
Michelle Reed

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As academic librarians become increasingly involved with advocacy and implementation of open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP) on our campuses, it is important to think critically about how such initiatives further the strategic goals and priorities of the libraries and institutions we serve. OER/OEP advocacy typically includes copyright education, making this budding area of librarianship a rich example of how we may leverage the intersections of scholarly communication and information literacy to strengthen our outreach and educational initiatives. This hands-on workshop builds on concepts presented in "ACRL Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy Webcast Series," sponsored by CILIP. We'll discuss open education in the context of librarianship, review the intersecting cornerstones of information literacy and scholarly communication, and apply strategic mapping and partnership exploration to open educational programming. (Sponsored presentation at Libraries' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) in Swansea, UK.)

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