Document Type



This Bond Application Report Format was approved by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission on October 26, 1995, pursuant to the provisions of 30 TAC Section 293.43(5) and is designed specifically for Districts which do not have a developer(s) as a primary land owner, as defined by V.T.C.A., Texas Water Code, Section 49.052(d), no developer reimbursements, no developer subdivision water, wastewater, and drainage projects and the feasibility is based on no-growth. The information requested herein shall be filed with the bond application in the form of an engineering report with a registered engineer's seal and signature affixed. The format of the engineering report shall conform to that shown herein, with all titles, subtitles and references copied. Information in bold face is required to be copied. If it is preferred, certain copies of the attachments (maps, etc.) may be reduced and bound in the report as long as the full size documents are available. The report has been structured in such a manner to provide some guidance in the preparation of a complete application. All information and documents requested should be provided if it is applicable to your project.

Publication Date





Austin, Tex. : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, [1995]


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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