UTA Department of Physics Faculty Publications preserved and shared openly!


Submissions from 2017


Robust moving-blocker scatter correction for cone-beam computed tomography using multiple-view information, Cong Zhao, Xi Chen, Luo Ouyang, Jing Wang, and Mingwu Jin


Investigation of Copper Cysteamine Nanoparticles as a New Type of Radiosensitiers for Colorectal Carcinoma Treatment, Zhipeng Liu, Li Xiong, Guoqing Ouyang, Lun Ma, Sunil Sahi, Kunpeng Wang, Liangwu Lin, He Huang, Xiongying Miao, Wei Chen, and Yu Wen


Fast alternating projection methods for constrained tomographic reconstruction, Li Liu, Yongxin Han, and Mingwu Jin

Submissions from 2010


Effects of particle size and composition on coercivity of Sm–Co nanoparticles prepared by surfactant-assisted ball milling, Narayan Poudyal, Chuan-Bing Rong, and J. Ping Liu


Anisotropic nanostructured magnets by magnetic-field-assisted processing, Chuan-Bing Rong, Van Vuong Nguyen, and J. Ping Liu


Fabrication of bulk nanocomposite magnets via severe plastic deformation and warm compaction,, Chuan-Bing Rong, Ying Zhang, Narayan Poudyal, Xiangyuan Xiong, Matthew J. Kramer, and J. Ping Liu

Submissions from 2009


Phase Transformation and Magnetic Hardening in Isolated FePt Nanoparticles, J. Ping Liu, Chuan-Bing Rong, Vikas Nandwana, Narayan Poudyal, and Girija S. Chaubey


Grain boundary contribution to recoil loop openness of exchange-coupled nanocrystalline magnets, Chuan-Bing Rong and J. Ping Liu


Shape control of FePt nanocrystals, Narayan Poudyal, Girija Shankar Chaubey, Chuan-Bing Rong, and J. Ping Liu


Phase Transformation and Magnetic Hardening in Isolated FePt Nanoparticles, J. Ping Liu, Chuan-Bing Rong, Vikas Nandwana, Narayan Poudyal, and Girija Shankar Chaubey


Observation of L1[subscript]0-like chemical ordering in a decahedral FePt nanoparticle by C[subscript]s-corrected high resolution transmission electron microscopy, Xuerang Hu, Lin Xie, Jing Zhu, Narayan Poudyal, J. Ping Liu, and Jun Yuan


Effect of thermal fluctuations on the recoil loops of SmCo5[subscript]/Fe nanocomposite system, Chuan-Bing Rong and J. Ping Liu


Bimagnetic nanoparticles with enhanced exchange coupling and energy products, Vikas Nandwana, Girija Shankar Chaubey, Kazuaki Yano, Chuan-Bing Rong, and J. Ping Liu


Microstructures and magnetic alignment of L10 FePt nanoparticles, Vikas Nandwana, Shishou Kang, Shifan Shi, Zhiyong Jia, G. R. Thompson, David E. Nikles, J. W. Harrell, Narayan Poudyal, and J. Ping Liu

Submissions from 2008


Do thermal fluctuations influence the recoil loops of nanocomposite magnets?, Chuan-Bing Rong and Yuzi Liu


Rapid thermal annealing of FePt nanoparticles, Kazuaki Yano, Vikas Nandwana, Narayan Poudyal, Chuan-Bing Rong, and J. Ping Liu


Rapid thermal annealing of FePt nanoparticles, Vikas Nandwana, Kazuaki Yano, Narayan Poudyal, Chuan-Bing Rong, and J. Ping Liu


High thermal stability of carbon-coated L1[subscript]0-FePt nanoparticles prepared by salt-matrix annealing, Chuan-Bing Rong, Narayan Poudyal, Girija S. Chuabey, Vikas Nandwana, Yuzi Liu, Y.Q. Wu, Matthew J. Kramer, Mikhail E. Kozlov, Ray H. Baughman, and J. Ping Liu


First-principles prediction of enhanced magnetic anisotropy in FeCo alloys, Dangxin Wu, Qiming Zhang, J. Ping Liu, Dingwang Yuan, and Ruqian Wu


High thermal stability of carbon-coated L10-FePt nanoparticles prepared by salt-matrix annealing, Vikas Nandwana, Chuan-Bing Rong, Narayan Poudyal, Girija S. Chaubey, Yuzi Liu, Y.Q. Wu, M.J. Kramer, M.E. Kozlov, Ray H. Baughman, and J. Ping Liu

Submissions from 2007


Structural phase transition and ferromagnetism in monodisperse 3 nm FePt particles, Chuan-Bing Rong, Narayan Poudyal, Girija Shankar Chaubey, Vikas Nandwana, R. Skomski, Y.Q. Wu, Matthew J. Kramer, and J. Ping Liu


Bulk FePt-based nanocomposite magnets with enhanced exchange coupling, Chuan-Bing Rong, Vikas Nandwana, Narayan Poudyal, J. Ping Liu, Mikhail E. Kozlov, Ray H. Baughman, Yong Ding, and Zhong Lin Wang


Temperature- and magnetic-field-induced phase transitions in Fe-rich FePt alloys, Chuan-Bing Rong and J. Ping Liu


Bulk FePt/Fe3Pt nanocomposite magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering, Chuan-Bing Rong, Vikas Nandwana, Narayan Poudyal, J. Ping Liu, Tetsuji Saito, Yaqiao Wu, and Matthew J. Kramer


Curie temperatures of annealed FePt nanoparticle systems, Chuan-Bing Rong, Yang Li, and J. Ping Liu


Bulk FePt-based nanocomposite magnets with enhanced exchange coupling, Vikas Nandwana, J. Ping Liu, Narayan Poudyal, Chuan-Bing Rong, Mikhail E. Kozlov, Ray H. Baughman, Yong Ding, and Zhong Lin Wang


Structural phase transition and ferromagnetism in monodisperse 3 nm FePt particles, Vikas Nandwana, Chuan-Bing Rong, Girija S. Chaubey, R Skomski, Y.Q. Wu, M.J. Kramer, and J. Ping Liu


Bulk FePt/Fe3Pt nanocomposite magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering, Vikas Nandwana, Chuan-Bing Rong, Narayan Poudyal, J. Ping Liu, Tetsuji Saito, Yaqiao Wu, and Matthew J. Kramer

Submissions from 2006


Transformation of electrical transport from variable range hopping to hard gap resistance in Zn[subscript]1−[subscript]xFe[subscript]xO[subscript]1[subscript]v magnetic semiconductor films, Y.F. Tian, Shi-Shen Yan, Y.P. Zhang, H.Q. Song, G. Ji, G.L. Liu, M.L. Mei, J. Ping Liu, B. Altuncevahir, V. Chakka, and Y.X. Chen


Mechanism of the anomalous temperature dependence of coercivity in Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)[subscript]z high-temperature magnets, Chuan-Bing Rong, Hong-wei Zhang, Bao-gen Shen, and J. Ping Liu


Hard magnetic FePt nanoparticles by salt-matrix annealing, Vikas Nandwana, Daren Li, Narayan Poudyal, Zhiqiang Jin, Kevin Eugene Elkins, and J. Ping Liu


Mechanism of the anomalous temperature dependence of coercivity in Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z high temperature magnets, Chuan-Bing Rong, Bao-Gen Shen, Hong-Wei Zhang, and J. Ping Liu