Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry


Chemistry and Biochemistry

First Advisor

Daniel W Armstrong


The main focus of this dissertation is on the development of new chiral stationary phases for HPLC and GC and the application of ionic liquids in analytical chemistry. They will be discussed separately in two parts. Enantiomeric separations continue to be of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry. It is because drug molecules of opposite chirality often possess distinctive effects in biological environments. Direct chromatography is one of the major techniques used to address the challenge of enantiomeric analysis. Macrocyclic glycopeptides are a very useful class of chiral selectors for HPLC stationary phases because of their broad enantioselectivity. A study of a new macrocyclic glycopeptide antibiotic, dalbavancin, as chiral selector for HPLC will be described in part one. Two stationary phases based on dalbavancin were synthesized via two different binding strategies and compared against with commercial teicoplanin column. The application of Ionic liquids in analytical chemistry is growing rapidly due to their valuable properties such as wide liquid temperature range, high thermal stability, inflammability etc. Several techniques based on ionic liquids are maturing into commercialized products. In part two, the synthesis, physical properties, and the use as ion pairing reagent for anion detection in ESI-MS of linear tricationic ionic liquids will be presented. In chapter 7, a study of new chiral GC columns using ionic liquids as matrices and methylated ionic cyclodextrin as chiral selector will be discussed.


Chemistry | Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

Included in

Chemistry Commons
