Document Type



Unemployment Insurance (UI) is an employer-paid insurance program that helps workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. It provides temporary financial help to qualified individuals, based on their previous earnings, while they are looking for other work. Employer taxes and reimbursements support the Unemployment Trust Fund. Employers cannot deduct any money from employees' paychecks to pay for this program. The law governing UI benefits in Texas is the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act, which is Title 4, Subtitle A of the Texas Labor Code. From here on, we will refer to that law as "the Act," to save space. The Act is available online at (choose the link for Job Seekers and Employees; then Employee Rights and Laws), and it is also in the Vernon's law book series found at most public libraries.

BI-99 (0804)

Publication Date





[Austin, Tex.] : Vehicle Titles and Registration Division, [2003]


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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