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SAO report no. 94-114


The new statewide plan needs input that is representative of all businesses and industry groups in the State. To get some indication of business opinions about economic development programs, the State Auditor's Office surveyed 194 of the State's business taxpayers. Although the response rate (106 of 194, or 55 percent) was not adequate to allow projection of the results with confidence to the entire population, the results provided useful information about the opinions of Texas business taxpayers. The respondents indicated that few businesses (25 percent) were aware of economic development programs, and even fewer (13 percent) felt they had benefitted from them. Similar information-from-business-taxpayers should be used in -updating the State's economic development plan to help determine which services are most important and where they are most needed. The absence of statewide planning also contributed to the other two issues discussed in this report, which deal with coordination and performance monitoring. Agencies reviewed in this report are Departments of Commerce, Agriculture, Housing and Community Affairs, Treasury, and the Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Publication Date





Austin, Tex. : The Office, [1994]


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