Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


Social Work

First Advisor

Jandel Crutchfield


The gentrification of Black and Brown neighborhoods in Chicago is an ongoing process that deserves attention and analysis. The purpose of this scoping review was to determine the factors contributing to the gentrification of Chicago neighborhoods. The purpose included investigating if there is a fear of Blackness associated with the gentrification of Black and Brown neighborhoods. The methodology followed for the scoping review included the recommendations from Arskey & O’Malley’s (1994) Scoping Studies: Towards a Methodological Framework. This methodology included using the research question to gather the relevant articles to chart, summarize, and analyze the results (Arskey & O’Malley 1994). Obtained from the results were the thematic schemes, which are space, place and location; neoliberalism; and poverty. The Implications for social workers, limitations, and recommendations are addressed and discussed.


Gentrification, Chicago (Ill.), Fear, Blackness, Antiblack, Neoliberalism, Poverty, Location


Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social Work


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (245 kB)

Included in

Social Work Commons



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