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The Symms National Recreational Trails Act, authorized by Congress and signed by the 61 President in 1991 as part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, created a 7.1% new federal trails assistance program. The recreational trails program receives its funding from a portion of federal gas taxes paid on fuel used in non-highway recreational vehicles. Funds can be spent to construct new recreational trails, improve/maintain existing trails, develop/improve trailheads or trailside facilities, and acquire trail corridor/easements. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is administering the funds in Texas under the approval of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Funding provided by this program is on a cost reimbursement basis. Project sponsors must initiate their approved projects with their own funds and be reimbursed up to 50 percent of allowable costs after submitting documentation of expenses. Projects may range in total cost between $5,000 and $100,000. The Texas Trails Advisory Board, made up of both motorized and non-motorized trail representatives, assists in the selection of funded projects. Selected projects must comply with FHWA funding requirements and be in accordance with all federal laws and executive orders. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes funding for selected projects based on the recommendations of the Texas Trails Advisory Board.

Publication Date






Austin, Tex. : Texas Parks and Wildlife, [1998]


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