
C. Holt Jr.

Document Type

Musical Score


Front cover: On the left side of the cover are four battle scenes one on top of the other. The scenes as stated in the caption accompanying each picture, going from top to bottom, are listed as: Monterey, Buena Vista, Cerro Gordo and Vera Cruz. At the bottom of the page is another battle scene identified only as "Mexico" according to caption. Each of the battle scenes are surrounded by highly decorative borders and scrolls. At the top of the cover is an eagle holding a shield surrounded by flags and decorative scrolling. Above the eagle are the words "We Hope In God". In the center of the cover is a portrait of a man surrounded by laurel wreath.

First line of song: Toll, toll the knell, for the hearts laid low, On the blood stained fields of Mexico

The Poetry by Mrs. Balmanno

"I need not say that the affecting subject of the Song, touches me both as a Father and I hope a Patriot" - Quote from front cover

Music Composed and Dedicated (by Special Permission) to the Hon. Henry Clay by Miss Augusta Browne.

1 score, (6p.), 32x24 cm

Published by C. Holt. Jr., New York


Arts and Humanities | Composition | Music

Publication Date





Digitized by UTA Libraries in 2016.

Included in

Composition Commons



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