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In the first year of the study, a methodology was developed to identify target industries with the best possibility for employing emerging and evolving occupations. Using existing labor market information and industry payroll titles, a list of candidate occupations was created. The second year of the study, whose findings are presented in this report, focused on validating the candidate list with industry experts and collecting descriptive variables for the resulting list of emerging and evolving occupations. This is not offered as an exhaustive list of emerging and evolving occupations in the state. The focus of the study had to be reduced to meet allotted time and financial constraints. Therefore, stakeholders should not take the occupations listed here as the only ones that are evolving and emerging in today's workplace. Forty-seven titles are presented in this report as occupations with emerging or evolving skills, duties, and/or tasks. These occupations are grouped into six industry-related clusters: (1) information technology; (2) electronics manufacturing; (3) services; (4) telecommunications; (5) transportation; and, (6) sanitation and environmental services. These six clusters and their related occupations are presented in the table on the following page. Descriptive information about industrial clusters and individual occupations follow in the text.

Publication Date





Austin, Tex. : Veterans' Land Board, 1990


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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