The University of Texas at Arlington Faculty and Staff Publications preserved and shared openly.
Submissions from 2019
Analysis of Flood Vulnerability and Transit Availability with a Changing Climate in Harris County, Texas., Joshua A. Pulcinella, Arne M. Winguth, Diane Jones Allen, and Niveditha Dasa Gangadhar
Librarians as OER Advocates and Leaders, Michelle Reed, Talea Anderson, Christopher Barnes, Will Cross, Stephanie Quail, Devin Soper, and Elaine Thornton
Working at the Intersections of Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication: New Models for Engaging Students, Faculty, and Librarians, Michelle Reed, Sarah Hare, Merinda Hensley, and Amanda Makula
The State of the State Survey on Municipal Governance in Texas: the Importance of Economic Development, Alejandro Rodriguez and Joseph Portugal
Delamination Initiation and Migration Modeling in Clamped Tapered Laminated Beam Specimens Under Static Loading, Hari K. Adluru, Kevin H. Hoos, Endel V. Iarve, and James G. Ratcliffe
Final Project Report, James Wood and Shima Hamidi
Agents of Change—Together: Using Agent-based Models to Inspire Social Capital Building for Resilient Communities, Linda Shenk, Caroline Krejci, and Ulrike Passe
Final Project Report, Anand J. Puppala
Final Project Report, Julie Bond and Amy Lester
Policy Brief, Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions & Dollars
Damage Precursor Identification in Composite Laminates using Data Driven Approach, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, and Kenneth Reifsnider
Damage Precursor Identification in Composite Laminates using Data Driven Approach, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, and Kenneth Reifsnider
A Global-local Discrete Damage Modeling Framework for Composite Laminates, Hari K. Adluru, J Scott McQuien, Endel V. Iarve, and Alex B. Harman
Applied Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual, Habib Ahmari and Shah Md Imran Kabir
Applied Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual, Habib Ahmari and Shah Md Imran Kabir
Examining the association between prescription opioid misuse and suicidal behaviors among adolescent high school students in the United States, Philip Baiden, Genevieve Graaf, Mariama Zaami, Charles Acolatse, and Yvonne Adeku
The Advantaged Cause: Affect Control Theory and Social Movements, Kelly Bergstrand
Condom communication in young adults’ romantic relationships: Examining privacy’s effects on attitudes, norms, self-efficacy, and barriers, Grace Ellen Brannon
Compared to What? A Meta-analysis of Batterer Intervention Studies using Non-Treated Controls or Comparisons, Shih-Ying Cheng, Maxine Davis, Melissa Jonson-Reid, and Lauren Yaeger
Brief Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Screening Tools: A Scoping Review, Maxine Davis and D. Padilla Medina
Service-Learning and Clinical Nursing Education: A Delphi Inquiry, Thomas A. Dombrowsky
Motivations to pursue surrogacy for gay fathers in Canada: a qualitative investigation, Sophia Fantus and Peter A. Newman
What can an evaluation of the AGESW Predissertation Fellows Program tell us about the mentoring needs of doctoral students?, Allison Gibson, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, Noelle L. Fields, Nancy Kusmaul, Jennifer C. Greenfield, and Rebecca L. Mauldin
Final Project Report, Subhrajit Guhathakurta and Amit Kumar
Final Project Report, Kate Hyun and Courtney Cronley
Final Project Report, Mouyid Islam
Final Report: Utilizing OER Resources to Strengthen the Student Experience in Geometry, Theresa Jorgensen
Final Project Report, Shahereh Kermanshachi and Kelly Bergstrand
The Implementation of Regularized Extended Finite Element Method(Rx-FEM) in ABAQUS, Yu-Jui Liang, Endel V. Iarve, and J. Scott McQuien
Composite Buckling Analysis Using Discrete Damage Modeling, J Scott McQuien, Endel V. Iarve, David Mollrnhauer, Michael Braginsky, and Michael Stuebner
Human Geography, Andrew Milson
Human Geography OER Final Report: Open Geography Education; Free Classic Readings and Wiki-Education, Andrew Milson
Final Project Report, Anurag Pande
Design of Embedded Wireless Sensors for Real-Time and In-Situ Strain Sensing of Fiber Reinforced Composites, Relebohile George Qhobosheane, Sujjatul Islam, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, and Kenneth Reifsnider
Design of Embedded Wireless Sensors for Real-Time and In-Situ Strain Sensing of Fiber Reinforced Composites, Relebohile George Qhobosheane, Sujjatul Islam, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, Kenneth Reifsnider, and Wen Shen
Design of Embedded Wireless Sensors for Real-Time and In-Situ Strain Sensing of Fiber Reinforced Composites, Relebohile George Qhobosheane, Sujjatul Islam, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, Kenneth Reifsnider, and Wen Shen
The “Undeserving Poor,” Racial Bias, and Medicaid Coverage of African Americans, Lonnie Snowden and Genevieve Graaf
Tout un Monde: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Intermediate French, Alicia Soueid
ECON 4318: Economic Data Analysis Capstone, Christy Spivey
Final Report, Christy Spivey
Submissions from 2018
List of Maker Competencies, Including Preamble and AcknowledgmentsMaker Competencies, Martin K. Wallace, Katie Musick Peery, Gretchen Trkay, Morgan Chivers, and Tara Radniecki
Institutional and Individual Factors Affecting Health and Employment for Low-Income Women With Chronic Health Conditions, Kelsi Carolan, Ernest Gonzales, Kathy Lee, and Robert A. Harootyan
Final Project Report, Catherine L. Ross, Amit Kumar, and Kari Watkins
Predicting posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms among adolescents in the extended postpartum period, John P. Connolly and Cheryl A. Anderson
Predicting posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms among adolescents in the extended postpartum period, John P. Connolly and Cheryl A. Anderson
Mobile Ecological Momentary Diet Assessment Methods for Behavioral Research: Systematic Review, Susan M. Schembre, Yue Liao, Sydney G. O’Connor, Melanie D. Hingle, Shu-En Shen, Katarina G. Hamoy, Jimi Huh, Genevieve F. Dunton, Rick Weiss, Cynthia A. Thomson, and Carol J. Boushey
Collaboration & Replicability: Passing on the Knowledge of AV Station Creation, Laura Haygood and Evelyn Cox
Logistics Best Practices for Regional Food Systems: A Review, Anuj Mittal, Caroline C. Krejci, and Teri J. Craven
Final Project Report, David Weinreich, Thomas Skuzinski, and Hamidi Shima
UTA Data Repository Scope & Policy, Peace Ossom-Williamson
Experimental and Numerical Study of Evaporation From Wavy Surfaces by Coupling Free Flow and Porous Media Flow, Bo Gao, Hossein Davarzani, Rainer Helmig, and Kathleen M. Smits
Acceptability of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Free-Living Healthy Individuals: Implications for the Use of Wearable Biosensors in Diet and Physical Activity Research, Yue Liao and Susan Schembre
Developing Student Learning Outcome Metrics for Makerspaces: A Stem Pilot Course, Jaime Cantu and Martin K. Wallace
Developing Student Learning Outcome Metrics for Makerspaces: A Stem Pilot Course, Jaime Cantu and Martin K. Wallace
Straw Men vs. Good Points: Understanding the Arguments for Inclusive Access Models, Michelle Reed, Amy Hofer, Billy Meinke, and Bob Butterfield
Access for Whom? OER and Disability Services, Michelle Reed and Joshua Mitchell
Makerspaces Empowering Graduate Student Research, Morgan Chivers
Final Project Report, David Weinreich and Thomas Skuzinski
Coupled Thermally-Enhanced Bioremediation and Renewable Energy Storage System: Conceptual Framework and Modeling Investigation, Ali Moradi, Kathleen M. Smits, and Jonathan O. Sharp
Evaluation of Model Concepts to Describe Water Transport in Shallow Subsurface Soil and Across the Soil–Air Interface, Zhen Li, Jan Vanderborght, and Kathleen M. Smits
Final Project Report, Suyun Ham
Take This, It's Free: Public Domain Clearance Project at Texas A&M University-Commerce Libraries, Adam Northam and Michael Barera
Characterization of Grain-Size Distribution, Thermal Conductivity, and Gas Diffusivity in Variably Saturated Binary Sand Mixtures, T.K.K. Chamindu Deepagoda, Kathleen Smits, J.R.R.N. Jayarathne, Benjamin M. Wallen, and Timothy J. Clough
Intentionally Cultivating Diverse Community for Radically Open Access Makerspaces, Morgan Chivers and Katie Musick Peery
Maker Competencies and the Undergraduate Curriculum, Katie Musick Peery, Morgan Chivers, and Tara Radniecki
Maker Competencies and the Undergraduate Curriculum, Martin K. Wallace, Gretchen Trkay, Katie Musick Peery, Morgan Chivers, and Tara Radniecki
Intentionally Cultivating Diverse Community for Radically Open Access Makerspaces, Katie Musick Peery and Morgan Chivers
Assessment of Development Potential: Grand Prairie's Entertainment District Area, Eric Ojeda and Ardeshir Anjomani
Evolution of Learner Demographics and the Influence of Student Staff Representationality, Morgan Chivers
Les Fablabs en Universit̩ies: enjeux et practiques (FabLabs in Universities: issues and practices), Caroline Rondel, Ghislain Auclair, Phillippe Scheisser, Laure Morel, and Morgan Chivers
Cutting Edge: Non-Traditional Glass, Mary B. White and Carrie Lederer
Creating Online Learning Experiences: A Brief Guide to Online Courses, from Small and Private to Massive and Open, Matt Crosslin
Detection and Prediction of Defects in Composite Materials Using Di-Electric Characterization and Neural Networks, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Aishwarya Nandini, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, and Kenneth Reifsnider
Dielectric Property Investigation of Degraded Pre-Preg and Performance Prediction of the Final Composite Part, Aishwarya Nandini, Nina Shute, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, and Kenneth Reifsnider
UTA Data Repository Scope & PolicyUTA Data Repository Scope and Policy, Peace Ossom Williamson
When You're "It": Preserving and Sharing the Family ArchivesPreserving and Sharing the Family Archives, Leslie Wagner
Becoming a Wikibrarian: An Introduction to Wikipedia Editing or Librarians and Archivists, Samantha Dodd and Michael Barera
Take This, It's Free: Digital Media in the Public Domain, Adam Northam and Michael Barera
Government Documents Collection Development Project: A Monumental Task, Troy Black and Sunday Phillips
Expanding the Intellectual Property Knowledge Base at University Libraries: Collaborating with Patent and Trademark Resource Centers, Martin K. Wallace and Suzanne Reinman
A method for inferring regional origins of neurodegeneration, Justin Torok, Pedro D. Maia, Fon Powell, Sneha Pandya, and Ashish Raj
Discrete Damage Modelling of Clamped Tapered Beam Specimen Under Fatigue Loading, Hari K. Adluru, Endel V. Iarve, and Kevin H. Hoos
Villains, Victims, and Heroes in Character Theory and Affect Control Theory, Kelly Bergstrand and James M. Jasper
Molecular Dynamics for the Prediction of the Interfacial Shear Stress and Interface Dielectric Properties of Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composites, Rajni Chahal, Ashfaq Adnan, Kenneth Reifsnider, Rassel Raihan, Yuan Ting Wu, Vamsee Vadlamudi, and Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian
DATA DRIVEN COMPOSITES: THE CHALLENGE AND PATHS FORWARDS, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rassel Raihan, and Kenneth Reifsnider
Sustainable Delivery System in a Temperature Controlled Supply Chain, Amin Gharehyakheh, Jaime Cantu, Caroline Krejci, and Jamie Rogers
Change Communication in Public Sector Cutback Management, Genevieve Graaf, Evelyn Hengeveld-Bidmon, Sarah Carnochan, Marianna Salamone, and Micheal Austin
Discrete Damage Modeling of Matrix Dominated Failure Including Random Spatial Variation of Strength, Kevin H. Hoos and Endel V. Iarve
Final Report: Development of Web-Based Interactive Educational System Replacing the Traditional Textbook Based Instructional Approach, Sharareh Kermanshachi
Analysis and Assessment of Graduate Students' Perception and Academic Performance Using Open Educational Resource (OER) Course Materials, Sharareh Kermanshachi and Thahomina Jahan Nipa
Landscape Architecture Self-Evaluation Report 2018, Landscape Architecture Program and Diane Jones Allen
The Potential of Optometrists Referring Older Patients to Community-Based Exercise Programs: Findings from a Mixed-Methods Study, Christina E. Miyawaki, Rebecca L. Mauldin, and Carolyn R. Carman
Effects of Build Parameters on the Mechanical and Di-Electrical Properties of AM parts, Sai Sri Munaganuru, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Rauhon Ahmed Shaik, Hari K. Adluru, and Rassel Raihan
“Pray That God Will Change You”: The Religious Social Ecology of Bias-Based Bullying Targeting Sexual and Gender Minority Youth—A Qualitative Study of Service Providers and Educators, Peter A. Newman, Sophia Fantus, Michael R. Woodford, and Marie-Jolie Rwigema