
Clive J. Luke

Document Type


Source Publication Title

Publications in Archaeology No. 15


During the month of October 1975, a small prehistoric site, 41 UV 68, was subjected to an archaeological test. No archaeological features were located but a zone containing artifactual material of mixed temporal context was explored. The site appears to be a minor manifestation of prehistoric occupations in the Uvalde area.


Anthropology | Archaeological Anthropology | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Publication Date





Under Antiquities Permit No. 97, a small prehistoric site, 41 UV 68, was investigated during the month of October, 1975. The site was located on the east bank of Cooks Slough within the northwest city limits of Uvalde, Texas (Fig.1). The planned construction of F.M. 1435 necessitated the investigation of the site in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation adn the Texas Antiquities Committee, dated January 5, 1972, and under Senate Bill No. 58. The exploration of the site occurred concurrently with the Department's excavation of the Anthon Site, 41 UV 60. The objectives of the exploration was to gather data for intersite comparisons and mitigation for highway construction. Besides the Department's unpublished Anthon Site, Hester's La Jita Site (Hester 1971) located in northern Uvalde County, was available for comparisons as well as an archaeological survey of the Leona River Water Shed (Hall 1974) which includes the city of Uvalde.


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