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The authority's wealth, however, has seemed to engender a dangerous laxity in the fiscal policies of past board members and managers, and a tendency ignore the needs and expectations of its customers and owners -the taxpayers.This lack of cost-consciorisness has resulted in expensive consulting studies that sit on shelves, ignored and unused; failed projects that produce little for the- authority or its customers; and a general absence of budgetary restraint and common-sense accountabiiity. This-laxity has been encouraged, as documented in dozens of past studies and news articles, by the fact that Capital Metro has never enjoyed stable leadership. Its legacy, instead, has been a heavy turnover of managers and board members. As a result of these factors, Capital Metro has developed a dysfunctional organizational culture. The authority has fallen into a predictable pattern of leaping into projects without sufficient planiing or public debate, and then retrenching under a barrage of public criticism when the projects fail to live up to expectations. This spiral of failurehas proven extremely difficult to end without strong-outside intervention and new leadership. It also has made the public wary of Capital Metro. Now the Iegislature has given the authority a new board and governance structure, which at last is taking steps to put Capitil Metro on a sound footing to face the difficult challenges of Austin's future. This report is intended to give the new board a series of practical recommendations to build pubic confidence and trust in its efforts.

Publication Date





[Austin, Tex.] : Texas Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicle Titles and Registration, [1992]


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