Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Sociology


Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

Chardie Baird


Research on occupational sex segregation and the gender wage gap has consistently shown differences between male and female workers with regards to both position and salary with males segregated in higher positions within companies and accruing higher salaries than females even in similar positions. Two primary explanations have emerged to explain these differences. Supply-side explanations, such as those put forth by economists, assume that the desires of male and female workers are different thus creating women’s disadvantaged work positions. Demand-side explanations, such as those examined in queuing theory, postulate that those in charge of hiring are biased towards male workers creating advantages for men and disadvantages for women. This study addresses two questions. Do male and female clergy in the United Methodist Church differ in regards to salary, position, and church resources? Do clergywomen feel inequality exists between men and women clergy and how do they explain the inequality? The research examines a sample of United Methodist clergy to determine whether they have significant differences in salary, church resources, and occupational position along gender lines. By relying on data released by the United Methodist Church, this study presents a model to determine if differences exist while controlling for economic measures. In addition, the study attempts to determine whether supply-side or demand-side explanations are more relevant explanations for gender differences in the clergy career through the eyes of ten clergywomen in the United Methodist Church.


Social and Behavioral Sciences | Sociology


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

Included in

Sociology Commons
