Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Applied Physics



First Advisor

Jaehoon Yu


In this thesis, searches for the exclusive Standard Model (SM) and charged hMSSM Higgs bosons are performed. While observations of the SM Higgs boson in 2012 by ATLAS and CMS collaborations were ground-breaking, several of the SM Higgs boson properties such as its coupling strengths and branching ratios of its decays still carry large systematic uncertainties. Higgs boson candidates from exclusive production could lower these systematic uncertainties due to their cleaner production environment, improving knowledge of the SM Higgs boson sector. Since the charged Higgs boson is not included in the SM, its evidence would clearly indicate physics beyond the SM which could address the hierarchy problem. Since no signal is observed for either of these bosons, limits to their production cross sections are set. A 95% confidence-level upper limit on the total production cross-section for exclusive Higgs boson is set to 1.2 pb. Limits on the total production cross section of the charged Higgs boson times its branching ratio to τ ν are set between 1.9 pb and 15 fb, for charged Higgs boson masses ranging from 200 to 2000 GeV.


Higgs Boson, Particle physics


Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (6622 kB)

Included in

Physics Commons



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