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The dramatic population and economic growth experienced in Texas during the 1970s is expected to continue throughout the rest of the century. We will be increasingly challenged to use our natural resources productively and carefully, provide government services that are essential and economical, and maintain and improve our quality of life. The Texas 2000 Commission agrees with that assessment. Our first task was to identify and study issues critical to the continued health and vitality of the Texas economy and quality of life. Then, we focused on determining recommendations for action that are consistent with the appropriate roles of Texas State government. While the responsibility for implementing these recommendations will rest with others, we offer a suggestion: Implementation should begin with the widespread dissemination of this report to Texans. It is crucial that individuals have the opportunity to respond to it. These are issues and recommendations which require statewide understanding and support.

Publication Date






[Austin, Tex.] : Texas 2000 Commission, [1982]


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