Document Type

Musical Score


Front cover: A picture of a man looking at a paper smoking a pipe and a woman standing on top of an automobile, kicking her leg up with a drink in her hand. There is another lady sitting on top of the automobile next to her reaching out to the crowd with her drink, while the couple driving looks into each others eyes while the woman caresses the man's face. Behind the automobile is a barrel of cider being carried on a cart. There is a man leaning up against the barrel and another sitting on it with his glass raised in the air.

First line of song: "Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking" said his wifey dear

First line of chorus: How 'ya gonna keep 'em, down on the farm, After they've seen Paree?

Includes sheet music sample from the song "That Tumble-Down Shack In Athlone"

Words by Sam M. Lewis and Joe Young

Music by Walter Donaldson

Allegro moderato

1 score, (4p.), 31x24 cm

Published by Waterson, Berlin & Synder Co, New York


Arts and Humanities | Composition | Music

Publication Date





Digitized by UTA Libraries in 2016.

Included in

Composition Commons



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