Document Type


Source Publication Title

Technical paper - Texas Coastal Management Program no. 1


The purpose of the pilot study is to test the social and economic component (SEC) of the activity assessment routine. It was undertaken (1) to identify areas in the SEC needing refinement, (2) to estimate the time and personnel required to perform the SEC, and (3) to test the computer programs for the SEC. The model predicts certain social and economic impacts of an industrial facility on the surrounding area. The impacts identified during the course of this study are those associated with the construction phase of the project. These are short-term impacts. In contrast, the impacts of the operations phase will be of longer duration. Detailed analysis was limited to the construction phase because this phase provided a better test of the model than the operations phase, although the major impacts of the operations phase are also described.

Publication Date





Austin : RPC, Inc., 1978


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