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Applied Physics Letters; PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH JOINT MMM-INTERMAG CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON, DC, 2010 / Hard Magnetic Materials


It has been a great challenge to produce anisotropic nanocrystalline bulk magnets. In this paper, we report our recent work in preparing anisotropic bonded magnets consisting of SmCo5 nanocrystalline particles. The work involved synthesis of nanocrystalline hard magnetic SmCo5 particles by ball milling in the presence of a magnetic field. Structural and magnetic characterizations show the alignment of the c-axis of the SmCo5 grains upon the magnetic-field-assisted ball milling, while the grain size was controlled under 15 nm. The formation of the texture may be attributed to the effect of magnetic fields on the grain orientation during the cold welding process during ball milling. The as-milled particles were then compacted under a magnetic field with a binder to form bonded bulk SmCo5 nanostructured magnets. X-ray diffraction patterns show c-axis alignment in the bulk magnets, which was consistent with the magnetic measurements.


Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics

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Available for download on Wednesday, January 01, 3000

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