Document Type



Quality Texas was implemented at the request of Governor Ann Richards to address the critical needs Texas businesses are facing to remain profitable and competitive in the global marketplace. The program was designed by a community of quality experts from across Texas representing the business, government and education sectors. The need for small and medium-sized businesses to adopt quality systems has become increasingly evident as large corporations move toward single source suppliers who can provide the highest quality parts and services with not only the lowest costs, but also the lowest number of defects per million and lowest cycle times. These preferred suppliers often comprise only 5 percent of those previously considered as acceptable vendors. Most large corporations that have adopted TOM certify only those suppliers verify proven in-house quality systems. In particular, European customers often require that vendors have quality systems certified under the International Standards Organization 9000 Series Rules. It is the goal of Quality Texas to assist Texas suppliers in meeting these new quality standards, thereby retaining their positions on preferred vendor lists and remaining a viable part of the Texas economic base.

Publication Date






Austin, TX : Texas Department of Commerce, [1993]


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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