Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Physics



First Advisor

Wei Chen


Zinc based nanoparticles have great potential for use in radiation detection as well as uses in solid state lighting. In this thesis, we report the synthesis of ZnO: Eu3+ with the use of solid state diffusion at temperatures between 600 C and 700 C. We found that the emission of the nanoparticles depends particularly on the synthesis temperature as well as the molar concentration. The emission of the samples can be tuned to either the wavelengths of 495 nm and 611 nm. The formation of ZnO: Eu3+ has been identified with the use the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The TEM showed that crystal fringes formed with a lattice constant of .50 nm. In addition, we conducted studies of ZnS: Co2+ and ZnS: Ag1+ which showed that the oxidation of the samples will change the luminescent properties of the samples. With the use of the X-Ray Diffraction Data (XRD), we showed that the diffraction peaks of the samples are characteristic peaks of either ZnO or ZnS depending on the cooking conditions. We use a straightforward approach of synthesizing the samples which have a major impact on developing sample which are tunable to different emission peaks.


Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

Included in

Physics Commons
