
Hailey Phillips

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Working, short-term, and long-term memory are three of the essential brain functioning required to understand and master new material, whether online or in-person. My project is constructed to supplement Dr. Pollocks Anatomy & Physiology lecture for additional online reinforcement or independent study. The videos I have created strike the correct cognitive load balance for easy understanding while maintaining learning objectives. Videos were created via OneNote and additional effects were edited with Adobe Premiere Pro. The narration is recorded separately on a H2n Handy recorder and edited in audacity. The goal is to captivate and educate the viewer on the three assigned subtopics of special senses: Smell/taste, vision, hearing. Educational videos will become an integral part of our education system and can supplement in person classes or allow any student with a laptop device and access to Wi-Fi an educational opportunity.

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