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Unfortunately, historic cemeteries do not necessarily remain permanent reminders of our heritage. They are subject to long-tern deterioration from natural forces such as weatherin gand uncontrolled vegetation. Neglect accelerates and compounds the process. Development activities and construction projects are also a threat to these precious resources. With this booklet, the Texas Historial Commission presents steps to aid in the preservation of the state's historic cemeteries. None of these steps, however, will be sucessful without the involvement of individuals who have an interest in local culture and history and a commitment to saving the physical remnants of Texas' heritage that are present in our communities.

Cemeteries are among the most valuable of historic resources. They are reminders of various settlement patterns, such as villages, rural communities, urban centers and ghost towns. Cemeteries can reveal information about historic events, religion, lifestyles and genealogy. Names on grave markers serve as a directory of early residents and reflect the ethnic diversity and unique population of an area. Grave marker designs and cemetery decoration and landscaping represent a variety of cultural influences that helped shape the history of Texas. Established in large part for the benefit of the living, cemeteries perpetuate the memories of the deceased, who bequeathed their communities the amenities that give a place character and definition. In communities that have a strong sense of history, people are more likely to protect and maintain cemeteries. Unfortunately, historic cemeteries do not necessarily remain permanent reminders of our heritage. They are subject to long-term deterioration from natural forces such as weathering and uncontrolled vegetation. Neglect accelerates and compounds the process. Development activities and construction projects are also a threat to these precious resources. With this booklet, the Texas Historical Commission presents steps to aid in the preservation of the state's historic cemeteries. None of these steps, however, will successful without the involvement of individuals who have an interest in local culture and history and a commitment to saving the physical remnants of Texas' heritage that are present in our communities.

Publication Date






[Austin, Tex. : Texas Workforce Commission, 2004]


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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