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This modest volume, the School of Architecture's Faculty Catalog, is offered as a companion to the more familiar academic reference, the Course Catalog. In fact, the Faculty Catalog is more important than its conventional counterpart because it presents people, the teachers who give the courses and so much else. Teachers can work without courses. But courses - those discrete units of content and procedure and time - have no life without teachers. The Faculty Catalog is published to help those who want to know and to use the School of Architecture: Students and prospective students - faculty and prospective faculty - fellow professionals - and the wider public. This edition includes those who taught at the School of Architecture during the academic years from 1993-94 through 1996-97. The Catalog gives a compact account of each teacher's academic and professional credentials. It briefly outlines schools and degrees, awards, previous teaching, current and former practice activity, professional service, and work placed before the public through publication or exhibition. Teachers are the essence of a school, the active agents of knowledge and experience. They define the character of the institution and shape the quality of the education to be pursued there. The School of Architecture is proud to introduce the rich backgrounds and the current accomplishments of its faculty. Edward M Baum, Dean.



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Published by The University of Texas at Arlington

Included in

Architecture Commons



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