Graduation Semester and Year
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy in Management
First Advisor
James Campbell Quick
This dissertation explores the antecedents and outcomes associated with the individual stress response. It begins with an extensive literature review of three conceptualizations of stress in organizations. Next, the construct psychological capital is explored as a potential moderator of the stressor-stress response relationship. A review of the psychological capital literature is presented including the potential and limitations of current interventions designed to develop psychological capital. A synthetic model for organizational stress is developed and presented. Hypotheses are formulated based on this model. In order to test hypotheses, two tools are developed. First, Psychological Capital Training (PCT), a multimodal intervention designed to help individuals develop psychological capital, is created using best practices from the field of stress prevention intervention. PCT is then tested in the field using a randomized experiment with pretest and post test. Second, a scale (Self-Report Stress Response Questionnaire, SRSRQ11), designed to measure positive and negative stress response (eustress and distress), is developed and validated in three separate studies. Following validation, the SRSRQ11 is used to test hypotheses. Results of hypotheses testing are presented. This study found evidence to support that hindrance stressors are predictors of cognitive distress, that cognitive eustress and distress predict positive and negative changes in well being, and that cognitive distress predicts adverse changes in health. Findings and limitations of the study are discussed. Future implications of this study on the literature and on the profession are presented.
Business | Business Administration, Management, and Operations
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Recommended Citation
Hargrove, Matthew Blake, "Antecedents And Outcomes Associated With The Individual Stress Response" (2012). Management Dissertations. 9.
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Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington