The University of Texas at Arlington Faculty and Staff Publications preserved and shared openly.
Submissions from 2017
Sheet Music Innovation Grant Final Report, Faedra Wills
Sheet Music Innovation Grant Final Report, Faedra Wills and Mark Cook
Submissions from 2016
Achieving Success in a Culture of Change: Reorganization and the Prospect of Positive Outcomes, Jeff Downing
From Primary Resources to a Foundation for Programming: Disability History at UTA Libraries, Ramona Holmes and Kelly Visnak
Effectiveness of interventions for children with developmental coordination disorder in physical therapy contexts: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis, Nkechi Offor, Peace Ossom Williamson, and Priscila Cacola
Partial Perceptibility, Morgan Chivers
I Knew When I Met You an Adventure was going to Happen: Forced Change and Happy Outcomes, Jeff Downing
Diverging subordinate themes and internal transitions: assessing internal modulations in three-key expositions, Graham G. Hunt
It takes two: A dyadic model of recruitment to civic activity, Kraig Beyerlein and Kelly Bergstrand
What We Talk About When We Talk About OER, Michelle Reed
Social Participation and Life Satisfaction Among Widowed Older Adults in China, Yawen Li, Ling Xu, Joohong Min, Iris Chi, and Bin Xie
Automated voxel classification used with atlas-guided diffuse optical tomography for assessment of functional brain networks in young and older adults, Lin Li, Mary Cazzell, Olajide Babawale, and Hanli Liu
How Indian Newspaper Cartoons Serve as Teaching Moments about Identity Politics and Democracy, Ritu Khanduri
Heat Transfer in Unsaturated Soil with Application to Borehole Thermal Energy Storage, Ali Moradi, Kathleen M. Smits, Ning Lu, and John S. McCartney
A Comprehensive Evaluation of a Lifelong Learning Program: Program 60, Jee Hoon Park, KyongWeon Lee, and Holly Dabelko-Schoeny
Heterogeneous Fracture Mechanics Representations of the Effects of Defects from Manufacturing to End of Life, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Kenneth Reifsnider, Rassel Raihan, and Fazle Rabbi
Towards Epistolary Dialogue, Sandra L. Pensoneau-Conway and Molly Wiant Cummins
Interplay between up-regulation of cytochrome-c-oxidase and hemoglobin oxygenation induced by near-infrared laser, Xinlong Wang, Fenghua Tian, Sagar S. Soni, F. Gonzalez-Lima, and Hanli Liu
Combustion Scars Supplanted Trees, Morgan Chivers
Effects of extracurricular activities on postsecondary completion for students withdisabilities, Ashley Palmer, William Elliott III, and Gregory Cheatham
Prefrontal responses to Stroop tasks in subjects with post-traumatic stress disorder assessed by functional near infrared spectroscopy, Amarnath Yennu, Fenghua Tian, Alexa Smith-Osborne, Robert J. Gatchel, Fu Lye Woon, and Hanli Liu
Prefrontal responses to Stroop tasks in subjects with post-traumatic stress disorder assessed by functional near infrared spectroscopy, Amarnath Yennu, Fenghua Tian, Alexa Smith-Osborne, Robert J. Gatchel, Fu Lye Woon, and Hanli Liu
Prefrontal responses to Stroop tasks in subjects with post-traumatic stress disorder assessed by functional near infrared spectroscopy, Amarnath Yennu, Fenghua Tian, Alexa Smith-Osborne, Robert J. Gatchel, Fu Lye Woon, and Hanli Liu
Korean Survivors of the Japanese “Comfort Women ” System: Understanding the Lifelong Consequences of Early Life Trauma, Jee Hoon Park, KyongWeon Lee, Michelle D. Hand, Keith A. Anderson, and Tess E. Schleitwiler
Plunging ForwardThe University of Texas at Arlington Libraries 2020 Strategic Plan, Univeristy of Texas at Arlington Libraries
Thermal Conductivity of Binary Sand Mixtures Evaluated through Full Water Content Range, Benjamin M. Wallen, Kathleen M. Smits, Toshihiro Sakaki, Stacy E. Howington, and T.K.K. Chamindu Deepagoda
Developing a Health Communication Intervention for Caregivers of Youth Athletes, Cynthia Trowbridge, S. J. Patel, S. T. Boyton, and T. M. Hedman
The Appearance and the Reality of Quid Pro Quo Corruption: An Empirical Investigation, Christopher Robertson, D. Alex Winkelman, Kelly Bergstrand, and Darren Modzelewski
Belo Horizonte, Portal to the Future: a Vision for Brazil, Daniel J. Brassil and Ardeshir Anjomani
School Based Mentoring: an Evaluation of Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Mentoring Program., Nicole Calhoun, Heidi Mims, and Yolanda Williams
Technology: 3D Printing in Medical Libraries, Peace Ossom Williamson
Effect of Turbulence and Roughness on Coupled Porous-Medium/Free-Flow Exchange Processes, Thomas Fetzer, Kathleen M. Smits, and Rainer Helmig
Dimensionality Reduction Based Optimization Algorithm for Sparse 3-D Image Reconstruction in Diffuse Optical Tomography, Tanmoy Bhowmik, Hanli Liu, Zhou Ye, and Soontorn Oraintara
The Enduring Color Line in US Athletics, Krystal Beamon
Criteria for Promotion of Associates of the Faculty at University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, The Associates of the Faculty Promotion Policy Task Force
Women’s Education and World Peace: A Feminist Dream Comes True, Vijayan K. Pillai and Ya-Chien Wang
Wavelet coherence analysis of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in neonatal hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy, Fenghua Tian, Takashi Tarumi, Hanli Liu, Rong Zhang, and Lina Chalak
Transcranial Laser Stimulation Improves Human Cerebral Oxygenation, Fenghua Tian, Snehal Niwrutti Hase, F. Gonzalez-Lima, and Hanli Liu
Factors related to the seeking and contribution of prenatal care among ethnically diverse adolescents, Cheryl Ann Anderson and Brittani Rahn
Informal Labor in the Sharing Economy: Everyone Can Be a Record Producer, David Arditi
Police Charging Decisions in Child Maltreatment Investigations: Findings from the 2008 Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, Philip Baiden, Barbara Fallon, Wendy den Dunnen, and Tara Black
The mediating effect of depressive symptoms on the relationship between bullying victimization and non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents: Findings from community and inpatient mental health settings in Ontario, Canada, Philip Baiden, Shannon L. Stewart, and Barbara Fallon
The role of adverse childhood experiences as determinants of non-suicidal self-injury among children and adolescents referred to community and inpatient mental health settings, Philip Baiden, Shannon L. Stewart, and Barbara Fallon
Measuring Relationship Quality in an International Study: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Validity, Jill M. Chonody, Jacqui Gabb, Michael O. Killian, and Priscilla Dunk-West
Terror from the Skies: The Propaganda of Aerial Warfare in the Emerging Mass Media of the First World War, Thomas B. Christie and Andrew M. Clark
Estimate of Institutional Support, Brett Currier
Review of Malasree Home. The Peterborough Version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Anglo-Saxon Studies, 27. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015., Jacqueline Ann Fay
Review of Mitchell, Piers D., ed. Sanitation, Latrines and Intestinal Parasites in Past Populations. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015., Jacqueline Ann Fay
Racial Disparities in Drug Court Outcomes: Lessons Learned from the Lived Experiences of White and African American Participants in One Midwestern Drug Court, John R. Gallagher and Anne Nordberg
The Impact of the Great Recession on County Human Service Organizations: A Cross Case Analysis, Genevieve Graaf, Evelyn Hengeveld-Bidmon, Sarah Carnochan, Peter Radu, and Michael Austin
Supporting Evidence-Informed Practice in Human Service Organizations: An Exploratory Study of Link Officers, Genevieve Graaf, Bowen McBeath, Kristin Lwin, Dez Holmes, and Michael Austin
Introduction to Archetypes from Underground: Notes on the Dostoevskian Self, Lonny Harrison
Future Viable Plant Palettes for Metropolitan Areas, David Hopman
Millennials and Social Entrepreneurship: A Multiple Streams Analysis of Problems, Prospects, and Implications for Policy and Practice, KeongWeon Lee and Sandra R. Naeger
Memorandum of Understanding Workbook, Version 1.0MOU Workbook 1.0, Rafia Mirza, Brett Currier, Peace Ossom Williamson, and Faedra Wills
Architecture Visiting Team Report 2016, National Architectural Accrediting Board
Memorandum of Understanding for Systematic ReviewsSystematic Review MOU, Peace Ossom Williamson
Situated cognition principles increase students likelihood of knowledge transfer in an online information literacy course, Peace Ossom Williamson
Memorandum of Understanding TemplateMOU Template, Peace Ossom Williamson, Brett Currier, and Rafia Mirza
Health reform and the ACA triple gap: Failing low-income young adults with mental health needs, Ashley Palmer
Performance and Strength Prediction of Composite Materials Based On Dielectric Property Investigation, Rassel Raihan, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Fazle Rabbi, and Kenneth Reifsnider
Architecture Program Report 2016, School of Architecture, Bijan Youssefzadeh, and Rebecca Boles
Psychological Well-Being of Older Chinese-American Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren, Fengyan Tang, Ling Xu, Iris Chi, and XinQi Dong
Promotion Policy Rubric, The Associates of the Faculty Promotion Policy Task Force
Dielectric Assessment of Composite Damage States, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, and Kenneth Reifsnider
Patents, Trademarks, and Intellectual Property, Martin K. Wallace
Memorandum of Understanding for Open Access e-Journal Hosting & PublishingOA Journal MOU, Faedra Wills
Memorandum of Understanding Open-Access Institutional Repository Hosting/PublishingOA IR MOU, Faedra Wills
Submissions from 2015
The Acute Relationships Between Affect, Physical Feeling States, and Physical Activity in Daily Life: A Review of Current Evidence, Yue Liao, Eleanor T. Shonkoff, and Genevieve F. Dunton
Reply Comments to Docket ID ED-2015-08-0105, Open Licensing Requirement for Direct Grant Program, 80 Fed. Reg. 67672 (November 3, 2015), Brett Currier
Data: Its rising importance in research, and where to find it (poster version), Bradley Gulliford
Hybrid Simulation Modeling for Humanitarian Relief Chain Coordination, Caroline C. Krejci
Examining the Independent Effect of Social Support on Unmet Mental Healthcare Needs Among Canadians: Findings from a Population-Based Study, Philip Baiden, Wendy den Dunnen, and Barbara Fallon
Twenty-Six Years of Changes in Education Students’ Attitudes, Mary Lynn Crow and Mohan Pant
Buildout Population Projections, Chelsea Irby
Identification of Suitable Locations for Permeable Pavements and Bioretention Ponds / Rain Gardens Using GIS Suitability Analysis for Enhanced Stormwater Management Capacity in the City of Dallas, Muzaib Riaz and Ardeshir Anjomani
The Selective Generosity of Donors: How Victim Identifiability Affects Philanthropy, Traci Freling and Devin Lunt
Copyright and the Digitization of State Government Documents: A Preliminary Analysis, Brett D. Currier, David Hansen, and Anne Gilliland
Agent-based mathematical modeling as a tool for estimating T. cruzi vector-host contact rates, Christopher Kribs, Kamuela E. Young, and Anuj Mubayi
Review in Motion: Multi-Year Electronic Resources Review at UTA Libraries, Peter Zhang and Ashley Zmau
Subtleties of Meaning in Mathematical Versus Common Use of Language, Barbara A. Shipman
Child Malnutrition and Gender Preference in India: The Role of Culture, Vijayan K. Pillai and Jeyle Ortiz-Rodriguez
Dealing with the Dynamic -- Archiving Dynamic Thesis and Dissertation Documents and Elements in this Era of Great Change, Ginger Dickens and Sunday Phillips
Using Omeka as a Gateway to Digital ProjectsPresentation given at the 2015 Digital Frontiers Conference, Jeff Downing, Derek Reece, Lynn F. Johnson, and Rafia Mirza
Continuum-scale investigation of evaporation from bare soil under different boundary and initial conditions: An evaluation of nonequilibrium phase change, Andrew C. Trautz, Kathleen M. Smits, and Abdullah Cihan
Host switching vs. host sharing in overlapping sylvatic Trypanosoma cruzi transmission cycles, Christopher David Kribs and Christopher Mitchell
How To Create a Library Website With Limited Experience and Your Web Developer Leaves the Day It Drops in Beta (Oh yea, we did this in 3 months!), Krystal E. Schenk, Ramona Holmes, and Derek Reece
OJS and OCS at UT Arlington: Diving Into the Deep End Without A Life Jacket, Faedra Wills
Quantification and normalization of noise variance with sparsity regularization to enhance diffuse optical tomography, Jixing Yao, Fenghua Tian, Yothin Rakvongthai, Soontorn Oraintara, and Hanli Liu
Multiregional functional near-infrared spectroscopy reveals globally symmetrical and frequency-specific patterns of superficial interference, Yujin Zhang, Fulun Tan, Xu Xu, Lian Duan, Hanli Liu, Fenghua Tian, and Chao-Zhe Zhu
Sleep Quality, Pain and Self-Efficacy among Community-Dwelling Adults with Sickle Cell Disease, Maxine A. Adegbola
Dynamic functional connectivity revealed by resting-state fuctional near-infrared spectroscopy, Zhen Li, Hanli Liu, Jingping Xu, Wenli Liu, Fenghua Tian, Yong He, Haijing Niu, and Xuhong Liao
Exploring the Effects of Atmospheric Forcings on Evaporation: Experimental Integration of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Shallow Subsurface, Kathleen Smits, Victoria Eagen, and Andrew Trautz
Compensation and Community Corrosion: Perceived Inequalities, Social Comparisons, and Competition Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Brian Mayer, Katrina Running, and Kelly Bergstrand
3D Printing Processes Applied to the Creation of Glass Art, Morgan Chivers
In Memoriam: Challenges on Researching Deceased Veterans, Jeff Downing
History of Mexican Comic Books, Christopher Conway