
Natasha Pooran

Document Type

Honors Thesis


An unrecognized component of the stereotype that Asian students achieve at a higher academic level than their counterparts is that many have immigrant parents; students may be affected by cultural differences in parenting styles and values, which in turn affects their motivations to succeed in school and unknowingly perpetuate the stereotype. To determine if differences exist in intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation among children of immigrant parents (CIPs), a 28-item survey adapted from the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) was used. Survey data collected from 183 undergraduate students at the University of Texas at Arlington were analyzed through three chi-square tests of independence comparing the three types of motivation in CIPs and non-CIPs, and no significant differences were found. The findings suggest that no relationship exists between types of academic motivation and CIP status. However, further research with a larger, more ethnically diverse sample should be considered.

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