Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


Social Work

First Advisor

Genevieve Graaf


When analyzed by general factors of effectiveness (Lispsey, 2009) and concepts of gender-responsivity (Day, Zahn, & Tichavsky, 2015) that target the needs of female juvenile-justice involved youth, reviewed studies show the concomitant need to address trauma-based mental health concerns with attention to the quality of implementation and appropriateness of setting in which the intervention is effectuated. Findings show effective intervention for this population aims to target the youth's negative internal mechanisms related to trauma-subsequent psychosocial problems. These studies further suggest that trauma-sensitive modalities have the potential to mitigate further risk of problematic external behaviors. This position of this review is ultimately that while effectiveness of intervention is predicated on trauma-informed care and responsiveness to population characteristics, attention to internalized, trauma-based mental health along with intervention quality and appropriateness of setting are key components to moving the needle when it comes to intervention for these young women.


Juvenile, Offender, Delinquent, Female, Girls, Intervention, Treatment, Therapy, Trauma, Recidivism, Behavior


Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social Work


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (570 kB)

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Social Work Commons



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