The University of Texas at Arlington Faculty and Staff Publications preserved and shared openly.
Submissions from 2001
Wheeling Charge Under a Deregulated Environment, Wei-Jen Lee, C. H. Lin, and Larry D. Swift
Architecture Visiting Team Report 2001, National Architectural Accrediting Board
Resena: Arellano, Ignacio. Calderón y su escuela dramática., Alicia Rueda Acedo
Interior Design Program Evaluation Report 2001, School of Architecture
Landscape Architecture Strategic Plan Update 2001, School of Architecture and Pat D. Taylor
Submissions from 2000
A “Touching Man” Brings Aacqu Close, Kenneth M. Roemer
The Multi-Missionary Eleanor Roosevelt of American Indian Literatures, Kenneth M. Roemer
MCS Matters: Material Agency in the Science and Practices of Environmental Illness, Stacy Alaimo
A Reanalysis of Bidirectionality in Auca, Colleen M. Fitzgerald
Vowel Hiatus and Faithfulness in Tohono O'odham Reduplication, Colleen M. Fitzgerald
Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Subgrade Response, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Andrew J. Gisi
A simple vaccination model with multiple endemic states, Christopher Kribs and Jorge X. Velasco-Hernandez
Architecture Program Report 2000, School of Architecture
How About It? The Role of Accent and Context in Determining Discourse Function, Laurel Smith Stvan
Etnografía de trabajadores informales en un barrio de inmigrantes mexicanos en el Silicon Valley, Christian Zlolniski
Submissions from 1999
When accuracy hurts: Reactions of anxious–ambivalent dating partners to a relationship-threatening situation., William Ickes, Jami Grich, and Jeffry A. Simpson
Silko's Arroyos as Mainstream: Processes and Implications of Canonical Identity, Kenneth M. Roemer
Submissions from 1998
Towards a "critical regionalism" for rapidly developing areas of Texas., David DuMez Hopman, Richard C. Rome, Gary O. Robinette, and Richard V. Francaviglia
Review of Filibusters and Expansionists: Jeffersonian Manifest Destiny, 1800-1821, Sam W. Haynes
Interior Design Visiting Team Report 1998 FIDER, FIDER Accreditation Commission
The Meter of Tohono O'odham Songs, Colleen M. Fitzgerald
Interior Design Program Evaluation Report 1998, School of Architecture
Submissions from 1997
A Retro-Prospective on Audience, Oral Literatures, and Ignorance, Kenneth M. Roemer
Faculty Catalog 1993 - 1997, School of Architecture
Landscape Architecture Self Evaluation Report 1997, School of Architecture and Pat D. Taylor
Submissions from 1996
A Model for a Policy on HIV/AIDS and Athletics, Laurie A. Bitting and Cynthia Trowbridge
Utopian Literature, Empowering Students, and Gender Awareness, Kenneth M. Roemer
Feminism, Nature, and Discursive Ecologies, Stacy Alaimo
Analysis of Tax Capacity and Tax Effort of Texas Counties, 1980-1993 (Report CED96-8), Rod Hissong
Landscape Architecture Strategic Plan 1996, School of Architecture
Submissions from 1995
Determination of volume and surface scattering from saline ice using ice sheets with precisely controlled roughness parameters, Ronald L. Porco, Adrian K. Fung, Saibun Tjuatja, Kenneth C. Jezek, Sivaprasad P. Gogineni, Anthony J. Gow, and Jonathan W. Bredow
The Evaluation and Review of Landscape Architectural Faculty: the Results of a Survey of Schools of Landscape Architecture, Gary O. Robinette
Submissions from 1994
Summary Results of a Survey of Economic Development in Texas Cities (Report 95-1), Delbert A. Taebel
What we know about acquisition of adult literacy: is there hope?, Helen Abadzi
Why we need ancient Greek and how to remember it: Comparisons between Greece and South Asia, Helen Abadzi
Prosody Drives the Syntax: O'odham Rhythm, Colleen M. Fitzgerald
Recent Archives, School of Architecture, Bill Boswell, and Clifford W. Bourland
Landscape Architecture Self Evaluation Report 1994, School of Architecture and Pat D. Taylor
Submissions from 1993
A Millimeter-wave Instrument for Use in a Synergistic, optical/millimeter-wave Approach to Pollution Monitoring, Jonathan W. Bredow, D. Gibbs, Adrian K. Fung, Saibun Tjuatja, and P. Giradot
Microwave/optical Studies of Saline Ice, Snow, Melt Ponds and Refrozen Melt Pond Ice, D. Gibbs, C. Betty, Adrian K. Fung, and Sivaprasad P. Gogineni
Faculty Catalog 1990 - 1993, School of Architecture
Activity Implicatures and Possessor Implicatures: What Are Locations When There Is No Article?., Laurel Smith Stvan
Submissions from 1992
Student Enrollment Projections: Irving Independent School District, Ard Anjomani, Nancy Caveness, Robert Utz, Dipak Mulji, and Jay Moon
Circular and Linear Polarization Inverse Sar Imaging of Simple Deterministic Targets and Statistically Known Randomly Rough Surfaces Using Constant and Varying Illumination, Jonathan W. Bredow, Ronald L. Porco, and G. Hartman
Attenuation Behavior of Solid Dense Random Media at Microwave Frequencies, S.A. Nadimi, Adrian K. Fung, and Jonathan W. Bredow
Submissions from 1991
Interior Design Visiting Team Report 1991 FIDER, FIDER Accreditation Commission
Submissions from 1990
Comparison of Measurements and Theory for Backscatter from Bare and Snow-covered Saline Ice, Jonathan W. Bredow and Sivaprasad P. Gogineni
The Heuristic Powers of Indian Literatures: What Native Authorship Does To Mainstream Texts, Kenneth M. Roemer
Comparison of Integral Equation Predictions and Experimental Backscatter Measurements from Random Conducting Rough Surfaces, C.E. Nance, Adrian K. Fung, and Jonathan W. Bredow
Comparisons Between a Dense Medium Scattering Model and Seaice Measurements, Saibun Tjuatja, Adrian K. Fung, and Jonathan W. Bredow
Cognitive Psychology in the Seminar Room, Helen Abadzi
Architecture Program Report 1990, School of Architecture and Edward M. Baum
An In-Depth Study of the Landscape Architecture Program at the University of Texas at Arlington, Pat D. Taylor
Submissions from 1989
Les Géorgiques de Claude Simon : la particularité de la généralisation, Antoinette Sol
Landscape Architecture Visiting Team Report 1989, Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board
Submissions from 1988
Landscape Architecture Self Evaluation Report 1988, School of Architecture and Gary O. Robinette
Submissions from 1986
Architecture Visiting Team Report 1986, National Architectural Accrediting Board
Submissions from 1985
Technology, Corporation, and Utopia: Gillette's Unity Regained, Kenneth M. Roemer
Interior Design Visiting Team Report 1985 FIDER, FIDER Accreditation Commission
Architecture Program Report 1985, School of Architecture and John McDermott
Submissions from 1984
Inventive Modeling: Rainy Mountain's Way to Composition, Kenneth M. Roemer
A Performing Arts Center for Arlington, Texas, Rebecca Boles
A Model for a Magnet Program Which Promotes Both High Achievement and Voluntary Integration, Helen Abadzi and Dennis Dunkins
A Texas city magnet program: 1981-82 evaluation materials and results, Helen Abadzi
SAED News v1, n5, Spring 1984, School of Architecture and Environmental Design
Submissions from 1982
SAED News v1, n4, Spring 1982, School of Architecture and Environmental Design
Submissions from 1981
SAED News v1, n3, Spring 1981, School of Architecture and Environmental Design
Submissions from 1980
Perception and Imagination: A Note on Seven Arrows, Kenneth M. Roemer
SAED News v1, n2, Spring 1980, School of Architecture and Environmental Design
Submissions from 1979
SAED News v1, n1, Fall 1979, School of Architecture and Environmental Design
Submissions from 1978
Submissions from 1977
The distribution, variation, and natural history of the middle American highland pitvipers, Bothrops barbouri and Bothrops godmani, Jonathan Atwood Campbell
Submissions from 1976
Survey Courses, Indian Literature, and the Way to Rainy Mountain, Kenneth M. Roemer
Submissions from 1975
Landscape Architecture: a Profession Designed for Minorities, Gary O. Robinette
Submissions from 1974
Utopia Made Practical: Compulsive Realism, Kenneth M. Roemer
Submissions from 1973
1984 in 1894: Harben's Land of the Changing Sun, Kenneth M. Roemer
Submissions from 1972
Sex Roles, Utopia and Change: The Family in Late Nineteenth-Century Utopian Literature, Kenneth M. Roemer