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We are pleased to submit this report in response to your request that we study the feasibility of budget execution in Texas. We believe that budget execution powers can be effectively exercised only by the officials and staff charged with responsibility for initial preparation of the budget. The present duplication of budget-making authority that exists in Texas militates against the effective use of budget execution. At the same time, we believe that both the Governor and the Legislature have an equal concern in shaping the spending program of the state government - the premise which underlies our present Texas system. Accordingly, we are recommending that budget preparation be the responsibility of a State Budget Commission in which both the Governor and the legislative leadership would participate. To the extent permissible under our Constitution, we propose that the legislative leadership also participate in the budget execution policy. This is not an untried system; it exists, with variations, in eleven states. North Carolina has employed a very similar system since 1961, and officials in that state have discussed it in detail with our staff. These officials state that budget execution produces biennial savings of some $50 million on a state budget about half that of Texas.

Publication Date





Austin : RPC, Inc., 1978


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