Graduation Semester and Year

Summer 2024



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Wei-Jen Lee

Second Advisor

Dr. Rasool Kenarangui

Third Advisor

Dr. Ali Davoudi


External short circuit testing (ESCT) is one of the many steps towards ensuring lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are safe for different applications. The nature of testing is sensitive due to the concern of safety and data integrity. Great care and planning must be done before conducting these tests. Bouncing in recorded data is observed in literatures with high sampling rates due to switching and moving mechanical parts. This impacts the estimation accuracy of battery internal parameter values especially the effective ohmic resistance (Ro). This dissertation proposes a zero bouncing circuit design to eliminate this problem. Multi-rate Pulse Discharge Testing (MPDT) is conducted at safe current levels up to 7C at 25℃. To extract the values of internal battery parameters, Python is used, and the values are compared with those from an ESCT conducted using the same setup. In a bid to prevent more batteries from entering the waste stream, internal resistance of a post external short circuit battery (PESCB) is measured and compared to the internal resistance change during cyclic ageing of a healthy battery (HB). The data collected and results will be used to assess the reusability of lightly abused batteries based on their internal resistance change.


battery, external short circuit, cyclic ageing, pulse discharge testing, internal resistance


Power and Energy


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


I am truly grateful to Dr. Wei-Jen Lee, for his guidance, patience and vision that led me to accomplish what I did in the last half a decade of my life and hence, a Ph.D.

I also extend my thanks to all my dissertation committee members, Dr. Rasool Kenarangui and Dr. Ali Davoudi for their comments and feedback.

I also thank my friends and lab mates Anusha Papasani and Po-En Su from Energy Systems Research Center (ESRC).

Lastly, I would like to thank all EE department members of UTA and Mr. Arun Nair.



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