
Binoy George

Document Type

Honors Thesis


While GPS stands as the most popular localization tool in our present world, its feasibility in technologies like self-driving cars comes into question due to its unreliability in certain environments and weather conditions. In this research, Ultra Wide Band (UWB) is explored as an alternative localization technology. Using a 4-Anchors 1-Tag UWB system, a localization algorithm in three-dimensional space will be developed and implemented on a moving robot. For this experiment, the Decawave’s DWM1000 UWB transceivers and the Turtlebot2i will be used. The position of the robot calculated by this algorithm will be observed, first when the robot is kept stationary and then when the robot is allowed to move. The results of both states will be analyzed to determine the precision of this UWB system and to see if there is a correlation between the accuracy of the estimated position and other parameters, like speed, in a moving robot.

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