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Report (Texas. Legislature. Legislative Council) no. 55-6.


Your Study Committee finds as follows: The absence of authority in any executive agency of the State government to negotiate and consummate arrangements for the sale, lease, or other disposition of submerged areas and islands has
(1) retarded the over-all development of these Stateowned lands which are potentially so important to the economy of Texas,
(2) deprived the State of much-needed revenue,
(3) specifically worked hardships upon littoral property owners, business concerns interested in the industrial development of coastal areas, and those desirous of developing home sites and recreational facilities, and
4) resulted in either stalemate or unauthorized developments. Evidence of the public interest in these matters is to be found in the reports of the Land Commissioner over a period of years and a great volume of recent requests on file with the General Land Office for permits to do various things which, regardless of their merits, cannot be authorized. The lack of specific authority for any agency to act in the capacity of official representative of the State to negotiate with the Federal government concerning matters affecting the islands, submerged lands, and coastal waterways, or which arise in other areas of mutual concern along the Gulf Coast, has sometimes resulted in the State's interests not being fully identified and consequently protected. State officials and citizens generally who were interviewed or submitted their comments in writing appear to be unanimous in their opinion that action should be taken by the Legislature to fill this long-standing vacuum -- a statutory gap which becomes more acute with the passage of time. Bibliographical footnotes.

Publication Date





Austin, 1958


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