
David Mabry

Document Type

Learning Object


This mini-unit contains lesson plans that were designed to give a local connection to students studying the desegregation of schools following the historic Brown v Board of Education decision on 1955. The incident in Mansfield was significant in the fact that the governor of the state used state law enforcement officers to ensure African-American students did not register for the new school year at Mansfield High School. These plans included a variety of activities to understand the struggle for equality of education and its importance in overcoming Jim Crow legislation throughout the South. the construction of a timeline for desegregation in the United States, portions of relevant state law from the era relevant to segregation of public school in the State of Texas, images from the archives of Fort Worth Star Telegram housed at the University of Texas Special Collections Division. The lessons marshal some of best resources publicly available to help the instructor provide not only a rich learning experience but to enable the students to further explore their interests to create a deeper understanding of one of the greatest historical issues in United States History. Refer to the additional files below for all details and resources.


Arts and Humanities | History | Social History

Publication Date





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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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