Document Type
Honors Thesis
A driver was developed for the MSP432P401R microcontroller and the iRobot Create 2’s data packets in the C programming language. The driver enables less experienced programmers to easily interface between these two devices without having to directly send, receive, and interpret byte data packets. This was developed using the Open Interface provided by iRobot that describes each of the Create 2’s data packets, and the meaning of any data returned to the microcontroller. All communication between the two devices utilizes Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, or UART. The driver is easily incorporated into any C project and provides functions that provides the full functionality of the Create 2. This could easily be altered to accommodate interface with any microcontroller with only minor modifications.
Publication Date
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Holloway, Zachary, "DRIVING THE IROBOT CREATE2 – DATA FUNCTIONS" (2020). 2020 Spring Honors Capstone Projects. 13.