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Maker competencies are the skills, talents and dispositions that one acquires or improves upon while problem-solving and working on projects in makerspaces or similar learning environments. However, while learners can develop any number of technology-specific competencies while working in makerspaces, dependent on the types of technology made available within the specific makerspace, this list of competencies is better defined as the higher-level, technology-agnostic, transferable skills and talents that one may acquire or strengthen when working in makerspaces. A quick review of the list of competencies will reveal no mention of 3D printers, Arduinos, or any of the other popular technologies commonly found in makerspaces today; what one will find are competencies related to collaboration, communication, critical thinking, design thinking, and project management. These competencies may be considered universal in their application across disciplines and industries, are highly sought by employers, and are often referred to as 21st Century Competencies, Soft Skills, or otherwise technology-independent aptitudes.

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