staub (A.A.)), Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Texas Union Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Texas Union Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Union Building, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas vs. Oklahoma University football game, 1948, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
University of Texas vs. Oklahoma University football game, 1948, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
University of Texas, Waggener Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Waggener Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Waggener Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Waggener Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Waggener Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Waggener Hall, Jay C. Henry
University of Texas, Will C. Hogg Building, Jay C. Henry
University State Bank, W. D. Smith
University State Bank--Armoured Service, W. D. Smith
University United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
University United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
University United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
University United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
University United Methodist Church, Jay C. Henry
University website placement for libraries and research ranking, Jessica Simpson
Universtiy of Texas, Sutton Hall, Jay C. Henry
Universtiy of Texas, Sutton Hall, Jay C. Henry
Universtiy of Texas, Sutton Hall, Jay C. Henry
Universtiy of Texas, Sutton Hall, Jay C. Henry
Universtiy of Texas, Sutton Hall, Jay C. Henry
Universtiy of Texas, Sutton Hall, Jay C. Henry
Unknown bank officer at Fort Worth's First National Bank, W. D. Smith
Unknown bank officers at Fort Worth's First National Bank, W. D. Smith
Unknown man, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Unknown man sitting at a large desk, W. D. Smith
Unknown persons, Earl Cabell, and Ben Carpenter
Unleashing the Hidden Power of Compiler Optimization on Binary Code Difference: An Empirical Study, Xialei Ren, Michael Ho, Jiang Ming, Yu Lei, and Li Li
Unloading grain from a boxcar, W. D. Smith
Unloading grain from a boxcar, W. D. Smith
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing In The Presence Of Threats, Kamil A. Alotaibi
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing With Limited Risk, Siriwat Visoldilokpun
UNO Open Access Fund Statistics: What do they tell us?, Yumi Ohira
Unorthodox Egret Seen at Benbrook, Jessie Maye Smith
Unravelling the Mysteries of Cognitive Decline in Cancer Survivors Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Dhivya Srinivasan
Unsaturated Soil Behavior Under Large Deformations Using A Fully Servo/suction-controlled Ring Shear Apparatus, Claudia Liliana Velosa Gamboa
Unsteady Thrust Measurement Techniques For Pulse Detonation Engines, Dibesh Dhoj Joshi
Unsupervised Data Mining Methods For Functional Data Analysis And Feature Selection, Panaya Rattakorn
UNSUPERVISED LEARNING METHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF DEFECTS IN HETEROGENEOUS MATERIALS, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, and Kenneth Reifsnider
Unsupervised Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Measurements and Hyperspectral Imaging, Abrar U. Alam
Untied States Post Office building in Fort Worth, W. D. Smith
Unusual Birds Are Reported in Area, Jessie Maye Smith
Unusual Duck Types Sighted Around Area, Jessie Maye Smith
Unusual Eluents, Small Systems, and Digital Signal Processing for Highly Efficient Greener Separations, Troy T. Handlovic
Unusual Settings Attract Fowl When Nest-Building Urge Nears, Jessie Maye Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue and painting, W. D. Smith
Unveiling of Will Rogers statue at Will Rogers Memorial complex
"Up and down the Gonzolos, Breckenridge, Texas", Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Upland Plover Is July Visitor Here, Jessie Maye Smith
Upland Plover's Call Variously Interpreted, Jessie Maye Smith
Upland Plover Sets Bird Watching Habit, Jessie Maye Smith
Upmanship Chance Afforded By Sighting of Alien Turaco, Jessie Maye Smith
Upper portion of decorated boot, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
Upshur County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Upshur County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Upton County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Urban Design Framework for Celina along Preston Corridor, Srijana Shakya and Jianling Li
Urban Ecology in North Texas: Native Plants and Nitrogen Deposition, Michelle Lynn Green
Urban Harmony: Exploring the Interplay of New Urbanism Qualities on Economic Prosperity and Psychological Wellbeing in Contemporary Cities, Crew T. Borgeson
Urbanization Versus Sanitation: Exploring The Effectiveness Of Social Indicators On Reducing The Infant Mortality Rate In Developing Countries, Leslie M. Andringa
Urban Morphology, Open Space Planning And Analysis Tools: Fort Worth Since The 1909 Kessler Plan, Dandan Zhu
Urban Morphology, Open Space Planning And Analysis Tools: Fort Worth Since The 1909 Kessler Plan, Dandan Zhu
Urban Rivalry In A Rural County: The Contest For Dominance Between Rockdale And Cameron In Milam County, Texas, 1873-1954, Philip Guy Pope
Urban-rural Differences In The Use Of Modern Contraceptive Methods Among The People In The Republic Of Yemen-1997, Vivin Thomas
Urban-schooled Latina/os, Academic Literacies and Identities: (Re)Conceptualizing College Readiness, Holly Hungerford-Kresser and Carla Amaro-Jiménez
Urban Sprawl, Social Media and the Town Hall Square as a Symbol for Civic Culture, Kathryn E. Holliday and Colleen Casey
Urinalysis Test Data Analysis and Prediction, Nikhil Mhatre
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
Ursuline Convent (now Southwest School of Arts and Crafts), Jay C. Henry
U. S. Air Force, General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (Motto), W. D. Smith
U.S. Army artillery camp, W. H. Horne Company
U.S. Army Reserve building, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
U. S. Capitol Building, W. D. Smith
U. S. Coast Survey, A. D. Bache, Superintendent, Sketch
U. S. Cold Storage, W. D. Smith
U. S. Cold Storage, W. D. Smith
U. S. Cold Storage, W. D. Smith
U. S. Cold Storage, W. D. Smith
U.S. Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Court House and Post Office (Jefferson Historical Society Museum), Jay C. Henry
U.S. Court House and Post Office (Jefferson Historical Society Museum), Jay C. Henry
U.S. Court House and Post Office (Jefferson Historical Society Museum), Jay C. Henry
U.S. Custom House, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Custom House, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Custom House, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Custom House (Preservation Resource Center), Jay C. Henry
U.S. Custom House (Preservation Resource Center), Jay C. Henry
U.S. Custom House (Preservation Resource Center), Jay C. Henry
Use determination for pollution control property : guidelines for implementing House bill 1920 and November 1993 Constitutional Amendment Proposition 2, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and Ronald Hatlett
U. S. Envelopes Company Southwest Division--Exterior, W. D. Smith
U. S. Envelopes Company Southwest Division--Exterior, W. D. Smith
U. S. Envelopes Company Southwest Division--Interior, W. D. Smith
Use Of A Tri-axial Accelerometer, Behavioral Observation, And GPS To Monitor The Activity Of Female Asian Elephants In A Zoo, Karen Sloane Soulsby
Use Of A Windbreaker To Mitigate High Speed Wind Loading On A Modular Data Center, Prasad Pramod Revankar
Use Of Electrical Resistivity And Multichannel Analysis Of Surface Wave Geophysical Tomography In Geotechnical Site Characterization Of Dam, Joshua Lee Hubbard
Use Of Nanoparticle Enhanced Phase Change Material (NEPCM) For Data Center Cooling Application, Harshal Gujarathi
Use Of Near Infrared And Visible Spectroscopies To Determine Optical Properties Of Rat Nervous System, Harsha Radhakrishnan
Use Of Reovirus Monoreassortants To Define Lysis Of Transfomed Cells, Christine Nora Mutsoli
Use of Smartphone Apps While Driving: Variations on driving performances, perceived risks and behaviors, Juana Perez
Use Of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete In Structural Members With Highly Complex Stress Fields, Tarun Pareek
Use Of Temperature Sensitive Mutants To Map Reovirus Induced Oncolysis, Ka Ian Tam
Use Of Wireless Signal Characteristics For Mobile Robotics Localization And Access Point Mapping, Joshua Davies
User Disengagement-Oriented Target Enforcement for Multi-Tenant Database Systems, Li Ning, Hao Che, Wang Zhijun, Minh Q. Nguyen, and Todd Rosenkrantz
User reference manual : DW3000 : activity assessment routine, social and economic component, Texas Department of Water Resources. Information Systems and Services Division, David L. Ferguson, Mike Olivares, Kevin McGee, Texas General Land Office, and Texas Coastal Management Program
Users' Perceptions Of Open Space Benefits In Master Planned Communities In North Texas, Shulin Liang
Users' Perceptions Of Open Space Benefits In Master Planned Communities In North Texas, Shulin Liang
Users' Perceptions Of The Design And Value Of Hiking Trail Systems: A Comparison From National, State, And Regional Parks, Richard Wayne Hooker
Users' Perceptions Of The Design And Value Of Hiking Trail Systems: A Comparison From National, State, And Regional Parks, Richard Wayne Hooker
User Syndication Using Speech Rhythm, Faisal Z H Alnahhas
User Syndication Using Speech Rhythm, Faisal Z H Alnahhas
Uses Of Sacred Spaces In Urban Neighborhoods: A Study Of Cemeteries In Uptown Dallas, Huei-chung Cheng
Uses Of Sacred Spaces In Urban Neighborhoods: A Study Of Cemeteries In Uptown Dallas, Huei-chung Cheng
U. S. Federal Court and Burnett Park, W. D. Smith
Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data For Smart Grid Development, Franklin L. Quilumba-Gudino
Using Aerial Range Feature Descriptor (ARFD) For LiDAR Strip Adjustment And Mosaicing, Yanyan Hu
Using a Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach to Explore the Role of Age, Motor Proficiency, and Cognitive Styles in Children's Reach Estimation Accuracy, Priscila M. Cacola and Mohan Pant
Using a Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach to Explore the Role of Age, Motor Proficiency, and Cognitive Styles in Children's Reach Estimation Accuracy, Priscila M. Cacola and Mohan Pant
Using An AHP/ANP Hybrid Methodology For Freight Transport Networks Selection Towards Sustainable Transportation, Andrea M. Graham
Using antipatterns to improve database code fragments, and utilizing knowledge graphs and NLP patterns to extract standardized data element names, Bader Alshemaimri
Using Approximate Dynamic Programming to Control an Electric Vehicle Charging Station System, Ying Chen
Using A Structural Equation Model To Examine Child Maltreatment Potential Across Ecological Systems In A Population Of Families In Poverty, Cynthia Lorraine Juby
Using ChebConv and B-Spline GNN models for Solving Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch in a day ahead Energy Trading Market based on ERCOT Nodal Model, Yashodhan Kumthekar
Using Generative AI as a Research Tool, Janet Burka and Elizabeth Bittner
Using GPU-based Computing To Accelerate Finite Element Problems, Jacob Watt
Using Humor in Healthcare: Is It A Risk Worth Taking?, Ava Trinh
Using improvisational theater to teach genetics concepts, Patricia Newcomb and Kris Riddlesperger
Using Lean Techniques To Reduce Waste And Improve Performance In Municipal Project Delivery, Yasir E. Abdelrazig
Using Lived Experiences of Adults to Understand Chronic Pain: Sickle Cell Disease, an Exemplar, Maxine A. Adegbola
Using Multiview Polynomial Learning to Estimate the Planting Dates of Crops, Angela A. Avila
Using Omeka as a Gateway to Digital ProjectsPresentation given at the 2015 Digital Frontiers Conference, Jeff Downing, Derek Reece, Lynn F. Johnson, and Rafia Mirza
Using Part Of Speech Structure Of Text In The Prediction Of Its Readability, Jagadeesh Kondru
Using Shewanella Baltica Ecotypes As A Model For Transcriptional Variation At The Population Level, William Sealy Hambright
Using short stories in higher education courses, Barbara Tobolowsky, Grant B. Morgan, and Christian K. Anderson
Using snake genomes to illuminate the patterns and mechanisms of rapid adaptation, Daren Carter Card
Using Social Network Analysis to Assess Professional Network Development among AGESW Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program Participants, Rebecca L. Mauldin, Jennifer C. Greenfield, Nancy Kusmaul, Noelle L. Fields, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, and Allison Gibson
Using the 4Ms Framework to Prevent Falls, Gina L. Edgeworth
Using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale to Screen for Symptoms of Depression among Latina, African American and Caucasian Adolescents, Cheryl Ann Anderson
Using the electronic medical record to improve nurse workload, Sharon C. Le Roux
Using Vireo and DSpace to Capture Non-ETD Student-Created Work, Kelly Visnak and Yumi Ohira
U.S. Military portrait of an unidentified man, W. D. Smith
U. S. Naval Air Base, W. D. Smith
U.S. Naval Air Station and Operating Base, W. D. Smith
USO Christmas Ball, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
U. S. O. Western-themed party, Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
U.S. Pact With Japan Protects 189 Species, Jessie Maye Smith
US Poets Laureate: A Literary And Cultural History, Toni M. Holland
U.S Post office, Jay C. Henry
U.S Post office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office, Jay C. Henry
U. S. Post Office and Court House, Pecos, Texas, W. D. Smith
U.S. Post Office and T&P Station, Donald M. Cohen
U.S. Post Office and T&P Station, Donald M. Cohen
U. S. Post Office building, W. D. Smith
U.S. Post Office (Federal Building), Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office Murals, Donald M. Cohen
U.S. Post Office Murals, Donald M. Cohen
U.S. Post Office Murals, Donald M. Cohen
U.S. Post Office Murals, Donald M. Cohen
U.S. Post Office Murals, Donald M. Cohen
U.S. Post Office Murals, Donald M. Cohen
U.S. Post Office Murals, Donald M. Cohen
U.S. Post Office (O. C. Fisher Federal Courthouse Building), Jay C. Henry
U.S. Post Office (O. C. Fisher Federal Courthouse Building), Jay C. Henry
U.S. Public Image: A Study Of The Perceptions Of International Students From Predominantly Muslim Nations, Mary Kathryn Pinkerton
U. S. S. West Virginia battleship, moored in San Francisco Bay
U.S. Writes History By Inking Bird Pacts, Jessie Maye Smith
UTA basketball coach Bob "Snake" LeGrand with Movin' Mavs player #33
UTA Basketball Player Sean Miller
UTA Campus, University Photographer
UTA campus, Engineering building
UTA campus, Nedderman Hall during construction
UTA Campus Policeman M. F. Britain lowers the Rebel Flag for last time
UTA Campus Sign, University Photographer
UTA campus with Texas Hall in background
UTA CARES Student Survey, Michelle Reed
UTA Chancellor Hans Mark with College of Engineering students
UTA cheerleaders beside bonfire
UTA College of Business computer classroom
UTA Commencement Ceremony, 2005
UTA Cooper Street Fountain, University Photographer
UTA Data Repository Scope & Policy, Peace Ossom-Williamson
UTA Data Repository Scope & Policy 2018, Peace Ossom Williamson
UTA Data Repository Scope & PolicyUTA Data Repository Scope and Policy, Peace Ossom Williamson
UTA Director of Archives Robert A. Gamble with Crezette Wagner
UTA Earth Day 2010, University Photographer
UTA Engineering building, Nedderman Hall
UTA Engineering building, Nedderman Hall
UTA Engineering Department's "wearable computers"
UTA Engineering student with wearable computer
UTA faculty, outstanding teachers for 1971-1972
UTA Flags and Logo, University Photographer
UTA Football Coach Bud Elliott being interviewed at ESPN Studios
UTA football coach C. R. (Chena) Gilstrap
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Arkansas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Lamar University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Louisiana Tech University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Louisiana Tech University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Louisiana Tech University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Louisiana Tech University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Louisiana Tech University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Louisiana Tech University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Louisiana Tech University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against Louisiana Tech University, Ernest Baptist (#36) making a play.
UTA football game action against McNeese State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against McNeese State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against McNeese State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against New Mexico State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against North Texas State University, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lee Laird
UTA football game action against the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lee Laird
UTA Football Players seated on bench alongside UTA Cheerleaders
UTA Founder's Day Centennial Celebration, University Photographer
UTA Freewheeler wheelchair basketball player Abu Yilla with UTA volleyball player Judith McGill
UTA Gay/Lesbian Association, Brad Loper
UTA Gay/Lesbian Student Association, Jay Racz
UTA Glass artworks, University Photographer
UTA Graduates, University Photographer
UTA Graduation, 1978, Evans Caglage
UTA Graduation, 1978, Evans Caglage
UTA homecoming parade float "A Pitcher of People"
UTA homecoming parade float "A Pitcher of People"
UTA Homecoming Parade, Kappa Sigma Top Hat Float
UTA Homecoming queen candidates
UTA Homecoming queen, Debbie Carroll
UTA Homecoming queen, Debbie Carroll
UTA Homecoming Star Wars Parade Float
UTA Homecoming Star Wars Parade Float
UTA Homecoming Star Wars Parade Float
UTA Homecoming with cheerleaders and Sam Maverick
UTA Honors College Student Leaders Gathering
UTA Institutional Repository and ORCID Implementation, Brooke Troutman and Yumi Ohira
UTA Institutional Repository & ORCID Implementation, Yumi Ohira
UTA Institutional Repository & ORCID Implementation, Brooke Troutman and Yumi Ohira
UTA interim president Dr. Charles A. Sorber
UTA interim president Dr. Charles A. Sorber with Mike Cramer
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA International Week Flag Walk
UTA Kappa Sigma fraternity house
UTA Kappa Sigma fraternity members
UTA Librarian Ruthie Brock at computer station
UTA Libraries awards five OER grants, UTA Libraries
UTA Libraries Outstanding Student Assistant Award Plaque, 1995-2002
UTA Libraries Outstanding Student Assistant Award Plaque, 2003-2011
UTA Libraries Star Award Plaque, 1993-2003
UTA Libraries Star Award Plaque, 2004-2015
UTA library building with cars parked in front
UTA Library & Center for Mexican American Studies Focus on Faculty poster - Dr. Douglas Richmond, Margaret Dwyer
UTA library mall looking west to Texas Hall
UTA Library's 6th floor atrium
UTA majorettes with "big hair"
UTA Maverick Marauders spirit team
UTA Mechanical Engineering students (not identified) win First Place trophy with race car and $1,000
UTA Memorabilia for cover of "Transitions"
UTA Memorabilia for cover of "Transitions"
UTA memorial service for people with AIDS, Eric Borton
UTA Men's and Women's Tennis Teams
UTA men's basketball player Anthony Durham on Senior Night, Robin Smith
UTA men's basketball practice, Kobbi Risser
UTA Miss Dixie Belle, Jorja Jackson, with Johnny Reb (Robert Hale) and president Jack Woolf
UTA Move-In Day at Arlington Hall
UTA Move-In Day at Arlington Hall
UTA Move-In Day at Kalpana Chawla Hall
UTA Move-In Day at Kalpana Chawla Hall
UTA Move-In Day at Kalpana Chawla Hall
UTA Movin' Mavs, University Photographer
UTA "Movin' Mavs" basketball team
UTA Movin' Mavs football team portrait
UTA Movin' Mavs, National Intercollegiate Wheelchair Basketball Champions, Tom Pennington
UTA Nursing building dedication with Wendell Nedderman, Myrna Pickard, and Tom Vandergriff
UTA nursing school students outside of Pickard Hall
UTA Nursing Students, University Photographer
UTA nursing students in front of the Central Library
UTA Omega Psi Phi fraternity's annual march for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Michael Ainsworth
UTA Omega Psi Phi fraternity's annual march for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, David Pellerin
UTA Outstanding Teachers of the Year for 1971-1972, Dr. Allan Saxe and Dr. Mary Lynn Crow
UTA Photograph Collection, News Service Photograph Collection Now on Wikimedia Commons, Used in Wikipedia Articles, Michael Barera
UTA President Dr. Jack R. Woolf
UTA President Dr. Jack R. Woolf
UTA President Dr. Robert E. Witt
UTA President Dr. Robert E. Witt
UTA President Dr. Ryan C. Amacher
UTA President Dr. Ryan C. Amacher
UTA President James D. Spaniolo at faculty/staff Christmas reception
UTA President James D. Spaniolo with Elsa Corral and Mary Monk
UTA President James Spaniolo at Arlington City Council meeting, "Blue and Orange Day" Proclamation
UTA President James Spaniolo at College of Nursing commencement
UTA President James Spaniolo at Maverick Cookout
UTA President James Spaniolo at Maverick Cookout
UTA President James Spaniolo at Maverick Cookout
UTA President James Spaniolo with Arlington Mayor Robert Cluck
UTA President James Spaniolo with Bob Ballard
UTA President James Spaniolo with Cokie Roberts
UTA President James Spaniolo with Frank DeFord
UTA President James Spaniolo with Jeb Bush
UTA President James Spaniolo with Movin' Mavs wheelchair basketball team
UTA President James Spaniolo with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison at the UTA Nanofab Center
UTA President James Spaniolo with Seth Myers
UTA President's office staff at Christmas
UTA President Spaniolo at faculty/staff Christmas reception
UTA President Spaniolo with Roland Fryer
UTA President Wendell Nedderman
UTA President Wendell Nedderman seated at his desk
UTA President Wendell Nedderman seated behind his desk
UTA President Wendell Nedderman seated beside fountain
UTA President Wendell Nedderman standing beside seal
UTA Preston Hall and Carlisle Hall
UTA Preston Hall with fountain in front
UTA racecar, University Photographer
UTA Relay Track Team, University Photographer
UTA ResearchCommons Archive Count, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UTA ResearchCommons Communities List, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UTA ResearchCommons Digital Preservation Policy, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UTA ResearchCommons Frequently Asked Questions, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UTA ResearchCommons General Overview Statistics, University of Texas at Arlingfon Library
UTA ResearchCommons Homepage, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UTA ResearchCommons Metadata policy, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UTA ResearchCommons Scope Statement, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UTA ResearchCommons Search Statistics, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UTA ResearchCommons Total Visit Statistics, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Aerial View, University Photographer
UT Arlington Ambassadors, University Photographer
UT Arlington Ambassadors, University Photographer
UT Arlington annual holiday card, Fall 2010, composite of new photo and historic photo., Margaret Dwyer
UT Arlington Banner Over Cooper Street, University Photographer
UT Arlington Basketball, University Photographer
UT Arlington Basketball Player, University Photographer
UT Arlington Billboard, University Photographer
UT Arlington Cheerleaders, University Photographer
UT Arlington Choir, University Photographer
UT Arlington Flag on Flagpole, University Photographer
UT Arlington Flags and Logo, University Photographer
UT Arlington Formula SAE Race Car, University Photographer
UT Arlington Institutional Repository Submission Copyright Agreement, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Institutional Repository Submission Copyright Agreement - Faculty Signature, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, Special Issue, Summer 1996, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.10, no.1, Spring 2004, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.10, no.2, Fall 2004, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.11, no.1, Spring 2005, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.11, no.2, Fall 2005, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.12, no.1, Spring 2006, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.12, no.2, Fall 2006, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.13, no.1, Spring 2007, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.14, no.1, Fall 2008, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.1, no.1, 1995, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.1, no.2, Fall 1995, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.2, no.1, Spring 1996, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington LIbrary Notes, v.3, no.1, Spring 1997, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.3, no.2, Fall 1997, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.4, no.1, Spring 1998, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.4, no.2, Fall 1998, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.5, no.1, Spring 1999, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.5, no.2, Fall 1999, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.6, no.1, Spring 2000, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.6, no.2, Fall 2000, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.7, no.1, Spring 2001, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.7, no.2, Fall 2001, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.8, no.1, Spring 2002, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.8, no.2, Fall 2002, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.9, no.1, Spring/Summer 2003, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Library Notes, v.9, no.2, Fall 2003, University of Texas at Arlington Library
UT Arlington Mall, University Photographer
UT Arlington Maverick Activities Center, University Photographer
UT Arlington Maverick Activities Center, University Photographer
UT Arlington Monument, University Photographer
UT Arlington Monument, University Photographer
UT Arlington Orchestra, University Photographer
UT Arlington Orchestra, University Photographer
UT Arlington Orchestra, University Photographer
UT Arlington Percussion, University Photographer
UT Arlington Softball Player, University Photographer
UT Arlington Softball Players, University Photographer
UT Arlington Spirit Groups, University Photographer
UT Arlington Violinists, University Photographer
UT Arlington Volleyball Players, University Photographer
UT Arlington Women's Track, University Photographer
UTA Roundhouse by Preston Hall
UTA Saddle & Spurs cheer group
UTA's Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, Evans Caglage
UTA Samantha Maverick mascot, Founder's Day
UTA Samantha Maverick mascot, Founder's Day
UTA Samantha Maverick mascot, Founder's Day
UTA's Architecture department's "Plastic City" project
UTA Saxophone players, University Photographer
UTA School of Architecture professor Michael Cogburn
UTA School of Education Testing Infants
UTA scientist, University Photographer
UTA's Handicapped Student Association homecoming parade float
UTA's International Week dancer in costume
UTA sorority members competing in bed races
UTA's Preston Hall, front entrance
UTA's Roundhouse with student sitting in front
UTA's Roundhouse with two people sitting in front
UTA's Roundhouse with water fountain and a student in front
UTA student fans, University Photographer
UTA Student Leadership Award winners
UTA students gathering in the lounge in the Hereford Student Center
UTA students Laura Dutton and Greg Carson
UTA students playing pinball machines and pool
UTA student with "Architecture/UTA 72" sign
UTA's wheelchair basketball intramural game
UT at El Paso, Centennial Musuem, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Computer Science, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Cotton Memorial, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Cotton Memorial, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Fox Fine Arts Center, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Fox Fine Arts Center, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Geology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Geology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Geology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Geology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Geology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Graham Hall, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Hudspeth Hall, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Hudspeth Hall, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Old Main Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Psychology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Psychology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Psychology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Psychology Building, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Quinn Hall, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Union West, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Union West, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Vowell Hall, Jay C. Henry
UT at El Paso, Women's Gym, Jay C. Henry
UTA track team member Cookie Jackson
UTA track team member Sansiki Daniels, Leslie White
UT Austin, Claudia Taylor Johnson Hall (Old Post Office), Jay C. Henry
UT Austin, Claudia Taylor Johnson Hall (Old Post Office), Jay C. Henry
UT Austin, Claudia Taylor Johnson Hall (Old Post Office), Jay C. Henry
UT Austin, Claudia Taylor Johnson Hall (Old Post Office), Jay C. Henry
UT Austin, Petroleum Engineering Building, Jay C. Henry
UT Austin, Petroleum Engineering Building, Jay C. Henry
UTA Volleyball's Katie Weismiller
UTA Volleyball, Valeria Whitfield and Fannie Burton, Mary Lee
UTA Volleyball wins Southland Conference
UTA vs. Conoco Oilers men's exhibition basketball game, Laura Kertesz
UTA vs. Conoco Oilers men's exhibition basketball game, Laura Kertesz
UTA vs. Conoco Oilers men's exhibition basketball game, Laura Kertesz
UTA vs. Conoco Oilers men's exhibition basketball game, Laura Kertesz
UTA vs. Louisiana Tech baseball game
UTA vs. McNeese State men's basketball game, Paul Zoeller
UTA vs. McNeese State men's basketball game, Robin Smith
UTA vs. Nicholls State in Southland Conference Classic championship game, Billy Smith II
UTA vs. Northeast Louisiana University men's basketball game
UTA vs. Northwestern State men's basketball game, Paul Zoeller
UTA vs. Sam Houston State men's basketball game, Robin Smith
UTA vs. Sam Houston State men's basketball game
UTA vs. Sam Houston State men's basketball game
UTA vs. UNT Basketball Game, Donna Bagby
UTA vs. UTSA men's basketball game
UTA Women's Basketball, Lydia Murray, Leslie White
UTA women's volleyball team celebrates victory against the University of Texas
(UTA Yearbook 1979), The University of Texas at Arlington
Utilities Building, Jay C. Henry
Utility Based Resource Aware Framework For Information Caching And Sharing In Mobile And Distributed Systems, Huaping Shen
Utility pole, W. D. Smith
Utility pole, W. D. Smith
Utility pole, W. D. Smith
Utility pole, W. D. Smith
Utility poles, W. D. Smith
Utility poles, W. D. Smith
Utility poles between houses, W. D. Smith
Utility poles between houses, W. D. Smith
Utility poles between houses, W. D. Smith
Utility truck bed, W. D. Smith
Utility truck bed, W. D. Smith
Utility truck bed, W. D. Smith
Utility truck bed, W. D. Smith
Utility truck bed, W. D. Smith
Utility truck bed, W. D. Smith
Utilization of biomimetic molecules to control the carbonation of cementitious phases, Muhammad Intesarul Haque
Utilization Of Molten Nitrate Salt Nanomaterials For Heat Capacity Enhancement In Solar Power Applications, Ramaprasath Devaradjane
Utilizing biofeedback as a behavioral change strategy in overweight and obese cancer survivors to promote physical activity: A focus group analysis, G. E. Brannon, M. R. Ray, P. H. Cho, M. L. Baum, M. S. Beg, T. B. Bevers, K. M. Basen-Engquist, and Y. Liao
Utilizing Data Analytics on Single-Phase AC Arc Flash Testing and Model Development, Po-Chen Chen
Utilizing Physical Layer Information To Improve RFID Tag Identification, Rushikesh Shree Khasgiwale
Utilizing the State of Art Technologies to Assess and Address Urban Flooding, Daniel Li
UTM Grid-Lock?, Paul Lorrain
Utopia Made Practical: Compulsive Realism, Kenneth M. Roemer
Utopian Literature, Empowering Students, and Gender Awareness, Kenneth M. Roemer
UT Systems Student Representative, University Photographer
Vacant lot on Elm Street, downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation-Bound Ornithologist Never Far From 'Birdy Areas', Jessie Maye Smith
Vacationers Give Reports on Birds, Jessie Maye Smith
Vacationers on a boat, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, possibly in Mexico, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, possibly in Mexico, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, possibly in Mexico, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacationers relaxing on a beach, possibly in Mexico, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vacation photographs, family unknown, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vaccinating a chicken, W. D. Smith
Vaccinating a chicken, W. D. Smith
Vaccinating a rabbit, W. D. Smith
Vaccination strategies and backward bifurcation in age-since-infection structured model, Christopher Kribs and Maia Martcheva
Valentine's Day, 2 children not identified
Valentine s Day Arrival Reported For Martins, South of Fort Worth, Jessie Maye Smith
Valentine's Day card from Nenetta Burton Carter to her son
Valentine's Day Selection Of Mates by Birds Is Fanciful, Jessie Maye Smith
Validation Of A Transcutaneous Bilirubin Nomogram In Identifying Hispanic Neonates At Risk For Hyperbilirubinemia, Nancy G. Engle
Validation Of World English (WE) Listening Comprehension Scale, Yasushi Kyutoku
Valve, W. D. Smith
Valve head, W. D. Smith
Valve head, W. D. Smith
Val Verde County Courthouse (restored 1915, supervisor Atlee B. Ayres), Jay C. Henry
Val Verde County Courthouse (restored 1915, supervisor Atlee B. Ayres), Jay C. Henry
Val Verde County Courthouse (restored 1915, supervisor Atlee B. Ayres), Jay C. Henry
Val Verde County Courthouse (restored 1915, supervisor Atlee B. Ayres), Jay C. Henry
Val Verde County Courthouse (restored 1915, supervisor Atlee B. Ayres), Jay C. Henry
Val Verde County Courthouse (restored 1915, supervisor Atlee B. Ayres), Jay C. Henry
Val Verde County Jail, Jay C. Henry
Van Cliburn with Mr. H. L. Cliburn and Mrs. H. L. Cliburn
Vandalism Added to Factors Governing Avian Populations, Jessie Maye Smith
Vandergriff Buick, Arlington, Texas, 1948
Vandergriff Buick Service Center, Arlington, Texas
Vandergriff Chevrolet Building, SE Corner of Center and Division Street
Vandergriff Chevrolet Center and Texaco service station, Arlington, Texas
Vandervoort's dairy factory, W. D. Smith
Van Horn Tools building exterior, W. D. Smith
Vanished Legacies And The Lost Culture Of I.M. Terrell High School In Segregated Fort Worth Texas, Samuel A. Wilson
Van trailer, W. D. Smith
Van trailer, W. D. Smith
Van trailer, W. D. Smith
Van Zandt County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Van Zandt County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Van Zandt County Courthouse, Jay C. Henry
Varco Company, Paris, Texas, W. D. Smith
Variability and Temporal Trends of Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Biological and Environmental Media, Kyunghoon Kim
Variability Of As-constructed Properties Of HMA And Their Relation To Pay Factors And Rutting Resistance: A Case Study, Rosario Tripiana Martinez
Variac Autotransformer by General Radio Company, W. D. Smith
Variants Of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS): Convex vs. Non-convex, Piecewise-linear vs. Smooth And Sequential Algorithms., Diana Luisa Martinez Cepeda
Variation In Commercial Property Tax Appraisal Accuracy In Texas, James Howard Johnson
Variation In Commercial Property Tax Appraisal Accuracy In Texas, James Howard Johnson
Variation of Constants, Vector Lyapunov Functions and Comparison Theorem, A. R. Aftabizadeh
Varied Texas Bird Life Big Tourist Attraction, Jessie Maye Smith
Variety of Birds Fort Worth Visitors, Jessie Maye Smith
Variety of Birds in Alabama, Jessie Maye Smith
Variety of Birds In Yard, Jessie Maye Smith
Variety of Craft Put in Use to Savor British Honduras, Jessie Maye Smith
Variety of Waterfowl Lured by Texas Refuge, Jessie Maye Smith
Various metal parts being placed on a rack, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Varisco Building, Jay C. Henry
Varisco Building, Jay C. Henry
Varisco Building, Jay C. Henry
Varisco Building, Jay C. Henry
Varner-Hogg Plantation, Jay C. Henry
Varner-Hogg Plantation, Jay C. Henry
Varner-Hogg Plantation, Jay C. Henry
Varner-Hogg Plantation, Jay C. Henry
Varner-Hogg Plantation, Jay C. Henry
Vascular and Metabolic Consequences of T Cell Aging, David J. Buckley
Vascular Stent Analysis, Tre Raymond Welch
Vault Construction-Progress #14, W. D. Smith
Vault Construction-Progress #15, W. D. Smith
Vault Construction--Progress #16, W. D. Smith
Vault Construction-Progress #17, W. D. Smith
Vault Construction-Progress #19, W. D. Smith
Vault Construction-Progress #21, W. D. Smith
Vault Construction-Progress #22, W. D. Smith
Vector consumption and contact process saturation in sylvatic transmission of T. cruzi, Christopher Kribs
Vector Lyapunov Functions and Perturbations of Nonlinear Systems, Marion E. Moore and Roger W. Mitchell
Vehicle Suspension Optimization For Stochastic Inputs, Kailas Vijay Inamdar
Vehicular Emissions Models Using Mobile6.2 And Field Data, Abhishek Yerramalla
Venezuela; A Case Study, Susan Janell Wilkerson
Vera Pangburn portrait, W. D. Smith
Verbal Behavior Of Mice And Men: Preference For Multiple Schedules Of Reinforcement As An Indicator Of The Evolution Of Verbal Behavior, Adrianne Eileen Lewis
Vereins Kirche (original in 1847; designer Dr. Schubert), Jay C. Henry
Vernacular Assets: Planning For Local Culture And Environment, Rachel E. Roberts
Vernacular Explanations of Causation in Lay Health Discourse, Laurel Smith Stvan
Verrucomicrobia: A Model Phylum To Study The Effects Of Deforestation On Microbial Diversity In Amazon Forest, Kshitij Ranjan
Vibro-Acoustic Analysis of a Fan Blade, Matthew Koithan
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, article regarding Trinity River [ca. 1961]
Vice-President Olson at the Fort Worth National Bank, W. D. Smith
Vick's Steak House and Cafeteria, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Vic Thornton, B. W. Garrison, and young boy in car at Shrine Circus, W. D. Smith
Victims' Perception of Power and Identity Intersections: A human trafficking experience, Kathleen M. Preble
Victoria and Iris, School of Social Work
Victoria Bank, Jay C. Henry
Victoria County Jail (Victoria Justice of the Peace), Jay C. Henry
Victorian 2 storey bungalow, Jay C. Henry
Victorian bay window, Jay C. Henry
Victorian Cottage, Jay C. Henry
Victorian Cottage, Jay C. Henry
Victorian Greek Revival house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 1, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 1, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 1, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 1, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 2, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 2, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 2, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 2, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 2, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 3, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 3, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 4, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, 400 S. Denton Street, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house, 400 S. Denton Street, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 5, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 5, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 6, Jay C. Henry
Victorian house 7, Jay C. Henry
Victorian houses, Jay C. Henry
Victoria Troupe photo collage, W. D. Smith
Victor's Purple Orchid dining room, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
Victor Tinsley--Portrait, W. D. Smith
Video-based Face Recognition using Deep Learning for Single Sample Per Person (SSPP) Surveillance Applications, Mostafa Parchami
Vidor, Comprehensive Land-Use Plan, Institute of Urban Studies
Vietnamese Amerasians: A Study Of Identity Construction, Ky-Giao C. Nguyen
Vietnam hospital ward during Vietnam War, 1966
View from an office in Expressway Tower, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from a roof, University Photographer
View from downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from downtown Dallas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from downtown Dallas, Texas looking south, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from downtown Dallas, Texas to Oak Cliff, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from downtown Dallas, Texas to Oak Cliff, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from downtown Dallas, Texas to Oak Cliff, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View from Sky Hook ride at Six Flags Over Texas
View from the rooftop of the Walker - Caldwell Water Company building, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
View from the Tarrant County Court House, W. D. Smith
View from the Tarrant County Court House, W. D. Smith
View from top of the Bewley Building, W. D. Smith
View from West Main Street, Arlington, Texas, Coulter
View from West Main Street, Arlington, Texas
Viewing New Product Development Through The Real Options Lens: An Empirical Investigation Of The Market Reaction And The Role Of Contextual Factors, Vivek Shankar Natarajan
Viewing The Champ-Elysses As A Transitional Space, Staci L. Swiney
View looking down on Hotel Antler, Gerinbacher Cafe Supply buildings, W. D. Smith
View looking north on Center Street, Arlington, Texas
View looking south in downtown Dallas, Texas, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View of a street in Grand Prairie, Texas, W. D. Smith
View of a town with oil derricks, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
View of a truck and semi-tractor show exhibit hall. An ice sculpture of the Mack Truck bulldog mascot appears front and center. There are men and women looking at the vehicles., Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View of Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
View of Consolidated Chemical Industries plant, W. D. Smith
View of Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike
View of dirt road leading up to the exterior of the Gulf Building, W. D. Smith
View of Downtown Breckenridge, Texas, Basil Clemons 1887-1964
View of downtown Dallas, Texas., Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View of downtown Dallas, Texas from the northeast, Squire Haskins Photography Inc.
View of Downtown Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
View of Downtown Grand Prairie, Texas, W. D. Smith
View of Fort Worth's North Side High School, W. D. Smith
View of Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
View of Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith
View of Fort Worth, Texas, W. D. Smith