Document Type

Musical Score


Front cover: In the center is a picture of a circular portrait of a teenage girl surrounded by six rectangular full body pictures of her in various poses


First line of song: Listen little girl my head's in a whirl and I think the blame should fall on you

First line of chorus: What is the harm in a bit of walk my dearie what is the harm in a bit of a walk with me

Includes sheet music samples from the song "Some Sunny Day"

Introduced by Dorothy Gish In the screen production of "Boots"

Words by Elmer Clifton

Music by Norman McNeil

Popular Edition

1 score, (4p.), 30x24 cm

Published by Jermone H. Remick & Co., Detroit & New York


Arts and Humanities | Composition | Music

Publication Date





Digitized by UTA Libraries in 2016.

Included in

Composition Commons



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