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This changing society places new demands upon TRS and while we have an excellent reputation for service, we must always seek ways to improve. We must improve our skills and enhance the resources used to deliver a service that is heralded for its excellence. TRS 2000 is our way of addressing these challenges. It is an initiative to review service delivery, business practices, use of technology, our organizational structure and corporate culture. From this review comes recommendations for improved service to our members and annuitants through the implementation of changes to the processes and resources used to deliver this service. Indeed, someone has observed that the best way to plan for the future is to create it! The following pages outline a broad vision for the future of TRS. It explains planned improvements in service delivery, expanded services, technological improvements, and revisions to our organizational structure to make it stronger and more efficient.

Publication Date





Austin, Tex. : Teacher Retirement System of Texas, [1994]


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