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Dissertations from 2013


Nematodes With Three Genders: Models For The Evolution Of Mating Systems, Parasitism And Aging, Jyotiska Chaudhuri


Impacts Of Anthropogenic Disturbances And Drought On Breeding Bird Abundance And Diversity In The Rolling Plains Ecoregion Of Texas, Natalie Ellen Hubbard


Saponins As Agents Preventing Infection Caused By Waterborne Pathogens, Alisa Moric Johnson


Biological Relevance Of JAZ Proteins In The Interaction Between Pseudomonas syrinage And Arabiopsis thaliana, Nisita Obulareddy


Local And Watershed Influences On The Species Composition And Functional Organization Of Stream Diatom Communities In The Acid-impacted Adirondack Region Of New York, Katrina Lynn Pound

Dissertations from 2012


Phylogenetic Systematics, Population Genetics, And The Evolution Of Color Pattern Polymorphism And Coralsnake Mimicry In The Snake Genus Sonora, Christian L. Cox


Phylogenetic Systematics Of Dispholidine Colubrids (Serpentes: Colubridae), Thomas Gernot Eimermacher


A Comparative Approach To Elucidating The Physiological Response In Symbiodinium To Changes In Temperature, Elizabeth S. McGinty


Phylogenetic Relationships And Feeding Behavior Of Neotropical Snail-eating Snakes (Dipsadinae, Dipsadini), Coleman Matthew Sheehy


Evolutionary Relationships In Some Northern Groups Of The Direct-developing Frog Genus Craugastor (Anura: Craugastoridae), Jeffrey W. Streicher


The Role Of Life History In The Toxicity Of The Toxic Golden Haptophyte Prymnesium parvum, Betty Zitoon

Dissertations from 2011


Bioinformatic Identification Of Small RNA (and Their Targets) In The Testis Of Clawed Frogs (Xenopus And Silurana): Implications For Male Fertility, M.J. Madison-Villar


Intra-specific Variation Across A Small Temperature Difference In The Spider Rabidosa rabida (Araneae: Lycosidae) From The Mountains In Arkansas, Ryan Joseph Stork

Dissertations from 2010


Explorations Of Aspects Of Mixotrophy Using Mathematical Models, Kenneth W. Crane


Analysis Of The Suppressive Effects By Reovirus On Rotavirus Replication During Co-infections, Melody Lyn Kiesling-Barrager


Comparison Of The DNA Methylation Patterns Between Interspecific Xenopus F1 Hybrids And Their Parental Species, Alie Patrick Koroma


Reproductive Isolation In Drosophila: From Behavior To Genome, Daina Ma


Effects Of The Exotic Invader, Tamarix spp., On Aspects Of The Aquatic Ecosystem At McComb Creek, Presidio County, Texas, Jane Blaisdell Nellan Moore


The Herpetofauna Of The Virunga Mountains With Emphasis On Two Species of Albertine Rift Endemic Treefrogs Of The Genus Leptopelis., Corey Edward Roelke


Characterization Of Anti-rotavirus Activities Of Saponin Extracts From Quillaja Saponaria, Ka Ian Tam


Insights Into The Transmission Of Helitrons And Their Impact On The Genome Architecture Of Myotis Lucifugus, The Little Brown Bat, Jainy Thomas

Dissertations from 2009


Natural Hybridization And Speciation In Toads Of The Anaxyrus americanus Group., Brian E. Fontenot


Analysis Of Novel Regulatory Region And Function Of A Young Drosophila Retrogene: Dntf-2r, Mansi Motiwale Kunte


Diversity And Community Organization In The Periphyton Of Recirculating Streams Channels Are Defined By Current Velocity And Nutrient Supply, Chad A. Larson


Theoretical And Practical Utility Of Gene Sequences in Phylogenetic and Phylogeographic Analysis, Robert Aaron Makowsky


Evolutionary Morphology Of The Speckled Rattlesnakes (viperidae: Crotalus Mitchellii Group), Jesse Malcolm Meik


Thermal Tolerance, Physiologic Condition, And Population Genetics Of Dreissenid Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis bugensis) Relative To Their Invasion Of Waters In The Western United States, John T. Morse

Dissertations from 2008


Comparative Thermal Biology And Associated Niche Differentiation Among the Five-Lined Skinks, Charles Matthew Watson


How Herbivores Affect Plant Growth, Community Structure And Litter Decomposition In Alaskan Tundra: Implications For Responses To Climate Change, David R. Johnson


The Control Of Gene Expression By High Light Stress In Cyanobacteria Through The Apparent Two-component NblS-RpaB Signal Transduction Pair, Anthony David Kappell


Phylogeography And Geographical Variation Of Behavioral And Morphological Characteristics In Paruroctonus boreus, Abraham Miller


Species Limits And Phylogenetic Systematic Of The Diurnal Geckos Of The Genus Gonatodes (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae), Walter E. Schargel


An Analysis Of Tracheid Length Versus Age In A 4842-year Old Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva D.K. Bailey) Called Prometheus, Teresa Halupnik


Ecological Genetics Of Adaptive Life-history Phenotypes In The Cricket Allonemobius socius, Diana Lea Huestis


The Evolutionary History And Genomic Impact Of Mammalian Dna Transposons, John Kelly Pace

Dissertations from 2007


A Sticky Situation: Functional Responses Of Mast Cells To Acidic pH, Nicole Conaway Grose


Efficacy Of A Series Of Organotin Polymers As Anticancer And Antiviral Drugs, Kimberly Rae Shahi


Genetic Determinants Of Reproductive Isolation In Xenopus, John Malone


Rate Of Diversification In Crickets (Orthoptera: Ensifera) And A Possible Role Of F Supergroup Wolbachia In Bush Crickets, Kanchana Panaram


Efficacy Of Selected Natural And Synthetic Novel Organic Compounds In Prevention Of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Macrofouling By Byssal Attachment Inhibition, Maj-Britt Angarano

Dissertations from 2006


Comparison Of The Ingestion And Digestion Rates Of Ochromonas danica Grazing On Pseudomonas fluorescens Of Varying Food Quality, Stephen Paul Shannon

Dissertations from 2005


Feasibility For Utilization Of A Freshwater Pulmonate Snail, Physa acuta, As A Model Organism For Environmental Toxicity Testing, With Special Reference To Cadmium Ion Toxicity, Valerie Woodard