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This report presents a process for identifying emerging and significantly evolving occupations within key Texas industries and explains our research findings to date. The goal of the project is to provide a current information resource to help students and adult job-seekers make informed career and training choices. In particular, this report targets individuals who plan to pursue an associate degree, skill certification, or an alternative training program other than a four-year baccalaureate degree. Throughout the course of this year we identified thirteen key industries in Texas promising employment growth and good job quality. Within these thirteen industries we identified thirty-six specific titles and fourteen clusters of emerging and significantly evolving occupations. This list of emerging and evolving occupations is not intended to be exhaustive of every career option available; rather, it is a guide to the most promising emerging and evolving non-baccalaureate career choices in Texas. The key industries are analyzed in Chapters Four through Ten. These chapters may suggest to the reader other occupations within these key industries that may be of interest or for which the reader has some background, familiarity, or expertise. For more information about occupational titles within these thirteen industries, information about education and training programs, and information about local employers within these industries, readers are encouraged to consult a career guidance counselor, the career center at a local community or technical college, a local One-Stop Career Center, or a local Workforce Development Board.

Project director and lead author, Terry Ramsey

Publication Date






[Austin, Tex.] : Texas Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, [1994]


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